FlashRank.jl 的靈感來自於最初由 Prithiviraj Damodaran 開發的很棒的 FlashRank Python 套件。該軟體包利用 Prithiviraj 的 HF 儲存庫和 Svilupp 的 HF 儲存庫中的模型權重,提供一種快速有效的方法來對與任何給定查詢相關的文件進行排名,而無需 GPU 和大量依賴項。
)有多快?使用 Tiny 模型,您可以在筆記型電腦上在大約 0.1 秒內對 100 個文件進行排名。使用 MiniLM(12 層)模型,您可以在大約 0.4 秒內對 100 個文件進行排名。
提示:選擇在延遲預算範圍內可以承受的最大型號,即 MiniLM L-12 最慢,但精度最高。
請注意,我們使用的 BERT 模型的最大區塊大小為 512 個標記(超過的任何內容都會被截斷)。
using Pkg
Pkg . activate ( " . " )
Pkg . add ( " FlashRank " )
using FlashRank
ranker = RankerModel () # Defaults to model = `:tiny`
query = " How to speedup LLMs? "
passages = [
" Introduce *lookahead decoding*: - a parallel decoding algo to accelerate LLM inference - w/o the need for a draft model or a data store - linearly decreases # decoding steps relative to log(FLOPs) used per decoding step. " ,
" LLM inference efficiency will be one of the most crucial topics for both industry and academia, simply because the more efficient you are, the more $$$ you will save. vllm project is a must-read for this direction, and now they have just released the paper " ,
" There are many ways to increase LLM inference throughput (tokens/second) and decrease memory footprint, sometimes at the same time. Here are a few methods I’ve found effective when working with Llama 2. These methods are all well-integrated with Hugging Face. This list is far from exhaustive; some of these techniques can be used in combination with each other and there are plenty of others to try. - Bettertransformer (Optimum Library): Simply call `model.to_bettertransformer()` on your Hugging Face model for a modest improvement in tokens per second. - Fp4 Mixed-Precision (Bitsandbytes): Requires minimal configuration and dramatically reduces the model's memory footprint. - AutoGPTQ: Time-consuming but leads to a much smaller model and faster inference. The quantization is a one-time cost that pays off in the long run. " ,
" Ever want to make your LLM inference go brrrrr but got stuck at implementing speculative decoding and finding the suitable draft model? No more pain! Thrilled to unveil Medusa, a simple framework that removes the annoying draft model while getting 2x speedup. " ,
" vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving. vLLM is fast with: State-of-the-art serving throughput Efficient management of attention key and value memory with PagedAttention Continuous batching of incoming requests Optimized CUDA kernels " ,
result = rank (ranker, query, passages)
,包含已排序的段落、它們的分數(0-1,其中 1 是最好的)以及已排序文件的位置(參考原始passages
以下簡要概述如何將 FlashRank.jl 整合到 PromptingTools.jl RAG 管道中。
using FlashRank
using PromptingTools
using PromptingTools . Experimental . RAGTools
const RT = PromptingTools . Experimental . RAGTools
# Wrap the model to be a valid Ranker recognized by RAGTools
# It will be provided to the airag/rerank function to avoid instantiating it on every call
struct FlashRanker <: RT.AbstractReranker
model :: RankerModel
reranker = RankerModel ( :tiny ) |> FlashRanker
# Define the method for ranking with it
function RT . rerank (
reranker :: FlashRanker , index :: RT.AbstractDocumentIndex , question :: AbstractString ,
candidates :: RT.AbstractCandidateChunks ; kwargs ... )
# # omitted for brevity
# # See examples/prompting_tools_integration.jl for details
# # Apply to the pipeline configuration, eg,
cfg = RAGConfig (; retriever = RT . AdvancedRetriever (; reranker))
# # assumes existing index
question = " Tell me about prehistoric animals "
result = airag (cfg, index; question, return_all = true )
embedder = FlashRank . EmbedderModel ( :tiny_embed )
passages = [ " This is a test " , " This is another test " ]
result = FlashRank . embed (embedder, passages)