在 Google、Bing、Brave、Ecosia、Yahoo 或 Yandex 中搜尋包含多個網站的搜尋字詞。已經提供了預設列表,其中包含 Github、Gitlab、Surveymonkey、Trello 等。
為什麼不手動輸入幾個網站的 dorks 呢?想一想:
SiteDorks 應該能夠使用 Python 3 在預設的 Kali Linux 安裝中運行,而無需安裝額外的 Python 套件。只需運行:
git clone
cd sitedorks
如果您在運行 SiteDorks 時遇到問題,請向我提出問題,我會嘗試修復它:)
usage: sitedorks [-h] [-browser <browser>] [-cat <category>] [-cats] [-count <count>] [-engine <engine>] [-file <file>]
[-query <query>] [-site <on|off|inurl>] [-excl <domains>] [-echo]
Use your favorite search engine to search for a search term with different websites. Use single quotes around a
query with double quotes. Be sure to enclose a query with single quotes it contains shell control characters like
space, ';', '>', '|', etc.
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message, print categories on file (add -file to check other CSV file) and exit.
-hh, --help2 Show the help inside a .csv file being called. Lines in the beginning of the script starting with # are displayed as help.
-browser <browser> Supply the browser executable to use or use the default browser.
-cat <category> Choose from 1 or more categories, use ',' (comma) as delimiter. Defaults to all categories.
-cats Show all categories on file, use with or without -file.
-count <count> How many websites are searched per query. Google has a maximum length for queries.
-engine <engine> Search with 'google', 'baidu', 'bing', 'brave', 'bing-ecosia', 'duckduckgo' 'yahoo' or 'yandex', defaults to 'google'.
-file <file> Enter a custom website list.
-filter <string> Only query for sites with this string.
-query <query> Enter a mandatory search term.
-site <on|off|inurl> Turn the 'site:' operator 'on' or 'off', or replace it with 'inurl:' (only for Google), defaults to 'on'.
-excl <domains> Excluded these domains from the search query.
-echo Prints the search query URLs, for further use like piping or bookmarking.
-wait <seconds> Wait x seconds, defaults to 7 seconds.
這裡的小警告:如果您不使用-cat SiteDorks 會在您的瀏覽器中打開很多選項卡,並且可能會讓 Google 向您拋出驗證碼。使用選項“-wait”增加等待時間,以減少獲得驗證碼的機會。
想要使用 Google 尋找「」以及包含各種內容的不同網站嗎?使用以下命令:
sitedorks -query '""'
想要尋找「uber 網站」(查詢包含引號和空格)?使用以下命令:
sitedorks -query '"uber website"'
想要搜尋與 Yandex 的通訊邀請但將 site: 排除在查詢之外?只需使用以下命令:
sitedorks -cat comm -site disable -engine yandex -query uber
sitedorks -file sitedorks.csv -cats
sitedorks -cat medi -file sitedorks-nl.csv -query somekeyword
您是否在 SiteDorks 腳本或可 dorkable 網站清單中添加了一些有用的內容: