允許您在 ASP.NET Core 應用程式中旋轉 Enet 伺服器的擴充功能。它基於 Stanislav Denisov 的出色作品:ENet-CSharp。
public void ConfigureServices ( IServiceCollection services )
// Your other code...
services . AddEnet ( ( configuration ) =>
/* Set the port your Enet Server will listen to. */
. SetPort ( 7001 )
/* Set the polling time, in milliseconds. */
. SetPollingTimeout ( 15 ) ;
/* Add your connection handlers to compose the pipeline. The order matters. */
. AddConnectionHandler < MyConnectionHandler1 > ( )
. AddConnectionHandler < MyConnectionHandlerN > ( ) ;
/* Add your disconnection handlers to compose the pipeline. The order matters. */
. AddDisconnectionHandler < MyDisconnectionHandler1 > ( )
. AddDisconnectionHandler < MyDisconnectionHandlerN > ( ) ;
/* Add your timeout handlers to compose the pipeline. The order matters. */
. AddTimeoutHandler < MyTimeoutHandler1 > ( )
. AddTimeoutHandler < MyTimeoutHandlerN > ( ) ;
/* Add your packet received handlers to compose the pipeline. The order matters. */
. AddPacketHandler < MyPacketHandler1 > ( )
. AddPacketHandler < MyPacketHandlerN > ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Your other code...
資料夾中找到使用範例。它是經典的 ASP.NET Core Web API 模板,並新增了 Enet 伺服器。
using ENet ;
using MHLab . AspNetCore . Enet . Handlers ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Logging ;
public class ConnectionHandler : IConnectionHandler
private readonly ILogger < ConnectionHandler > _logger ;
public ConnectionHandler ( ILogger < ConnectionHandler > logger )
/* Here in the constructor you can take the full advantage of the
Microsoft Dependency Injection framework. */
_logger = logger ;
public void OnConnectedPeer ( Peer peer )
_logger . LogDebug ( $ "Client connected - ID: { peer . ID } , IP: { peer . IP } " ) ;
using ENet ;
using MHLab . AspNetCore . Enet . Handlers ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Logging ;
public class DisconnectionHandler : IDisconnectionHandler
private readonly ILogger < DisconnectionHandler > _logger ;
public DisconnectionHandler ( ILogger < DisconnectionHandler > logger )
/* Here in the constructor you can take the full advantage of the
Microsoft Dependency Injection framework. */
_logger = logger ;
public void OnDisconnectedPeer ( Peer peer )
_logger . Log ( LogLevel . Debug , $ "Client disconnected - ID: { peer . ID } , IP: { peer . IP } " ) ;
using ENet ;
using MHLab . AspNetCore . Enet . Handlers ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Logging ;
public class TimeoutHandler : ITimeoutHandler
private readonly ILogger < TimeoutHandler > _logger ;
public TimeoutHandler ( ILogger < TimeoutHandler > logger )
/* Here in the constructor you can take the full advantage of the
Microsoft Dependency Injection framework. */
_logger = logger ;
public void OnTimeoutPeer ( Peer peer )
_logger . Log ( LogLevel . Debug , $ "Client timeout - ID: { peer . ID } , IP: { peer . IP } " ) ;
using ENet ;
using MHLab . AspNetCore . Enet . Handlers ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Logging ;
public class PacketHandler : IPacketHandler
private readonly ILogger < PacketHandler > _logger ;
public PacketHandler ( ILogger < PacketHandler > logger )
/* Here in the constructor you can take the full advantage of the
Microsoft Dependency Injection framework. */
_logger = logger ;
public void OnPacketReceived ( Peer peer , byte channelId , Packet packet )
_logger . Log ( LogLevel . Debug , $ "Packet received from - ID: { peer . ID } , IP: { peer . IP } , Channel ID: { channelId } , Data length: { packet . Length } " ) ;