用 Go 寫的快速網路模糊器。
如果您使用的是自製軟體 macOS,則可以使用以下命令安裝 ffuf: brew install ffuf
如果您最近安裝了 go 編譯器: go install github.com/ffuf/ffuf/v2@latest
git clone https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf ; cd ffuf ; go get ; go build
FFuf 依賴 Go 1.16 或更高版本。
ffuf wiki 中提供了更詳細的文檔,其中包含許多功能和範例,網址為:https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf/wiki
如需更詳細的文件以及現實生活中的使用範例和提示,請務必查看精彩指南:Michael Skelton (@codingo) 撰寫的「關於 FFUF 您需要了解的一切」。
您也可以透過不同的課程和用例在本地使用 docker 容器 https://github.com/adamtlangley/ffufme 或針對 http://ffuf.me 建立的即時託管版本練習 ffuf 掃描。 adamtlangley。
透過在 URL 末尾使用 FUZZ 關鍵字 ( -u
ffuf -w /path/to/wordlist -u https://target/FUZZ
假設預設的虛擬主機回應大小為 4242 字節,我們可以在模糊 Host - 標頭時過濾掉該大小的所有回應( -fs 4242
ffuf -w /path/to/vhost/wordlist -u https://target -H "Host: FUZZ" -fs 4242
GET 參數名稱模糊測試與目錄發現非常相似,透過將FUZZ
關鍵字定義為 URL 的一部分來運作。這也假設無效 GET 參數名稱的回應大小為 4242 位元組。
ffuf -w /path/to/paramnames.txt -u https://target/script.php?FUZZ=test_value -fs 4242
如果參數名稱已知,則可以以相同的方式對值進行模糊測試。此範例假設錯誤的參數值回傳 HTTP 回應代碼 401。
ffuf -w /path/to/values.txt -u https://target/script.php?valid_name=FUZZ -fc 401
關鍵字。此範例僅模糊 POST 請求的一部分。我們再次過濾掉 401 響應。
ffuf -w /path/to/postdata.txt -X POST -d "username=admin&password=FUZZ" -u https://target/login.php -fc 401
如果您不希望 ffuf 無限期地運行,可以使用-maxtime
ffuf -w /path/to/wordlist -u https://target/FUZZ -maxtime 60
ffuf -w /path/to/wordlist -u https://target/FUZZ -maxtime-job 60 -recursion -recursion-depth 2
在此範例中,我們將對透過 POST 發送的 JSON 資料進行模糊測試。 Radamsa 被用作突變子。
時,ffuf 將顯示匹配項作為其位置。相同的位置值將作為環境變數$FFUF_NUM
可供被呼叫者使用。我們將使用這個位置值作為變異器的種子。檔案 example1.txt 和 example2.txt 包含有效的 JSON 負載。我們匹配所有回應,但過濾掉回應代碼400 - Bad request
ffuf --input-cmd 'radamsa --seed $FFUF_NUM example1.txt example2.txt' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u https://ffuf.io.fi/FUZZ -mc all -fc 400
當然,為每個有效負載呼叫 mutator 的效率不是很高,因此我們也可以預先產生有效負載,仍然以 Radamsa 為例:
# Generate 1000 example payloads
radamsa -n 1000 -o %n.txt example1.txt example2.txt
# This results into files 1.txt ... 1000.txt
# Now we can just read the payload data in a loop from file for ffuf
ffuf --input-cmd 'cat $FFUF_NUM.txt' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u https://ffuf.io.fi/ -mc all -fc 400
執行 ffuf 時,它首先檢查預設設定檔是否存在。 ffufrc
。您可以在此文件中配置一個或多個選項,它們將套用於後續的每個 ffuf 作業。 ffufrc 檔案的範例可以在此處找到。
有關設定檔位置的更詳細描述可以在 wiki 中找到:https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf/wiki/Configuration
檔案載入的設定選項。注意:這不適用於可以多次提供的 CLI 標誌。這樣的例子之一是-H
若要定義 ffuf 的測試案例,請在 URL ( -u
)、標頭 ( -H
) 或 POST 資料 ( -d
) 中的任意位置使用關鍵字FUZZ
Fuzz Faster U Fool - v2.1.0
-H Header `"Name: Value"`, separated by colon. Multiple -H flags are accepted.
-X HTTP method to use
-b Cookie data `"NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2"` for copy as curl functionality.
-cc Client cert for authentication. Client key needs to be defined as well for this to work
-ck Client key for authentication. Client certificate needs to be defined as well for this to work
-d POST data
-http2 Use HTTP2 protocol (default: false)
-ignore-body Do not fetch the response content. (default: false)
-r Follow redirects (default: false)
-raw Do not encode URI (default: false)
-recursion Scan recursively. Only FUZZ keyword is supported, and URL (-u) has to end in it. (default: false)
-recursion-depth Maximum recursion depth. (default: 0)
-recursion-strategy Recursion strategy: "default" for a redirect based, and "greedy" to recurse on all matches (default: default)
-replay-proxy Replay matched requests using this proxy.
-sni Target TLS SNI, does not support FUZZ keyword
-timeout HTTP request timeout in seconds. (default: 10)
-u Target URL
-x Proxy URL (SOCKS5 or HTTP). For example: or socks5://
-V Show version information. (default: false)
-ac Automatically calibrate filtering options (default: false)
-acc Custom auto-calibration string. Can be used multiple times. Implies -ac
-ach Per host autocalibration (default: false)
-ack Autocalibration keyword (default: FUZZ)
-acs Custom auto-calibration strategies. Can be used multiple times. Implies -ac
-c Colorize output. (default: false)
-config Load configuration from a file
-json JSON output, printing newline-delimited JSON records (default: false)
-maxtime Maximum running time in seconds for entire process. (default: 0)
-maxtime-job Maximum running time in seconds per job. (default: 0)
-noninteractive Disable the interactive console functionality (default: false)
-p Seconds of `delay` between requests, or a range of random delay. For example "0.1" or "0.1-2.0"
-rate Rate of requests per second (default: 0)
-s Do not print additional information (silent mode) (default: false)
-sa Stop on all error cases. Implies -sf and -se. (default: false)
-scraperfile Custom scraper file path
-scrapers Active scraper groups (default: all)
-se Stop on spurious errors (default: false)
-search Search for a FFUFHASH payload from ffuf history
-sf Stop when > 95% of responses return 403 Forbidden (default: false)
-t Number of concurrent threads. (default: 40)
-v Verbose output, printing full URL and redirect location (if any) with the results. (default: false)
-mc Match HTTP status codes, or "all" for everything. (default: 200-299,301,302,307,401,403,405,500)
-ml Match amount of lines in response
-mmode Matcher set operator. Either of: and, or (default: or)
-mr Match regexp
-ms Match HTTP response size
-mt Match how many milliseconds to the first response byte, either greater or less than. EG: >100 or <100
-mw Match amount of words in response
-fc Filter HTTP status codes from response. Comma separated list of codes and ranges
-fl Filter by amount of lines in response. Comma separated list of line counts and ranges
-fmode Filter set operator. Either of: and, or (default: or)
-fr Filter regexp
-fs Filter HTTP response size. Comma separated list of sizes and ranges
-ft Filter by number of milliseconds to the first response byte, either greater or less than. EG: >100 or <100
-fw Filter by amount of words in response. Comma separated list of word counts and ranges
-D DirSearch wordlist compatibility mode. Used in conjunction with -e flag. (default: false)
-e Comma separated list of extensions. Extends FUZZ keyword.
-enc Encoders for keywords, eg. 'FUZZ:urlencode b64encode'
-ic Ignore wordlist comments (default: false)
-input-cmd Command producing the input. --input-num is required when using this input method. Overrides -w.
-input-num Number of inputs to test. Used in conjunction with --input-cmd. (default: 100)
-input-shell Shell to be used for running command
-mode Multi-wordlist operation mode. Available modes: clusterbomb, pitchfork, sniper (default: clusterbomb)
-request File containing the raw http request
-request-proto Protocol to use along with raw request (default: https)
-w Wordlist file path and (optional) keyword separated by colon. eg. '/path/to/wordlist:KEYWORD'
-debug-log Write all of the internal logging to the specified file.
-o Write output to file
-od Directory path to store matched results to.
-of Output file format. Available formats: json, ejson, html, md, csv, ecsv (or, 'all' for all formats) (default: json)
-or Don't create the output file if we don't have results (default: false)
Fuzz file paths from wordlist.txt, match all responses but filter out those with content-size 42.
Colored, verbose output.
ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u https://example.org/FUZZ -mc all -fs 42 -c -v
Fuzz Host-header, match HTTP 200 responses.
ffuf -w hosts.txt -u https://example.org/ -H "Host: FUZZ" -mc 200
Fuzz POST JSON data. Match all responses not containing text "error".
ffuf -w entries.txt -u https://example.org/ -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"name": "FUZZ", "anotherkey": "anothervalue"}' -fr "error"
Fuzz multiple locations. Match only responses reflecting the value of "VAL" keyword. Colored.
ffuf -w params.txt:PARAM -w values.txt:VAL -u https://example.org/?PARAM=VAL -mr "VAL" -c
More information and examples: https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf
在 ffuf 執行期間按下ENTER
,進程將暫停,使用者將進入類似 shell 的交互模式:
entering interactive mode
type "help" for a list of commands, or ENTER to resume.
> help
available commands:
afc [value] - append to status code filter
fc [value] - (re)configure status code filter
afl [value] - append to line count filter
fl [value] - (re)configure line count filter
afw [value] - append to word count filter
fw [value] - (re)configure word count filter
afs [value] - append to size filter
fs [value] - (re)configure size filter
aft [value] - append to time filter
ft [value] - (re)configure time filter
rate [value] - adjust rate of requests per second (active: 0)
queueshow - show job queue
queuedel [number] - delete a job in the queue
queueskip - advance to the next queued job
restart - restart and resume the current ffuf job
resume - resume current ffuf job (or: ENTER)
show - show results for the current job
savejson [filename] - save current matches to a file
help - you are looking at it
ffuf 是根據 MIT 許可發布的。請參閱許可證。