v1.5.4 (2024-06-05)
應用程式介面|維基|最新發布 |鬆弛通道
Tempura是成熟的、開發人員友善的程式庫,用於支援 Clojure 和 ClojureScript 應用程式中的多語言文字。
它提供了一個簡單、易於使用的 API,可讓您隨著時間的推移擴展本地化內容,而不會阻礙早期開發。
效能。( require '[taoensso.tempura :as tempura :refer [tr]]))
( tr ; For "translate"
{ :dict ; Dictionary of translations
{ :sw { :missing " sw/? " :r1 " sw/r1 " :r2 " sw/r2 " }
:en { :missing " en/? " :r1 " en/r1 " :r2 " en/r2 " }}}
[ :sw :en <...>] ; Locales (desc priority)
[ :r1 :r2 <...> ; Resources (desc priority)
<?fallback-str> ; Optional final fallback string
; ; =>
( or
sw/r1 sw/r2 <...> ; Descending-priority resources in priority-1 locale
en/r1 en/r2 <...> ; '' in priority-2 locale
?fallback-str ; Optional fallback string (as last element in resources vec)
sw/? ; Missing (error) resource in priority-1 locale
en/? ; '' priority-2 locale
nil ; If none of the above exist
; ; etc.
; ; Note that ?fallback-str is super handy for development before you
; ; have translations ready, e.g.:
( tr { :dict {}} [ :en ] [ :sign-in-btn " Sign in here! " ])
; ; => "Sign in here!"
; ; Tempura also supports Hiccup with Markdown-like styles, e.g.:
( tr { :dict {}} [ :en ] [ :sign-in-btn [ " **Sign in** here! " ]])
; ; => [:span [:strong "Sign in"] " here!"]
版權所有 © 2016-2024 彼得·陶薩尼斯。
根據 EPL 1.0 許可(與 Clojure 相同)。