用於 htmx 的 CakePHP 整合。
支援的 CakePHP 版本 >= 4.x 和 5.x。
到應用程式資料夾的根目錄( composer.json
composer require zunnu/cake-htmx
然後使用 CakePHP 的控制台載入插件:
./bin/cake plugin load CakeHtmx
要安裝 htmx,請瀏覽他們的文檔
主要功能目前包含在 Htmx 元件內。要載入元件,您需要修改src/Controller/AppController.php
$ this -> loadComponent ( ' CakeHtmx.Htmx ' );
您可以使用偵測器檢查請求是否為 Htmx。
$ this -> getRequest ()-> is ( ' htmx ' ) // Always true if the request is performed by Htmx
$ this -> getRequest ()-> is ( ' boosted ' ) // Indicates that the request is via an element using hx-boost
$ this -> getRequest ()-> is ( ' historyRestoreRequest ' ) // True if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache
$ this -> Htmx -> getCurrentUrl (); // The current URL of the browser
$ this -> Htmx -> getPromptResponse (); // The user response to an hx-prompt
$ this -> Htmx -> getTarget (); // The id of the target element if it exists
$ this -> Htmx -> getTriggerName (); // The name of the triggered element if it exists
$ this -> Htmx -> getTriggerId (); // The id of the triggered element if it exists
當 Htmx 收到帶有HX-Redirect
$ this -> Htmx -> redirect ( ' /somewhere-else ' );
當 Htmx 收到帶有HX-Refresh
標頭的回應時,它將觸發頁面重新載入。 clientRefresh
是一個自訂回應,可讓您發送此類回應。它不需要任何參數,因為 Htmx 會忽略任何內容。
$ this -> Htmx -> clientRefresh ();
輪詢觸發器時,Htmx 在遇到具有特殊 HTTP 狀態代碼 286 的回應時將停止輪詢。
$ this -> Htmx -> stopPolling ();
$ this -> Htmx -> location ( $ location ) // Allows you to do a client-side redirect that does not do a full page reload
$ this -> Htmx -> pushUrl ( $ url ) // pushes a new url into the history stack
$ this -> Htmx -> replaceUrl ( $ url ) // replaces the current URL in the location bar
$ this -> Htmx -> reswap ( $ option ) // Allows you to specify how the response will be swapped
$ this -> Htmx -> retarget ( $ selector ); // A CSS selector that updates the target of the content update to a different element on the page
$ this -> Htmx
-> addTrigger ( ' myEvent ' )
-> addTriggerAfterSettle ( ' myEventAfterSettle ' )
-> addTriggerAfterSwap ( ' myEventAfterSwap ' );
$ this -> Htmx -> addTrigger ( ' myEvent ' , ' Hello from myEvent ' )
-> addTriggerAfterSettle ( ' showMessage ' , [
' level ' => ' info ' ,
' message ' => ' Here is a Message '
$ this -> Htmx
-> addTrigger ( ' trigger1 ' , ' A Message ' )
-> addTrigger ( ' trigger2 ' , ' Another Message ' )
若要將 CSRF 令牌新增至您的所有請求,請將以下程式碼新增至您的佈局中。
document.body.addEventListener( ' htmx:configRequest ' , (event) => {
event.detail.headers[ ' X-CSRF-Token ' ] = " <?= $ this -> getRequest ()->getAttribute('csrfToken') ?> " ;
$ this -> Htmx -> setBlock ( ' userTable ' );
$ this -> Htmx -> addBlock ( ' userTable ' );
$ this -> Htmx -> addBlocks ([ ' userTable ' , ' pagination ' ]);
Htmx 透過使用hx-swap-oop
傳回多個部分回應來支援更新多個目標。請參閱Users index search functionality with pagination update
< script type = "text/javascript" >
htmx.config.useTemplateFragments = true;
</ script >
在此範例中,我們將使用 Htmx 動態過濾結果來實現使用者索引的搜尋功能。我們將表格主體包裝在名為usersTable
的 viewBlock 中。當頁面載入時,我們將渲染usersTable
// Template/Users/index.php
<?= $ this -> Form -> control ( ' search ' , [
' label ' => false ,
' placeholder ' => __ ( ' Search ' ),
' type ' => ' text ' ,
' required ' => false ,
' class ' => ' form-control input-text search ' ,
' value ' => ! empty ( $ search ) ? $ search : '' ,
' hx-get ' => $ this -> Url -> build ([ ' controller ' => ' Users ' , ' action ' => ' index ' ]),
' hx-trigger ' => " keyup changed delay:200ms " ,
' hx-target ' => " #search-results " ,
' templates ' => [
' inputContainer ' => ' <div class="col-10 col-md-6 col-lg-5">{{content}}</div> '
]); ?>
<table id="usersTable" class="table table-hover table-white-bordered">
<th scope="col"> <?= ' id ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Name ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Email ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Modified ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Created ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col" class="actions"> <?= ' Actions ' ?> </th>
<tbody id="search-results">
<?php $ this -> start ( ' usersTable ' ); ?>
<?php foreach ( $ users as $ user ): ?>
<td> <?= $ user -> id ?> </td>
<td> <?= h ( $ user -> name ) ?> </td>
<td> <?= h ( $ user -> email ) ?> </td>
<td> <?= $ user -> modified ?> </td>
<td> <?= $ user -> created ?> </td>
<td class="actions">
<?= $ this -> Html -> link ( ' Edit ' ,
' action ' => ' edit ' ,
$ user -> id
' escape ' => false
); ?>
<?= $ this -> Form -> postLink ( ' Delete ' ,
' action ' => ' delete ' ,
$ user -> id
' confirm ' => __ ( ' Are you sure you want to delete user {0}? ' , $ user -> email ),
' escape ' => false
); ?>
<?php endforeach ; ?>
<?php $ this -> end (); ?>
<?php echo $ this -> fetch ( ' usersTable ' ); ?>
// src/Controller/UsersController.php
public function index ()
$ search = null ;
$ query = $ this -> Users -> find ( ' all ' );
if ( $ this -> request -> is ( ' get ' )) {
if (! empty ( $ this -> request -> getQueryParams ())) {
$ data = $ this -> request -> getQueryParams ();
if ( isset ( $ data [ ' search ' ])) {
$ data = $ data [ ' search ' ];
$ conditions = [
' OR ' => [
' Users.id ' => ( int ) $ data ,
' Users.name LIKE ' => ' % ' . $ data . ' % ' ,
' Users.email LIKE ' => ' % ' . $ data . ' % ' ,
$ query = $ query -> where ([ $ conditions ]);
$ search = $ data ;
$ users = $ query -> toArray ();
$ this -> set ( compact ( ' users ' , ' search ' ));
if ( $ this -> getRequest ()-> is ( ' htmx ' )) {
$ this -> viewBuilder ()-> disableAutoLayout ();
// we will only render the usersTable viewblock
$ this -> Htmx -> setBlock ( ' usersTable ' );
在此範例中,我們將使用 Htmx 實作使用者索引的動態搜尋功能。這將使我們能夠即時過濾結果並相應地更新分頁。我們將把錶主體包裝在一個名為usersTable
viewBlock 中,並將我們的分頁封裝到pagination
// Template/Users/index.php
<?= $ this -> Form -> control ( ' search ' , [
' label ' => false ,
' placeholder ' => __ ( ' Search ' ),
' type ' => ' text ' ,
' required ' => false ,
' class ' => ' form-control input-text search ' ,
' value ' => ! empty ( $ search ) ? $ search : '' ,
' hx-get ' => $ this -> Url -> build ([ ' controller ' => ' Users ' , ' action ' => ' index ' ]),
' hx-trigger ' => ' keyup changed delay:200ms ' ,
' hx-target ' => ' #search-results ' ,
' hx-push-url ' => ' true ' ,
' templates ' => [
' inputContainer ' => ' <div class="col-10 col-md-6 col-lg-5">{{content}}</div> '
]); ?>
<table id="usersTable" class="table table-hover table-white-bordered">
<th scope="col"> <?= ' id ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Name ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Email ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Modified ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col"> <?= ' Created ' ?> </th>
<th scope="col" class="actions"> <?= ' Actions ' ?> </th>
<tbody id="search-results">
<?php $ this -> start ( ' usersTable ' ); ?>
<?php foreach ( $ users as $ user ): ?>
<td> <?= $ user -> id ?> </td>
<td> <?= h ( $ user -> name ) ?> </td>
<td> <?= h ( $ user -> email ) ?> </td>
<td> <?= $ user -> modified ?> </td>
<td> <?= $ user -> created ?> </td>
<td class="actions">
<?= $ this -> Html -> link ( ' Edit ' ,
' action ' => ' edit ' ,
$ user -> id
' escape ' => false
); ?>
<?= $ this -> Form -> postLink ( ' Delete ' ,
' action ' => ' delete ' ,
$ user -> id
' confirm ' => __ ( ' Are you sure you want to delete user {0}? ' , $ user -> email ),
' escape ' => false
); ?>
<?php endforeach ; ?>
<?php $ this -> end (); ?>
<?php echo $ this -> fetch ( ' usersTable ' ); ?>
// pagination
<?php $ this -> start ( ' pagination ' ); ?>
<nav aria-label="Page navigation" id="pagination">
<ul class="pagination justify-content-center">
<?php $ this -> Paginator -> setTemplates ([
' prevActive ' => ' <li class="page-item pagination-previous"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' prevDisabled ' => ' <li class="page-item disabled pagination-previous"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' number ' => ' <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' current ' => ' <li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' nextActive ' => ' <li class="page-item pagination-next"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' nextDisabled ' => ' <li class="page-item disabled pagination-next"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' first ' => ' <li class="page-item pagination-next"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
' last ' => ' <li class="page-item pagination-next"><a class="page-link" hx-get="{{url}}" hx-target="#search-results" hx-push-url="true" href="#">{{text}}</a></li> ' ,
]); ?>
<?= $ this -> Paginator -> first ( ' <i class="fas fa-angles-left"></i> ' , [ ' escape ' => false ]) ?>
<?= $ this -> Paginator -> prev ( ' <i class="fas fa-chevron-left"></i> ' , [ ' escape ' => false ]) ?>
<?= $ this -> Paginator -> numbers ([ ' first ' => 1 , ' last ' => 1 , ' modulus ' => 3 ]) ?>
<?= $ this -> Paginator -> next ( ' <i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i> ' , [ ' escape ' => false ]) ?>
<?= $ this -> Paginator -> last ( ' <i class="fas fa-angles-right"></i> ' , [ ' escape ' => false ]) ?>
<?php $ this -> end (); ?>
<?= $ this -> fetch ( ' pagination ' ); ?>
// src/Controller/UsersController.php
public function index ()
$ search = null ;
$ query = $ this -> Users -> find ( ' all ' );
if ( $ this -> request -> is ( ' get ' )) {
if (! empty ( $ this -> request -> getQueryParams ())) {
$ data = $ this -> request -> getQueryParams ();
if ( isset ( $ data [ ' search ' ])) {
$ data = $ data [ ' search ' ];
$ conditions = [
' OR ' => [
' Users.id ' => ( int ) $ data ,
' Users.name LIKE ' => ' % ' . $ data . ' % ' ,
' Users.email LIKE ' => ' % ' . $ data . ' % ' ,
$ query = $ query -> where ([ $ conditions ]);
$ search = $ data ;
$ this -> paginate [ ' limit ' ] = 200 ;
$ users = $ this -> paginate ( $ query );
$ this -> set ( compact ( ' users ' , ' search ' ));
if ( $ this -> getRequest ()-> is ( ' htmx ' )) {
$ this -> viewBuilder ()-> disableAutoLayout ();
// render users table and pagination blocks
$ this -> Htmx -> addBlock ( ' usersTable ' )-> addBlock ( ' pagination ' );
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