在 Pytorch 中實現 MusicLM,這是 Google 使用注意力網路生成音樂的新 SOTA 模型。
他們基本上使用文字條件的 AudioLM,但令人驚訝的是使用名為 MuLan 的文字音訊對比學習模型的嵌入。 MuLan 是在此儲存庫中建立的內容,AudioLM 是從其他儲存庫修改而來的,以支援此處的音樂生成需求。
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? Huggingface 的加速訓練庫
$ pip install musiclm-pytorch
import torch
from musiclm_pytorch import MuLaN , AudioSpectrogramTransformer , TextTransformer
audio_transformer = AudioSpectrogramTransformer (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
heads = 8 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
spec_n_fft = 128 ,
spec_win_length = 24 ,
spec_aug_stretch_factor = 0.8
text_transformer = TextTransformer (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
heads = 8 ,
dim_head = 64
mulan = MuLaN (
audio_transformer = audio_transformer ,
text_transformer = text_transformer
# get a ton of <sound, text> pairs and train
wavs = torch . randn ( 2 , 1024 )
texts = torch . randint ( 0 , 20000 , ( 2 , 256 ))
loss = mulan ( wavs , texts )
loss . backward ()
# after much training, you can embed sounds and text into a joint embedding space
# for conditioning the audio LM
embeds = mulan . get_audio_latents ( wavs ) # during training
embeds = mulan . get_text_latents ( texts ) # during inference
from musiclm_pytorch import MuLaNEmbedQuantizer
# setup the quantizer with the namespaced conditioning embeddings, unique per quantizer as well as namespace (per transformer)
quantizer = MuLaNEmbedQuantizer (
mulan = mulan , # pass in trained mulan from above
conditioning_dims = ( 1024 , 1024 , 1024 ), # say all three transformers have model dimensions of 1024
namespaces = ( 'semantic' , 'coarse' , 'fine' )
# now say you want the conditioning embeddings for semantic transformer
wavs = torch . randn ( 2 , 1024 )
conds = quantizer ( wavs = wavs , namespace = 'semantic' ) # (2, 8, 1024) - 8 is number of quantizers
前任。 SemanticTransformerTrainer
import torch
from audiolm_pytorch import HubertWithKmeans , SemanticTransformer , SemanticTransformerTrainer
wav2vec = HubertWithKmeans (
checkpoint_path = './hubert/hubert_base_ls960.pt' ,
kmeans_path = './hubert/hubert_base_ls960_L9_km500.bin'
semantic_transformer = SemanticTransformer (
num_semantic_tokens = wav2vec . codebook_size ,
dim = 1024 ,
depth = 6 ,
audio_text_condition = True # this must be set to True (same for CoarseTransformer and FineTransformers)
). cuda ()
trainer = SemanticTransformerTrainer (
transformer = semantic_transformer ,
wav2vec = wav2vec ,
audio_conditioner = quantizer , # pass in the MulanEmbedQuantizer instance above
folder = '/path/to/audio/files' ,
batch_size = 1 ,
data_max_length = 320 * 32 ,
num_train_steps = 1
trainer . train ()
# you need the trained AudioLM (audio_lm) from above
# with the MulanEmbedQuantizer (mulan_embed_quantizer)
from musiclm_pytorch import MusicLM
musiclm = MusicLM (
audio_lm = audio_lm , # `AudioLM` from https://github.com/lucidrains/audiolm-pytorch
mulan_embed_quantizer = quantizer # the `MuLaNEmbedQuantizer` from above
music = musiclm ( 'the crystalline sounds of the piano in a ballroom' , num_samples = 4 ) # sample 4 and pick the top match with mulan
用 mulan 包裝器包裝 mulan 並量化輸出,投影到 audiolm 維度
audiolm 和 mulan 進入 musiclm 並使用 mulan 產生、過濾
為 AST 中的自註意力提供動態位置偏差
實現 MusicLM 產生多個樣本並選擇與 MuLaN 的最佳匹配
@inproceedings { Agostinelli2023MusicLMGM ,
title = { MusicLM: Generating Music From Text } ,
author = { Andrea Agostinelli and Timo I. Denk and Zal{'a}n Borsos and Jesse Engel and Mauro Verzetti and Antoine Caillon and Qingqing Huang and Aren Jansen and Adam Roberts and Marco Tagliasacchi and Matthew Sharifi and Neil Zeghidour and C. Frank } ,
year = { 2023 }
@article { Huang2022MuLanAJ ,
title = { MuLan: A Joint Embedding of Music Audio and Natural Language } ,
author = { Qingqing Huang and Aren Jansen and Joonseok Lee and Ravi Ganti and Judith Yue Li and Daniel P. W. Ellis } ,
journal = { ArXiv } ,
year = { 2022 } ,
volume = { abs/2208.12415 }
@misc { https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2302.01327 ,
doi = { 10.48550/ARXIV.2302.01327 } ,
url = { https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01327 } ,
author = { Kumar, Manoj and Dehghani, Mostafa and Houlsby, Neil } ,
title = { Dual PatchNorm } ,
publisher = { arXiv } ,
year = { 2023 } ,
copyright = { Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International }
@article { Liu2022PatchDropoutEV ,
title = { PatchDropout: Economizing Vision Transformers Using Patch Dropout } ,
author = { Yue Liu and Christos Matsoukas and Fredrik Strand and Hossein Azizpour and Kevin Smith } ,
journal = { ArXiv } ,
year = { 2022 } ,
volume = { abs/2208.07220 }
@misc { liu2021swin ,
title = { Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution } ,
author = { Ze Liu and Han Hu and Yutong Lin and Zhuliang Yao and Zhenda Xie and Yixuan Wei and Jia Ning and Yue Cao and Zheng Zhang and Li Dong and Furu Wei and Baining Guo } ,
year = { 2021 } ,
eprint = { 2111.09883 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.CV }
@misc { gilmer2023intriguing
title = { Intriguing Properties of Transformer Training Instabilities } ,
author = { Justin Gilmer, Andrea Schioppa, and Jeremy Cohen } ,
year = { 2023 } ,
status = { to be published - one attention stabilization technique is circulating within Google Brain, being used by multiple teams }
@inproceedings { Shukor2022EfficientVP ,
title = { Efficient Vision-Language Pretraining with Visual Concepts and Hierarchical Alignment } ,
author = { Mustafa Shukor and Guillaume Couairon and Matthieu Cord } ,
booktitle = { British Machine Vision Conference } ,
year = { 2022 }
@inproceedings { Zhai2023SigmoidLF ,
title = { Sigmoid Loss for Language Image Pre-Training } ,
author = { Xiaohua Zhai and Basil Mustafa and Alexander Kolesnikov and Lucas Beyer } ,
year = { 2023 }
唯一的真理就是音樂。 ——傑克‧凱魯亞克
音樂是人類的通用語言。 ——亨利·沃茲沃斯·朗費羅