eleventy html5up fractal
由Appseed Web App Generator提供的開源靜態站點以高度編碼。
高架材料套件專業 | 高架紙套件專業 | 現在高度UI套件專業 |
$ # clone the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/eleventy-html5up-fractal.git
$ cd eleventy-html5up-fractal
$ # install modules
$ yarn
$ # start the project in development mode
$ yarn dev
$ # app is running on http://localhost:4000
$ # build the project for production
$ yarn build
< ROOT > - Eleventy Fractal # project root folder
| --- src/ # website source folder
| --- src/_includes # website partials (footer, header)
| --- src/assets # website assets (scss, javascript files)
| --- src/index.njk # index page in NJK format
| --- .eleventy.js # Eleventy (11ty) config file
| --- package.json # main script executed by Yarn, Npm
| -----------------------------
高度使用獨立的模板引擎。我們不想掌握您的內容人質。如果您以後決定使用其他內容,則以這種方式將內容解耦會使遷移更加容易。高度使用多種模板語言(HTML,Markdown,JavaScript,Liquid,Nunjunks ..)
靜態站點高度分形 - 由Appseed Web App Generator提供。