非常導航基於WebStack、成立于冠狀病毒爆發的2020年。本著網址收藏的愛好,所以要求導航網站既能自定義網址、上傳下載網址,又能看著簡潔美麗、不臃腫雜亂,還要綠色安全、無毒無彈窗,這是導航站的宗旨,也是上網愛好者的底線。 (Nonnavigation is based on WebStack and was established in 2020 with the outbreak of coronavirus. In line with the hobby of web site collection, it is required that the navigation site can not only customize the web site, upload and download the web site, but also look simple and beautiful, not bloated and messy, but also green and safe, non-toxic and non-pop-up windows. It is also the bottom line for internet lovers.)