Shin(真) - “ true”的漢字。
根據PRET團隊的拆卸項目,這是Pokemon Red&Blue的增強ROM黑客。這是一個大部分是瓦尼拉黑客,致力於修復原始遊戲中的遊戲引擎錯誤和監督。此外,改進了培訓師AI例程,並增加了多種生活質量的增強功能。它也充當了一種具有研究知識的投機作品,可以對遊戲進行另一種解釋。具體而言,這是Gen-1 Pokemon的2016年Nintendo虛擬控制台重新發布的內容。 這是無故障體驗的形象,具有玩家友好的好東西和其他現代重新製作所共有的增強功能。
在其專用的Pokécommunity展示櫃中討論Shin Pokemon。
關注YouTube上與Shin Pokemon有關的媒體。
在ROM Hack Plaza上留下Shin Pokemon的評論。
在Pokerom Codex上查找其他ROM黑客
其他社交鏈接:我潛伏的Discord服務器。 Twitter Bluesky
- 紅色補丁(Shin Pokemon Red,Red_origback和Red-jp)用於美國紅色。
- 文件/ROM SHA-1:EA9BCAE617FDF159B045185467AE58B2E4A48B9A
- 文件/ROM CRC32:9F7FDD53
- 所有其他補丁(藍色和綠色)均針對美國藍色。
- 文件/ROM SHA-1:D7037C83E1AE5B39BDE3C30787637BA1D4C48CE2
- 文件/ROM CRC32:D6DA8A1A
- “ _origback”補丁是保留原始背部精靈的替代方法。
- 編譯器主要構建圖形和Cerulean Cave佈局回到原始的日語版本。
- Pokedex條目適應了用火紅翻譯的原始綠色版本文本。
- Pokedex使用度量單元。
- 主要建立了從未定居日本發行版中的相遇,交易和獎品的列表。
- Pokedex使用度量單元。
- 其他次要圖形調整。
培訓師AI,閃亮的調色板和符號,Exp bar,Space World Back Sprites
LCD屏幕的伽瑪著色器(左圖不在 /右圖像打開)
包括綠色和紅色JP版本的英語版本。它交換了圖形,Cerulean Cave佈局和幾行文本以復制原始的日本版本。原始版本的Pokedex條目已從火紅翻譯中進行了改編。它還具有公制中的所有pokedex數據。
美國黃色版本的發動機功能已備份。不再有二倍色塊!黃色的配色方案被轉換為在Gameboy顏色上顯示。攻擊動畫是根據遊戲男孩顏色遊戲中的類型進行彩色的。 Yellow的音頻引擎被備份以獲得立體聲聲音支持。
- 通過音頻類型循環。
- 在背光LCD屏幕上以GBC模式播放?
- 在版權屏幕上按SELECT,以激活顏色校正。
- 或在額外的菜單中激活它
- 實驗60fps模式
- 零延遲文本
- 硬模式
- AI培訓師切換
您可以尋找閃亮的口袋妖怪,並且它們對Gen 2遊戲有效。
橡樹實驗室中的另一名助手在獲得pokedex後在戰鬥中切換了一個po骨的符號。為了幫助Gen 2相互作用,這也將性別符號應用於可能是男性或女性的物種。
另一個助手NPC位於Viridian Pokemon中心。他將切換非特殊培訓師的隨機化。
助手在Celadon Diner中。他將為低水平的口袋妖怪打開/關閉趕上EXP Boost功能。
Viridian City的條款兄弟可以將項目,睡眠,凍結,捕獲和超級光束條款分別調整。
現在,該包為額外的20個空間插槽提供了附加的項目列表!在袋子菜單上按Start start,以熱量匯總填充活動袋的項目列表。遊戲的系統通常會在非活動袋空間中檢測物品。獨特的系統,例如口袋妖怪體育場,只會識別活動袋的物品列表。
- 快速“擁有”檢查 - 將光標放在戰鬥中,然後按Select扮演敵人'Mon Cry'如果已經擁有。
- SoftLock Warp-如果您卡住了,請立即將其傳送回媽媽的房子。
- 跑步鞋 - 行走,衝浪和騎自行車時保持B加倍。包括適當的動畫加速!
- 快速HM使用 - 按選擇根據適當的上下文使用HMS。
- 快速自行車/桿 - 按下握住A時,請按SELECT自動啟動/關閉自行車或使用庫存中的最佳桿。
- 查看STAT EXP-保留選擇並輸入狀態屏幕以打印“ Mons Stat STAT EXP”。
- 查看DVS-保持啟動並輸入狀態屏幕以打印'Mons dvs。
- 查看閃亮的調色板 - 彩色播放時,選擇“ DEX”輸入以加載閃亮調色板時,請按選擇。
- Celadon Hotel的NPC將為硬幣付款,以向他展示口袋妖怪作為老虎機的替代品。
- 在19號公路海灘上的一個新飲料攤位出售自動售貨機飲料。
- 經過精英4之後,Celadon City的一枚火箭彈道將批量出售硬幣。
- 在Elite-4之後,新的供應商在Celadon開放,允許購買正常獨特的物品。
- 在Elite-4之後,地下路徑中有一個NPC,會產生隨機的教練戰鬥。
- 在Elite-4之後,南北地下路徑中有一個NPC,會產生鏡像。
- 在Elite-4之後,遊戲角隊長將從玩家那裡購買口袋妖怪。
- 精英4擊敗後,在黨衛軍安妮的廚房舉行了一場比賽。是的,船回來了!
- 添加了一些特殊的比賽后培訓師戰鬥,作為有趣的小復活節彩蛋。您能找到並打敗全部五個嗎?
- 所有桿的水平範圍都擴大。
- 舊的桿有一個擴展的'Mon清單。
- 好的桿有一個擴展的'Mon列表。
- 首次到達薰衣草小鎮時,可以參觀12號公路釣魚大師。
- 良好和超級桿的位置已交換。
- 低HP警報僅播放3次,然後自行關閉。
- TMS和HMS現在已將其移動名稱(儘管縮寫)附加到項目名稱上。
- 所有TMS都可以回購,因為它們在戰略上散佈在所有關東Pokemarts中。
- Safari區的機械師的水平不高,而不是速度,而Safari Ball則具有提高的接球率。
- 老虎機有點幸運,所以現在您實際上可以贏得大型勝利。
- 不需要切割才能到達中尉和Erika中尉(封鎖事件取代了朱紅灌木)。
- 黃色版本的學習已經集成了,石材的演變恢復了一些升級的動作。
- 捕獲動作在移動的最後一回合中播放一個“ po”動畫,以便告知玩家。
- 經過重新校準的托兒所為您的健身房進度提供了體驗點。
- 托兒所讓您選擇移動(如果有的話)在重新遺忘口袋妖怪時。
- 檢索可能通過級別進化的日托寵物小精靈將觸發演變並學習任何違法動作。
- 在您的頂級插槽中有發薪日的口袋妖怪可能會在遊戲角落派上用場。
- 新項目,M.Gene!它可以給低型DV口袋妖怪提升嗎?
- 用霧石來最大程度地消除口袋妖怪的隱藏潛力。
- 五個賽后特別培訓師可以找到和擊敗!當他們全部被擊敗時可能會重新出現?
- 如果Chansey級別的Chansey領導您的聚會,那麼您一定會有一些幸運的遇到。
- 新的超級老闆:您是否敢在Cinnabar Shore激活Missingno?只有當您獲得“ DEX文憑”時。
- 新的超級老闆:丟失不夠努力嗎?嘗試在臭名昭著的Seafoam Shore上激活它!
- 黨衛軍安妮(Anne)舉行了賽后錦標賽。嘗試在您的聚會中與皮卡丘獲勝。
- 還有其他幾個!
#Compatibility Notes
- 已知某些模擬器由於不准確而引起錯誤,在復制原始硬件時會引起錯誤
- 為了避免出乎意料的錯誤
- 尤其是Goomba和Visual Boy Advance是有問題的
- 由於其準確性和調試工具,BGB是受支持的標準
- 與原始Gameboy硬件兼容(DMG,Super,Pocket,Color,Advance,SP)
- 可能與口袋妖怪體育場1和2兼容(使用原始的Nintendo硬件)
- 可以識別出更簡單的閃光推車(例如廉價的盜版),但是具有EZ Flash JR等固件的產品。將行不通。
- 使用體育場1和2的保存文件操作(導入口袋妖怪,項目管理和框管理)。
- 將在體育場2的GB塔中進行比賽並保存。
- 不會與體育場1的GB塔一起使用。
- 可能可以使用此ROM黑客使用Vanilla USA Red/Blue的保存
- 在轉移之前,請在托盤小鎮保存外面
- 使用軟鎖翹曲清除任何無形的牆壁
- 用BGB 1.5.8模擬器對新版本進行了測試和調試,並使用原始硬件進行了驗證
- 與原始零售墨盒的鏈接交易似乎可以在真實硬件上正常工作
- Lite和主分支之間的鏈接交易似乎可以在真實硬件上正常工作
- 鏈接戰仍然在很大程度上未經測試,並且通過以下方式沒有支持:
- 鏈接在主分支構建與任何其他非主機分支機構之間的鏈接作戰
- 鏈接在Lite分支構建與任何其他非lite分支構建之間作戰
- 鏈接在不同修訂的構建之間作戰
- 添加了修訂控制功能,該功能將取消不支持的電纜鏈接
- 目前不支持通過3DS硬件及其虛擬控制台仿真器的鏈接函數
現在,“ bwoop” SFX在註冊諸如“ onix”之類的簡短名稱的口袋妖怪時播放
更正了綠色和紅色JP pokedex條目的文本
修復了SS Anne Post-Game Tournament中的較小錯誤
- 如果野生寵物小精靈高於水平蓋,則不能扔球
- 製作的讀取perfroddata是一個predef,並將其做到
Cerulean City的火箭咕unt的尖峰消失時的時機很小
- 現在,Pokedex的面積功能將超級桿考慮在內
- 如果您要引用的口袋妖怪在當前加載的地圖上可用,它也會通知您
- 如果在當前地圖上可用,它將通知您是否可以通過行走,衝浪或超級桿找到它
- Cerulean洞穴是一個“未知的地牢”,所以...
- Psywave現在將擲出多次傷害,並使用最佳卷
- 造成傷害的次數基於目標當前的HP,並導致更多的重新滾動
- 剃須刀風與顱骨bash-添加+10,以每次折騰的速率
- 咆哮與旋風 - 添加+20,以每次折騰的速度捕獲速率
- 取下 - 將非薩法裡球的球係數提高2
- 雞蛋炸彈 - 將非薩法裡球的球係數提高了2,添加劑+10以捕獲每個非薩法裡球的速率
Shiny Pokemon為Celadon Hotel的硬幣傢伙帶來了4倍的乘數,並賣給了遊戲角首席
- 這是對某些僅日本活動的口袋妖怪贈品的回報
- 與他在您聚會的頂部與Magikarp交談,他將願意教它以5000日元的龍憤怒。
- 在您的聚會頂部與Fearow或Rapidash與他交談,他將願意教它為1000日元的報酬日。
- 在您的聚會頂部與Pikachu與他交談,該聚會上有一個空的動作插槽,他可以教它飛行2000日元。
- 您必須首先在Pokedex中擁有151個口袋妖怪註冊。
- 將Psyduck放在您的第一個聚會上,然後在富士先生的家中與Psyduck交談。
- 現在,它將嘗試學習失憶症的舉動。
- 現在,它是基於正常難度的普通培訓師的加權平均值
- 無論難度如何
Giovanni Gym Battle將Rhyhorn交換為Kangaskhan
Shimmer Transformation的文本框不再需要按鈕提示滾動
- SS Anne NPC的次要文本編輯在賽后。
- 當屏幕上有多個隱藏項目時,ItemFinder的次要修復程序。
- 修復Psywave對稱性
- 不能再使用右牆角瓷磚在SS Anne上釣魚或衝浪。
- 修復了野生動物園區域中的不正確簽名文本1
- 在標誌上調整了一些城市名稱
- 蘭斯(Lance)和球員在講話時會互相面對。
- 提高了HP欄動畫的速度
- 岩石隧道2樓的Cubone Rarity從1.2%增加到6.3%。
- 第12號公路上的Farfetchd Rarity從4.3%增加到6.3%。
- 13號公路上的Farfetchd Rarity從1.2%增加到4.3%。
- 現在,玩家可以在選擇新遊戲Plus時選擇是否生成新的教練ID。
- 野生寵物小精靈隨機列表已稍作調整。
- 與橡樹實驗室中的女孩交談使玩家可以產生新的隨機種子價值。
- 與Oak實驗室中的女孩交談會提示玩家,如果首選完全隨機化。
- 為賽后世界州調整了一些文字。
- 第8號公路上的女培訓師進行了調整以反映具有cleflable的文字
- 現在,如果不教授臨時場的移動將促使玩家放棄學習
- 阻止9號公路的灌木叢已被阻止事件所取代
- 禁用和靜態損傷移動不會犯下或顯示超級/不是很有效
- 修復了NPC重疊菜單和文本框的問題
- 調整了跨版本的遊戲中交易的均衡
- 選項菜單圖形調整
- 現在,在“額外選項”菜單中切換伽瑪著色器,現在自動更新調色板
- 右邊有兩個空間
- 優化了GBC平滑淡出的淡出一點
- 優化的光滑褪色以消除戰鬥塗黑期間的圖形詹克
- 如果培訓師或球員處於低HP,則不會使用非治療項目,從而使其更具侵略性
- AI如果其HP低於25%,AI將不會切換
- 啟用伽瑪著色器的GBC模式以GBC模式淡入或淡入白色,將不再具有不正確的顏色框架
- 當AI遞歸使用時,移動轉換現在正確降低了PP
- 旋轉器瓷磚適當動畫,而無需訴諸Vblank引起的放緩
- 修復了在自我造成的混亂損害之後進行動畫的錯誤顏色以進行動畫
- 重新設計了Mon級功能和添加到聚會或盒子的禮品口袋妖怪的同步DVS
- 固定的鍵入效果被錯誤地應用於靜態損傷移動
- 選項菜單上的所有額外選項已移至自己的單獨菜單
- 添加調試統計重置功能
- 固定閃亮的子句現在在nuzlocke模式下工作
- 修復了9號公路上的蟲捕蟲,能夠走到壁架上
- 替代造成傷害的消息僅在一次多攻擊的第一次攻擊之後顯示
- 多攻擊移動顯示顯示僅在第一次攻擊而不是上次攻擊時效應
- Twineedle不會像其他多重擊中動作那樣打印冗餘消息
- 如果活躍,則閃光將始終顯示在Bruno,Agatha和空手道大師的寵物小精靈上
- 空手道大師的口袋妖怪從37級增加到38
- 擴展閃亮的憐憫,塔鬼,鬼魂和老人戰鬥
- 固定日託的促使他們兩次學習相同的舉動
- 固定的特殊HUD符號在幽靈Marowak遭遇期間顯示
- 現在,對PP的使用量已用於Wild和AI Trainer Pokemon
- 舉動不再有默認的1/256機會錯過的機會
- 固定凍結在防禦統計縮放中發生的凍結(DEF <4故障)
- 敵人AI忽略了具有零功率的移動的類型有效性
- 敵人AI忽略了造成大量損壞的移動的超級效應
- 修復了在水平的小故障上跳過的移動學習。
- 一次獲得多個級別時,對學習的動作進行了逐步檢查
- 如果在戰鬥中獲得多個級別,則可以防止PKMN跳過可學習的動作
- 當通過升級新Evolution的Movelist進化時,也可以做到這一點
- 速度和攻擊統計數據更新/重新計算後,燒傷和癱瘓的統計罰款現在適當應用
- 徽章統計不再堆疊
- 現在,應用徽章統計數據的功能現在選擇性地提高了正確的統計數據,在統計/下降效果期間調用時
- 如果玩家被凍結,現在清除了大型充值位
- 現在符合敵人蒙克(Mon)的充電點,被凍結後如何清除
- 這樣可以防止陷入困境
- Blaine將不使用全惠普的治療項目
- 鳥類已被恢復並重命名為無類型。它是一種普遍中立的類型(尤其是對於鬥爭)
- AI培訓師在切換或使用項目方面優先
- AI類型有效性函數現在將1和2考慮到類型2
- 在AI僅查看列表搜索中遇到的類型之前
- 如果1型使其超柔軟,AI現在將移動視為中性,但類型2使其無效
- 當AI在與這些條件的情況下發送PKMN時,燒傷和癱瘓的統計變化將應用於
- AI例程#2(優先考慮拋光或使用狀態移動)現在在發送後的第1圈激活,而不是第二圈
- 消除燒傷和麻痺的統計變化的新自定義功能
- 撤離癱瘓準確至0至-3點以內
- 撤消燃燒準確至0到-1點
- 如果禁用了一個或多個動作,則在確定使用掙扎時忽略了PP-UP使用
- AI在憤怒或充電時不會採取行動
- 修復了lvl> 127的錯誤造成損害
- 調整對嚴重命中損傷的調整
- 損傷因子現在為2*(2級)/5 + 4,而不是2 (2*級)/5 + 2,以簡化一些代數
- 如果非迫切損害將> = crit損害,則適用常規修改的統計值
- 播放器現在即使凍結也可以選擇移動
- 用開關消息解釋了下流
- Safari區域發動機修復:
- 返回中性時,野生動物園戰鬥中的飲食/憤怒信息將不再出現
- 飲食/憤怒的野生動物園狀態櫃檯正確增加了1-5圈,而不是0-4圈
- 野生動物園戰鬥正確地重置了進食/憤怒狀態返回中性時的捕獲率
- 與變換有關的修復:
- 轉換時,移動插槽無法重新安排(防止獲得故障移動)
- 固定轉換循環
- 如果轉換複製了對手的轉換動作,
- 如果該動作的PP <6,
- 它將復制該Move的瞬時PP少1。
- 這限制了在兩個口袋妖怪之間反複使用變換的PP
- 敵人的DV無法通過使用多次轉換來操縱敵方DV
- 修復了一場衝突,在殘疾人期間變換可能會使新的動作禁用
- 固定轉換的'Mons在學習升級移動時重置他們的動作
- 修復了一個錯字,因此現在轉變為“蒙斯保留了原始調色板
- 禁用不會批判性地打印或打印有效性信息
- 現在,可怕的命中/聚焦能量現在四倍的襲擊率,而不是四分之一
- 現在睡眠現在正常的觀察擊中PKMN從大片上充電,但如果已經有效,則沒有任何效果
- 當PKMN因混亂而傷害或完全癱瘓時,蒼蠅/挖掘無敵能力被清除
- psywave損害總是最小1,是對手還是你自己(防止desync)
- 固定了psywave底流/溢出,水平為0、1和以上170
- 替代相關的修復程序:
- 所有HP排水動物(包括夢境的食物和水ech種子)都錯過了替代品
- 替代品將使您完全達到0 hp,將無效
- 零功率移動造成統計數據,睡眠或癱瘓的動力不會影響替代品
- 破壞性動作的混淆副作用被替代品阻塞
- 現在將跳躍踢的後坐力損壞或在混亂中傷害自己,現在將用戶替代
- 治愈動作可以通過恢復255或511 hp的恢復來工作
- 燈屏和反射現在的上限為999
- 消除睡眠/凍結不會阻止多彎的移動卡住(還可以解決睡眠陷阱的毛刺)
- 通過允許睡覺/冷凍PKMN修復後修復
- 在加號上,霧茲現在恢復了對手和用戶狀態條件,如Gen 1中的意圖
- 陰霾重置敵人和玩家有毒櫃檯
- 休息現在做以下操作:
- 固定損壞的移動修復(地震折騰,龍之怒等):
- 不能再危及
- 服從型免疫
- 忽略有效性文字和SFX
- 使用2個字節來損壞而不是1個字節
- 鬥爭現在是不典型的,因此它總是可以中立損害某些東西
- 如果用戶轉換,節拍器和鏡像移動將不會增加PP
- 這樣可以防止將PP添加到隱藏的虛擬動作中,從而阻止PKMN陷入困境
- 這也可以防止通過針對虛擬動作來凍結遊戲
- 在鏈接戰中檢查鏡像移動,以防止DeSync
- 現在,Bide的累積損害字節現在都設置為敵人的暈,以防止DeSync
- 跳躍動作現在對錯過造成正確的後坐力傷害
- 水ch種子和有毒的影響不再堆疊
- 捕獲效果僅在命中清除大型充電鑽頭,以防止其自動使用
- 由於對手切換PKMN,捕獲移動PP無法再降低流動
- 憤怒和thrash不再遭受準確降解的痛苦
- 打破替代品不會消除爆炸/自我毀滅,高光束補給或後坐力損壞
- 超級梁必須擊倒相對的PKMN,則必須充電
- 涉及計數器的錯誤文件:
- 反對鳥類類型,現在已無類型,僅分配為掙扎
- 為了防止DESANC,請按B離開移動選擇菜單零以選擇選定移動和移動電源的RAM位置
- 在這些情況下,造成的最後損害被歸零(還解決了一些差異問題):
- 這是回合的開始,沒有誘捕動作活動(解決大多數問題,因為計數器總是排名第二))
- 玩家/敵人的PKMN完全癱瘓了,或者在困惑中傷害自己
- 跳踢和PKMN傷害本身的崩潰損害無法反擊
- 為了防止無限循環,憤怒在2至3圈後結束(保持攻擊提升)
- 非鏈接敵方MON現在有PP,因此在禁用效果期間始終運行0 pp的支票
- 修復了Disable櫃檯上有關較慢的Mons的問題,還糾正了計數器的統計結果
- 健身房的名字已在教練卡上恢復
- 這些在本地化期間被刪除,作為一種簡單且方便的解決方案
- 因此,這更多是對本地化的糾正,而不是嚴格的圖形錯誤
- 所有構建的恢復介紹的“禮物”,因為本地化不需要為美國任天堂做到這一點
- 小故障精靈不再會導致緩衝溢出,從而破壞了名人堂
- 當對手替代/最小化不再故障時,從狀態屏幕返回
- PC圖形恢復到Celadon Hotel
- 硃砂豪宅3F中的一個瓷磚經過稍作修改,以防止永久卡住
- 調整了Cerulean Cave 1F的瓷磚,因此沒有可步行的懸崖瓷磚
- 修復了違反映射規則的Cerulean Cave 3級的牆壁
- 在25號公路上添加了壁架以防止軟鎖
- 在擊敗了塞魯氏獵犬火箭彈之後,警衛隊本身總是動彈以防止卡在前門
- 沒有超級遊戲男孩的傳送時,不再使用ABCD故障精靈
- 現在轉動180度時的過渡框架現在正確顯示
- Mon背部圖片的右下角瓷磚不再被掩蓋
- 不再可以通過文本框或開始菜單觸發驚人的男人(通過黃色轉換的代碼調整)
- 現在,22號公路上的競爭對手遇到現在顯示出一種驚奇的氣泡,最初從未出現過
- 埃里卡(Erika
- 在GBC模式下運行時,修復了信用中的滾動文本偽像
- 修復了被隱藏物體觸發時的驚人人故障
- 修復了16號公路大門中的驚人人故障
- 固定塔鬼圖片在退出狀態屏幕後不加載
- 固定撞到看不見的灌木
- 固定的剩下的固定迫使騎自行車的路守衛
- 固定能夠在不清除事件的情況下離開野生動物園區域
- 小調整到托盤鎮對像數據的橡樹教授
- 在各種地圖中對競爭對手的對像數據進行了較小的調整
- 固定菜單未清除保存後是否持有A
- 修復了錯過的增量,使地圖的第15個對象無法正確更新其面孔
- 在Viridian健身房調整了兩個旋轉式瓷磚
- 使敏捷的動畫更加明顯
- 更改了16號公路上的邊界街區,以使其與17號公路一致
- 更改了Cerulean City的邊界街區,以使其與5號公路一致
- 固定屏幕在戰鬥中撕裂時,玩家或濛濛從屏幕上滑落
- 修復了Vanilla遊戲中的一個錯誤
- 修復了Vanilla遊戲中的一個錯誤
- CollisionCheckonwater的次要錯誤;對遊戲沒有影響
- 從菜單上沖浪時修復了較小的圖形故障
- 如果NPC在播放器前面(輸入或退出衝浪),則無法從派對菜單上沖浪
- 現在,玩家面對而不是在8號公路警衛室停下來時離開
- 修復了當未顯示的'MON釋放出能量的圖形誤差
- 從菜單上沖浪時修復了較小的圖形故障
- 添加了缺少的地牢地圖以戰鬥過渡功能
- 波浪線動畫(Psychic/Psywave/夜色陰影)現在滾動了前三首屏幕線條
- 固定GB-DMG上的小故障訓練器卡過渡屏幕
- 在按A時使許多文本構成關閉,而不是釋放
- 雙筒望遠鏡不再通過握住A錯誤的一側暫停Overworld
- 推動巨石時不能再改變
- 現在向下移動的精靈隱藏在文本框後面
- NPC步行動畫現在在玩家移動期間更新
- 修復了命名屏幕上的圖形錯誤
- 從紅色JP和綠色的原始閃光移動動畫被束縛到(未使用的)_jpflashing makefile標籤
- 敵方教練的HUD現在在使用康復物品後進行更新
- 增加了對綠色綠綠色數據的準備方式的優化
- 在戰鬥滑行中,在DMG Gameboy玩遊戲時修復了1框架的閃爍
- 刪除的白色1框架閃光燈(影響DMG和GBC模式)已被刪除
- 刪除的白色1框架閃光燈(影響DMG和GBC模式)已被刪除
- 修復了DMG戰鬥後的1幀垃圾瓷磚顯示
- 修復了HP欄動畫可以將錯誤的瓷磚打印為1幀的錯誤
- 固定垃圾瓷磚顯示在顯示末端后重置1幀的1幀
- 進入和退出岩石隧道時固定過渡
- 修復了9號公路上的蟲捕蟲,能夠走到壁架上
- Cerulean City的火箭咕unt的尖峰消失時的時機很小
- 修復了錯誤的調色板在屏幕搖動動畫期間為玩家背部精靈磚加載
- 修復了保存岩石隧道時標題菜單變黑的問題
- 固定岩石隧道黑暗影響選項菜單
- 偉大的球現在有12個球因子
- 石材的演變不能再通過升級觸發
- 現在確定移動是否在完整pp時使用的Ether和Elixir現在使用PP-UP
- PP儲能項目不再影響轉化的動作,僅恢復原始動作
- Exp所有修復
- 如果多個口袋妖怪在戰鬥中發生,現在應該分配正確的經驗
- 分開Exp時不再算是暈倒的神奇寶貝
- 當您的所有戰鬥參與者被淘汰時,正確處理EXP
- 修復了一個錯誤的錯誤,其中ItemFinder無法找到零x或y coord的對象
- 衝浪板錯誤文件:
- 如果被迫騎自行車,則不能使用衝浪板
- 從項目菜單中使用遊戲時,不再凍結遊戲回到陸地上
- AI現在使用的完整治療已撤消BRN/PAR統計
- 條件癒合項目(包括在最大HP上使用完整還原)不再重置所有統計數據
- 燒傷釋放攻擊統計變化
- 癱瘓治愈釋放速度統計的變化
- 最大HP的完整還原釋放BRN/PAR的統計數據更改
- 在戰鬥中用於治愈HP的全部還原現在撤消BRN/PAR的統計更改
- 幽靈馬洛克戰中禁止pokedoll
- 遇到失踪者不會在第六個袋子插槽中提供128個物品
- 修復了在狂野的口袋妖怪戰鬥中發布錯誤消息的pokeflute
- 音頻引擎已從黃色版本後面進行了回形
- 解決哭聲和低健康警報之間的一些渠道沖突
- 在GBC上修復一些帶有黃色調色板的音頻打ic
- 按“選項”菜單上的選擇,轉到額外的菜單,然後更改“音頻”下的音頻混合選項
- 從Koga獲得TM時,Fuchsia Gym扮演正確的SFX
- 從Surge獲得TM時,Vermilion Gym扮演正確的SFX
- 恢復了SFX獲得徽章
- SFX應該在獲得徽章時玩,但對於所有體育館領導者而言,SFX並非不一致
- 由於擁有單獨的音頻庫的問題,這個想法似乎已經在開發中下降了
- 但是,戰鬥音頻庫中有一個獨特的未使用的SFX,表示獲得某種重要物品
- 這很可能在某個時候將用於獲得徽章,並且已經恢復
- 自行車音樂現在停下來時停止演奏
- 在戰鬥中,適當的忘記Move SFX戲劇
- 修復了一個錯誤與極少數彎曲音調有關的錯誤
- 勝利音樂不會播放,如果一個狂野的莫爾暈倒,但球員沒有'Mons剩下的;這是一個停電
- 在音頻淡出期間,尋找隱藏物品的叮噹聲將不再被跳過
- 固定球拋出SFX沒有重置螺距信封設置
- 增加了針對橡樹實驗室音樂的保護
- 從AI X-準確項目中刪除了還原SFX
- 將Restore SFX添加到所有AI HP回收項目中
- 修復了通過經線瓷磚退出時的Thud SFX播放
- 修復了某些文本SFX使用零延遲文本時不播放
- 與教練叮噹聲不應在加載到體育館領導者戰鬥音樂之前玩
- AI使用可怕的命中項目現在扮演SFX
- 現在,“ bwoop” SFX在註冊諸如“ onix”之類的簡短名稱的口袋妖怪時播放
- 朱納巴爾/海洋群島海岸小故障固定(不再有失踪或人為地加載口袋妖怪數據)
- 捕獲轉變的口袋妖怪不再默認捕獲同上
- 自動售貨機現在檢查正確的錢
- Vermilion Gym Switch拼圖修復
- 在確定vermilion Gym中第二個開關的垃圾桶時,可以防止字節溢出
- 現在兩個開關在朱紅色體育館中的位置同時確定
- 現在可以獨立發現朱紅色體育館的開關
- 現在可以在Safari入口處獲得隱藏的金塊
- 插槽計算機reel錯誤已修復
- 修復了Reel功能的監督,以更好地匹配Gamfreak的意圖
- 在戰鬥文字結束時,火箭藏身處的升降機掉落如黃色
- 現在使用一個未使用的位來確定幽靈馬洛克戰鬥
- 不能使用衝浪/傳送/逃生繩來逃脫教練遇到的
- 固定教練逃脫故障通過從狂野的戰鬥中塗成一團
- 不能在雕像的基地釣魚或衝浪
- 不能再用右牆角瓷磚在SS Anne上釣魚或衝浪
- 海鮮群島快速施加到B3地板上的正確步驟
- 海鮮群島的兩個巨石難題中的每一個都將完全重置直到完成
- 巨石切換在勝利路(Victory Road
- 在勝利路(Victory Road
- EXP的公式功能現在具有底流保護。
- 一般RNG改進了使用XOR換檔方法(快速允許所有可能的DVS)
- 帶裝載器GUI的較差的仿真器和閃光燈貨車通常會清除RAM,導致隨機種子為零
- 如果檢測到此問題,則嘗試使用原始DIV寄存器方法生成隨機種子
- 無法通過開始菜單繞過Brock的健身房
- 修復了錯誤的NPC運動約束
- 修復了可能在自行車店中發生的即時文本故障
- 在比爾的房子和粉絲俱樂部中使用逃生繩修復
- 停止命令後添加了NOP(罕見處理器錯誤的安全性預防)
- 簡化瞭如何觸發幽靈的Marowak戰鬥(現在允許口袋妖怪塔中的非透明摩洛克人)
- 修復了Gamefreak留下的口袋妖怪塔中的坐標錯字
- 修復了Silph Co 11F電梯門的問題
- 不能再與一個昏昏欲睡的團隊走到4個步驟
- 海雀島4和5的水經腳本運動
- 修復了getName中的錯誤:函數,該函數將195個條目列表作為項目列表處理
- 您可以使用森林瓷磚飛行並從地圖中傳送
- 修復了森林瓷磚中的草瓷磚,不計算遭遇
- 固定菜單的輸入優先級
- 修復了滾動pokedex列表左側的A-button輸入優先級
- 修復了一個問題,其中按菜單上的按鈕在持有A時被視為A-Press
- RAM ADRESS D732現在開始新遊戲時被清除
- 無法使用毒藥將自己從有線電視俱樂部中塗成黑色,因為進入俱樂部現在可以治愈您的聚會
- 無法使用毒藥將自己塗成野生動物園區域
- 不能再執行99堆棧的故障
- 修復了Lucky Game Corner Machine的偏移錯誤
- CollisionCheckonwater的次要錯誤;對遊戲沒有影響
- 固定在17號公路上從另一側讀取16號公路標誌
- 使用壁架固定在NPC上
- 聚會治療功能現在檢測到小故障移動並為他們加載0 pp
- 從口袋妖怪塔扭曲到富士的房子時,退出不會阻止您
- 關閉255克隆口袋妖怪故障
- 將Pokeyellow修復程序應用於遊戲內貿易的演變
- 不能再在硃砂健身門上被擋住了
- 固定隱藏硬幣未給出正確的金額
- 修復了將最後一個可見屏幕/行視為屏幕的NPC
- 老虎機不再复制太多瓷磚數據
- 修復了CheckfortilePairCollisisions中的增量錯誤
- 即使您發展了起始人,您現在也可以得到橡樹的po骨
- 修復了防止遭遇的3號月球山地山地的瓷磚
- 固定挑選化石,導致所有培訓師在Moon Moon 3 Floor 3上失去視線
- 修復了底流問題,該問題導致訓練員上方的訓練員沒有向下看到3個空間
- 蘭斯(Lance)和球員在講話時會互相面對。
- 修復了一條疏忽的疏忽,在消息中,玩家不面對Viridian健身門的門被鎖定
- 錫錫博物館的NPC在月球石上發表評論
- 薰衣草鎮NPC詢問您是否相信鬼魂
- 朱納巴爾島上的NPC談論豪宅
- 錫特城的NPC房屋NPC談論培訓師教pokemon
- 攻擊減少到零傷害現在說目標不受影響,而不是缺失
- Cinnabar的人不會提到Raichu的發展(也適用於Cerulean的Jynx貿易)
- Koga正確地說靈魂徽章提高了速度
- 湧現中尉正確地說,雷霆徽章增加了防禦
- 現在,應顯示正確的類型有效性信息和SFX在攻擊雙型PKMN時
- Viridian Girl's Notebook第二頁修訂了針對PKMN捕捉的效力
- Viridian Blackboard BRN信息糾正(BRN不會降低速度)
- Viridian Blackboard PAR信息更新
- Cerulean Badge-House Guy已更新了文字
- 橡樹教授的演講播放正確的Nidorino Cry
- 現在使用TM/HM的文本是指“機器”,而不僅僅是“ TM”
- 固定日託人資本化
- 固定的野生動物園入口
- 修復了藏紅花的女孩的翻轉文字和她正在寫的信
- 固定文本與橡木重疊
- 重新激活丟失的文字,當您輸給競爭對手時,這意味著要播放
- 固定文本給出了錯誤描述後衛規格。
- 固定在Silph Co 10f上的女人在她的文字中有空白線
- Viridian Gym雕像不會破壞體育館的名字揭示
- 修復了岩石滑梯TM時的不准確文字
- 在標誌上調整了一些城市名稱
- 修復了野生動物園區域中的不正確簽名文本1
- 固定在Oak的Pokedex評估中缺少標點符號
- 當捕獲PKMN並裝滿盒子時,提醒打印盒子已滿
- PC有文本提示,告訴您存放後是否已滿
- 製作的朱納巴爾豪宅筆記比原始的日語文本更真實
- TM 18給出了實際的解釋
- Viridian學校的新學生解釋了Ohko Moves
- Exp。現在,當分開EXP而不是每個黨員成員時,所有人都會打印一條消息
- TMS和HMS現在已攻擊(儘管縮寫)附加到項目名稱上
- 從Silph Co 5F上刪除了NPC的“僅”一詞,他談論貿易evos
- 文字調整到14號公路教練,以忘記HMS
- 為了清楚起見,調整了一些喬瓦尼的最後一行
- 澄清化學的“化學”平均等級
- 固定的口袋妖怪類別翻譯:“鼠”到“鼠標”
- 固定口袋妖怪類別翻譯:“貝類”到“殼”
- 固定翻譯:14號公路教練對傳奇鳥的評論
- 在Vermilion Gym Guzzle中恢復未使用的文本,以查找第二開關
- 糾正並澄清了cinnabar Gym中的測驗文本
- 闡明了在Celadon Dept Store 2F的Super Repel的文本
- 第8號公路上的女培訓師進行了調整以反映具有cleflable的文字
- 多攻擊僅在第一次攻擊之後移動有效性消息
- 2個攻擊動作不會打印“命中2次”,因為它很明顯它們總是擊中兩次
- 多攻擊移動在第一次攻擊中隱藏替代精靈,僅在上次攻擊後恢復它
- 替代造成傷害的消息僅在一次多攻擊的第一次攻擊之後顯示
- 在AI比賽中,Stat-Down Moves不再有25%的機會
- 現在轉彎多次命中的動作現在計算每種攻擊的傷害和關鍵命中
- 捕獲的時間很大,以防止新的AI奶酪:
- 從捕獲移動中切換立即結束並浪費了其用戶的轉彎(也可以防止PP Underflow Glitch)
- “ po”動畫發揮了誘捕移動的最後一回合的信號
- 幽靈動作(即舔)表現為2倍,對心靈的態度始終有意
- 付費日昇至後代的5倍乘法器
- 變化對二線
- 造成損壞的命中率而不是在轉彎執行期間(小故障空間)進行損壞積累
- 副作用:BIDE被拋光了,因為多擊移動現在為2至5次命中中的每一個增加了損害
- 更改為無類型以使用AI例程3播放更好的播放(無論如何,它都會忽略類型圖表)
- 由於現在允許對喚醒攻擊,休息的睡眠狀況增加到了3圈。
- 酸盔甲的動畫發生了變化,因此不會使其用戶消失
- 節拍器現在被歸類為無打字的特殊損壞動作,以更好地發揮AI
- 類型的免疫力阻止陷阱移動根本無法抓住
- 改變憤怒
- 現在只持續2到3個動作,例如借助,以防止無限循環
- 作為一個權衡,憤怒的攻擊促進了攻擊
- 對Twineedle的次要代碼更正以防止將來的錯誤,但這對遊戲沒有影響
- Psywave通過隱藏的機械師增強了
- Psywave現在將擲出多次傷害,並使用最佳卷
- 造成傷害的次數基於目標當前的HP,並導致更多的重新滾動
- 剃須刀風與顱骨bash-添加+10,以每次折騰的速率
- 咆哮與旋風 - 添加+20,以每次折騰的速度捕獲速率
- 取下 - 將非薩法裡球的球係數提高2
- 雞蛋炸彈 - 將非薩法裡球的球係數提高了2,添加劑+10以捕獲每個非薩法裡球的速率
調整STAT MOD,條件和項目
- 睡眠不會阻止選擇舉動
- 從睡眠中醒來不會浪費轉彎,並且使用了選定的舉動
- 現在,徽章統計數據僅在野外的口袋妖怪戰鬥中應用於敵方教練(僅在硬模式下)
- X準確性的效果不再應用於一擊的KO動作(最初使它們自動擊中)
- 現在,使用X準次使用X-準確性,現在可以使其更快地擊中對手
- 在精英4之後,維生素的限制量升高到最高65535 Stat Exp。
- PKMN添加到玩家的聚會中(作為禮物或遊戲中的交易)具有超過平均水平的DVS
- 提高了野生動物園的力量
- 現在在野生動物園區域逃脫是基於級別而不是速度
- 在硬模式下,X-STAT項目具有兩倍的效果
- HP-UP項目現在保留您的HP比率
- 在硬模式下的非鏈路戰鬥使用體育場1公式以達到關鍵命中概率
- 球不能與超過水平蓋的野生寵物小精靈使用
- 用夢想的食物效應使用動作,對不熟食的對手勸阻
- 略微鼓勵使用以夢境的食物效應的動作與熟睡的對手
- 使用零功率的混亂效果移動對困惑的對手灰心
- 反對主動替代者的舉動嚴重灰心
- 統計增長/減益措施是否由於擊中Buff/debuff階段限製而無效,如果沒有效果
- 大力勸阻雙重彈光,反射,霧,替代,聚焦能量和水ech種子
- 水ech種子將不會與草pkmn使用
- 請勿使用會被主動薄霧效應阻止的動作
- 使用治愈動作的規則:
- 如果在最大HP處,嚴重勸阻治愈
- 如果低於1/3 hp,請稍微鼓勵康復
- 如果超過1/2 hp,則有點灰心
- 用計數器強烈勸阻不適用的舉動
- 嚴重勸阻咆哮,傳送和旋風
- 嚴重阻止已禁用的PKMN
- 如果少於1/4 hp的剩餘
- 如果不穩定或具有淨中立或更好的stat mods
- 灰心的爆炸與剩餘的HP成比例
- 將嚴重阻止防禦特殊,OHKO或靜態攻擊的防禦
- AI層變化會影響大多數0個動力移動(只有少數例外,例如治愈效應)
- 現在,在連續的轉彎上使用0驅動動作有一個艱難的停止,並有一些效果例外
- 如果低於1/3 hp
- 灰心的爆炸效果如果速度快/挖掘狀態的玩家
- 混淆/癱瘓時,隨機勸阻2扭動移動
- 每次狀態的機會為79.68%,即AI對播放器切換或使用項目視而不見
- 防止在玩家切換或治癒後,AI始終將播放器重新定居的情況
- 具有三個狀態移動的AI MON將有大約50%的機會忽略物品使用或切換
- 使用蠅/挖的灰心,如果比也選擇飛蠅/挖的玩家快/挖?
- 如果玩家使用並切換了物品,AI在考慮夢境時對玩家的睡眠櫃檯視而不見
- 現在,它嚴重阻止了由於類型的免疫力而無效的動作
- 如果AI PKMN比播放器PKMN慢(他們永遠不會擊中),OHKO的動作會嚴重灰心
- 靜態損傷移動隨機偏愛25%的時間來調味
- 雷波不用於免疫類型
- 中毒動作不鼓勵毒藥類型
- 當玩家使用飛行/挖掘時,添加了一些策略
- 如果存在刺傷,則略微偏好的規律有效性會移動(每一步25%的機會)
- 如果沒有刺傷的中性,則略微灰心25%的時間
- 其中一種特殊的舉動被用於攻擊比特殊統計數據更大的攻擊
- 其中,在具有更大特殊攻擊統計數據的“ MON”上使用了身體移動
- 如果沒有刺傷的中性,則略微灰心25%的時間
- 如果考慮中毒效果移動,並且玩家剛剛切換,則敵人對球員類型視而不見
- 90.625%的每一次破壞動作的機會,AI在播放器切換後對球員類型視而不見
- 防止AI始終選擇理想的動作與切換的情況
- 在這種情況下,“盲目”意味著AI將起作用,好像被認為的舉動具有中立有效性
- 人工智能可能仍然贊成刺傷或與自己的統計數據更好的動作
- AI如果其HP低於25%,AI將不會切換
- 基於傳入的超柔反索運動的力量切換的機會
- 如果禁用了移動,則有12.5%的切換機會
- 如果患有水ech種子,則有12.5%的機會切換
- 如果遭受毒藥的折磨,則有34%的機會切換
- 如果對手使用陷阱移動,則有25%的機會切換
- 如果Active PKMN感到困惑,則有25%切換的機會
- 在最低的統計數據上,每個降低階段切換的機會有12.5%
- 人工智能有可能根據睡眠櫃檯切換睡眠的口袋妖怪
- 如果計數器<= 3,機會為0%
- 如果計數器> 3,機會為12.5%
- 此外,敵人陣容中的每個寵物小精靈都得到了評分
- 根據各種標準,以確定哪個星期一被發送
- 得分可能決定當前的MON是最佳選擇,並且中止了切換
- 送出時,敵人的蒙被標記了;非揮發性(睡眠)狀態或低HP無法啟動切換
- 由於超級有效的舉動而被召回的敵人蒙被召回;它被拒絕被切換
- 當玩家發送新的MON時,Switch Flags全部清除,因為情況現在不同
- 轉換的AI評分會在不良類型的比賽中可能切換較重
- AI得分對可能不到1/4 hp的口袋妖怪進行改寫而受到非常重的罰款
- AI Switch得分現在會懲罰玩家和敵人的MON類型之間的不良比賽
- AI開關得分對可能將口袋妖怪轉換為超級有效的舉動施加了額外的懲罰
- Jr Trainer M/F,工程師,搖桿,雜耍手,泰勒,鳥守,黑帶,科學家,紳士
- Bruno,Brock,Surge,Blaine,Sabrina,Agatha,競爭對手1,首席
培訓師AI常規#4添加到以下教練課程中-JR Trainer M/F,Pokemaniac,徒步旅行者,Cueball,Psychic,Psychic,Tossic,Tamer,Tamer,Black Belt,Rocket,Cooltrainer M/F,Gentleman,Charineer -Charineer-所有競爭對手階段Elite-4,酋長教授
- 在離開時,培訓師不會像原始零售遊戲那樣明智地切換。
- 在選項菜單上按SELECT選擇額外菜單,然後在“ AI交換”下切換此選項
- 請注意,雜耍者不受影響,因為他們的官方頭是他們隨機切換。
- 給定級別“ L”的統計經驗總計是Sigman = 6,L
- 沒有針對5級及以下的統計經驗。
- 在硬模式之外,教練口袋妖怪有0個統計經驗
培訓師PKMN DV在切換之間被記住,並且每次發送新的DV不會生成新的DV
培訓師AI戰鬥現在跟踪哪些敵人PKMN已經被送出,因此它支持新的DVS和STAT EXP
- 最初,每當對手發送PKMN(甚至切換)時,這些都會重置
- 從來沒有真正注意到,因為大多數培訓師永遠不會切換,也沒有機會
- 根據用戶反饋更改,因為許多培訓師現在嘗試切換
- Lance現在每個口袋妖怪有2個高級藥水,就像精英4的其餘部分
- SS Anne穿過口袋妖怪塔的競爭對手戰鬥使用超級藥水
- 口袋妖怪塔之後的競爭對手戰鬥,並穿過22 Route 2輪使用Hyper Potions
- 冠軍可以使用全面治愈來響應狀態效應,並有25%的機會
- 如果培訓師或球員處於低HP,則不會使用非治療項目,從而使其更具侵略性
- 如果HP足夠低
- 體育館領導者和比賽中期競爭對手:總計1/5以下
- Elite-4和冠軍:低於1/3
- 在Higer級別的AI中,爆炸的動作效果略有添加
- 口袋妖怪獲得了TMS並從黃色移動
- Kadabra&Alakazam可以通過移動重新學習和級別訪問Kinesis
- Raichu通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- 阿肯寧通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Ninetails通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Poliwrath通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- 克洛伊斯特通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Starmie通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Exeggcuter通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Vileplume通過級別獲得了一些攻擊
- Victreebel通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Clefable通過級別恢復了一些攻擊
- Wigglytuff通過級別獲得了一些攻擊
- Mewtwo可以通過TM學習Swift
- Kakuna和Metapod按升級學習硬化
- 皮卡丘(Pikachu)和卡達布拉(Kadabra)的捕獲率調整為黃色版本
- Butterfree和Beedrill的先前發展的動作添加到了0級移動列表中
- Clefable和Wigglytuff通過升級獲得了一些動作
- Diglett&Dugtrio可以像黃色版本一樣學習剪切
- 培訓師移動引擎已從黃色版本中退出;現在可以完全定制培訓師移動器
- 對於想要101至255之間的水平上限的開發人員的EXP計算改進
- EXP計算程序現在以4個字節而不是3個字節進行數學
- EXP計算結果仍然被限制為3個字節,而不管級別蓋有什麼水平蓋,以防止溢出
- EXP結果的字節帽意味著某些增長率可能具有水平上限
- 例如,從理論上將“緩慢”的增長率在237級上限定為CAP
- 培訓師戰役獎金使用3個字節而不是2個字節,取消了9999冠軍的帽子
- 調整後的日托,允許EXP值超過$ 500000
- 在狀態屏幕上顯示經驗時,最多可允許8位數字
- 口袋妖怪現在可以學習超過1個級別
- 1.5倍EXP提升功能現在具有溢出保護
- 現在獲得的經驗可以打印多達五位,而不是四位數
- “”字符映射可用作線饋
- 添加了ROM黑客版本跟踪保存文件
- 在保存文件中,這是每個版本的單個字節
- 如果保存字節不匹配,則播放器會自動翹曲回到托盤小鎮
- 更新舊的保存文件時,有助於防止崩潰和故障
- 如果ROM黑客版本與不匹配
- 現在顯示起始口袋妖怪的DEX條目的功能現在更加可靠
- 現在,它適用於任何口袋妖怪(例如,如果開胃菜被更改或隨機化)
- 它保留了pokedex擁有的旗幟,而不是擦除它們
- 刪除了未使用的ivysaur國旗
- 將最大遊戲時鐘提高到32767小時
- 減少了延遲到15幀
- 調整了飛行菜單,以更加敏感和活潑
- 添加了一個錯誤陷阱到_divide divide-by-Zero調用的函數
- 從/到播放器PC撤回或存入關鍵項目將默認數量為1
- 現在支持具有級別要求的項目演變
- 延遲框架現在手動調用vblank如果在禁用LCD時運行vblank
- 現在,Pokedex的面積功能將超級桿考慮在內
- 如果您要引用的口袋妖怪在當前加載的地圖上可用,它也會通知您
- 如果在當前地圖上可用,它將通知您是否可以通過行走,衝浪或超級桿找到它
- Cerulean洞穴是一個“未知的地牢”,所以...
- 如果檢測到一個項目,它將根據其近距離播放1到3個鈴(更多的鈴聲意味著更接近該物品)。
- 線將指向項目的方向,並用鈴聲閃爍。
- 如果播放器位於物品的頂部,則不會顯示線條,直到播放四次。
- 如果在選擇使用ItemFinder時保留了“選擇”按鈕,則使用原始的ItemFinder功能。
- 所有桿的水平範圍都擴大
- 舊桿可以釣魚兩種口袋妖怪(取決於當前地圖恆定值)
- Magikarp或Goldeen
- Magikarp或Poliwag
- 使用舊桿時,請在大約1秒鐘內按住B始終鉤住Magikarp
- 好桿可以釣魚三到四種口袋妖怪(取決於當前地圖恆定值)
- Poliwag,Horsea,Krabby
- Poliwag,Krabby,Goldeen,Psyduck
- Goldeen,Psyduck,Shellder
- Goldeen,Shellder,Horsea,Tentacool
- 第12號公路釣魚大師現在可以在第一次到達薰衣草小鎮時訪問
- 交換優質和超級桿的位置
- 托兒所讓您選擇移動(如果有的話),然後重新遺忘(如果有)
- 檢索可能通過級別進化的日托口袋妖怪會觸發進化並學習任何違法動作
- 日托將支持兩種反復進化
- 日托體驗的收益已重新校準
- 它不再給出1個exp 1
- 取而代
- 偽造的相遇從5級開始,每個徽章增加了5個級別
- 擁有8個徽章,使用日託本質上是一種更快的耕種方式45基本口袋妖怪
- 在折衷方案的情況下,不在日託中獲得statexp的缺點仍然是
- 在日託中添加了PC
- 日托允許HM移動輸入的口袋妖怪
Gym leaders and elite 4 have their rosters, levels, & movesets slightly tweaked for gradual difficulty
Blaine has a touched-up battle sprite so he doesn't look like an alien
- Snagged this off reddit, but original artist unknown (let me know if this is yours)
The elite 4 now use the gym battle music rather than the standard trainer music
The juggler rosters, especially in fuchsia gym, have been slightly altered for flavor
Just for fun, the last juggler in the fuchsia gym is replaced with a cameo of Janine
- Though at this point she's still just a cooltrainer and doesn't have a unique battle sprite
The L: block doesn't disappear when level hits three digits
Greatly increased the speed and performance of spin tiles
Amber and fossils are now non-key items
Low HP alarm only plays three times then turns itself off
You can now cut the grass in the plateau tileset
Gave a couple TM moves to the cerulean rival's abra
Initiating the Pokemon Tower rival battle will deactivate the following skippable rival battles
- The Cerulean encounter
- The SS Anne encounter
#Difficulty and scalable trainers
- There is an option to scale trainer rosters to the level of your strongest roster pkmn
- Talk to the right-side aide in Oak's lab to toggle on/off
- Enemy pkmn will evolve by level if applicable
- Pokemon that evolve below level 30 will evolve at 4/3x the original level
- Pokemon that evolve >= level 30 will evolve at 8/7x the original level
- Gym leaders and the E4 scale slightly higher than normal trainers
- If trainer scaling is on, you do not need to beat the 1st route 22 rival solo to get oak's pokeballs
- In hard mode, or against gym leaders, the scaling is based on the absolute highest level of your team
- In normal difficulty against regular trainers, the scaling is based on a weighted average of your team's levels
- Playing on hard mode provides increased difficulty
- Pressing RIGHT while the cursor is in the BATTLE STYLE box will toggle the feature on/off
- Contrasting this, pressing LEFT will let you select a battle style without toggling difficulty
- Enemy trainer pokemon are assigned level-appropriate stat exp
- Enemy trainer pokemon have randomized DVs that are above-average
- Boss trainers (giovanni, elite 4, gym leaders, later-game rival) cannot have DVs below 8
- Wild pokemon DVs get 1 re-roll each if less than 4, biasing them upwards a little bit
- Badge-granted stat boosts are disabled in trainer battles
- X-stat items have double the effect like in more recent generations
- Revive items cannot be used in battles
- Mewtwo will prevent you from using a master ball on it and use AI to choose moves
- Non-link battles in hard mode use the Stadium 1 formulas for critical hit probability
- Warning: The difficulty will be compounded if both trainer scaling and hard mode are active
- Oak's pokeballs will be upgraded to great balls if you beat the route 22 rival in hard mode
- Added the Clause Brothers to Viridian City
- They toggle enforcement of the item, sleep, and/or freeze clauses
- The clauses apply to the player and AI equally
- Sleep and freeze clauses work like they do in Pokemon Stadium
- Added a fourth brother for the Trapping Move Clause
- A counter tracks if the player or the opponent use trapping moves like Wrap multiple times in a row
- The counter increments only if a trapping effect move is selected to be used and it does not miss
- After the counter has incremented to 2,
- selecting a trapping effect move additional times will make the move to go 2nd in the round
- this is the same priority as the move Counter
- The counter only gets reset by switching or using a move that does not have the trapping effect
- Reseting the counter will restore normal priority to trapping effect moves.
- Added a fifth Clause Brother for the hyper beam clause; hyper beam will recharge if it KOs the opponent
- Link battles in the Colosseum now synchronize battle clauses between both players
- The item clause is not applicable because items are not usable in link battles by default
- There is a clipboard in the Colosseum that is used to reset and re-select your battle clauses
- Any active clauses between your opponent and yourself are applied to both players
- A splash screen before battle will desplay the enforced clauses
- There is now an obedience level-cap that can be toggled in the extra options menu under "LVL CAP"
- While active, the current maximum obedience level will display in the options menu
- All pokemon, not just trades, will start to disobey if over the displayed level cap
- The cap will change based on which badge you have
- Not recommended for use with trainer scaling since you might gain too many levels too quickly
- Best to turn this off in the post-game as it's really for the gym challenge and elite-4
#Quick Keys / Options / Menu-Related
- Press SELECT on the option menu to go to the extra options menu where many new options can be toggled!
- Added built-in gamma shader for backlit LCD screens (press SELECT at the copyright screen)
- Gamma shader defaults ON if the destination code in the rom header is set to 00 (JP)
- Pressing SELECT at the copyright info now switches the shader from its default state
- It can also be toggled in the extra menu under "Y SHADER" so you don't have to reset the game to change it
- The default state of the gamma shader can be changed with any gameboy rom header editor
- Alternately, remove the 'j' in 'cjsv' in the Makefile to compile with a JP destination code
- Added an option to make the overworld run in 60fps
- Press SELECT on the opion menu to go to the extra menu, and there you can toggle 30 or 60 under "FPS"
- This feature is more of a proof-of-concept and is still kinda rusty
- Takes advantage of double-speed CPU mode when played as a GBC game
- Text with zero frame delay can be toggled from the extra menu under "INST. TXT"
- The regular text speed selecttion will be ignored while ON
- Turning this OFF will default the text speed to FAST
- Softlock Warp
- Instantly teleport back to your mom's house if you get stuck or are unable to move after updating to a new patch
- Sets money to at least 1000 if you have less than that
- Instructions to perform:
- go to the start menu and put the cursor on OPTION
- press and hold DOWN on the d-pad (the cursor will now be on EXIT)
- while continuing to hold DOWN, press and hold SELECT
- while continuing to hold those two buttons, press B
- the start menu should close and you will warp back to your mom's house
- Vanilla Options Reset
- Deactivates all special options (such as in preparation to update to a new patch)
- Intructions to perform:
- go to the start menu and put the cursor on the top option (usually POKEDEX)
- press and hold UP on the d-pad (the cursor will now be on EXIT)
- while continuing to hold UP, press and hold SELECT
- while continuing to hold those two buttons, press B
- the start menu should close and you will hear a jingle confirming that the option reset worked
- Debug Damage Display: As a debugging cheat, damage values will be displayed in battle as the UI updates
- Toggled on/off the same way as the softlock warp, but by using 'A' instead of 'B'
- Zero damage is not displayed
- Damage is not displayed if either pokemon has zero HP remaining
- DV / Stat EXP Reset function
- On your POKEMON party screen from the start menu, place the cursor over a desired pokemon
- Then press A while holding LEFT + SELECT
- You will be prompted to confirm your decision
- If YES, that pokemon will have all its Stat EXP reset to zero
- Also, it's DVs will be set to match the quantities of the first four items in your active bag
- Context-sensitive SELECT button for using HMs (must have the correct badge and the move on one of your pkmn)
- press SELECT against a shore to surf
- press SELECT when facing a shrub or grass tile to use cut
- press SELECT in a dark area to light it with flash
- press SELECT while facing a boulder to activate strength
- Press and hold A then press SELECT to automatically get on/off your bike or use the best rod in your inventory
- You can now check DVs or stat exp by holding down a button and entering the status screen
- hold SELECT for stat exp
- hold START for DVs
- In-battle way to check if enemy pokemon is owned in the pokedex
- On the main battle menu, place the cursor over an option in the left column
- Press the SELECT button
- The enemy pokemon will play its cry if registered as owned
- Added ability to forfeit trainer battles by choosing RUN in battle while holding SELECT
- Hold SELECT and press START while on the bag menu or PC item box menu to auto-sort your items
- The bag now supports an additional item list for an extra 20 slots of space
- Press START on the bag menu to hot-swap the item list that populates the active bag
- Also works in battle
- Also works when depositing items in the PC
- The game's systems will generally detect items in the non-active bag space
- For example, you can enter the Cinnabar Gym even if the Secret Key is in the non-active bag space
- Certain unique systems may only recognize the active bag's item list
- For example, the Pokemon Stadium games detect only the bag list that was active when last saved
- The player's party 'mons now have temporary field move slots for HM moves
- Each party 'mon has 1 slot separate from its regular move list
- A field move in this slot can be used in the overworld as normal
- You will be asked about filling the slot when teaching a field move out of battle
- You cannot overwrite a slot with a field move already in it
- A slot is cleared when its 'mon leaves the party (such as being put in the PC)
- In the case of a 'mon with 4 regular field moves:
- The slotted temporary move cannot be menu-selected
- The slotted temporary move, if it's a HM move, can be used via quick-key
- Teaching a TM as a field move will not consume the TM
- GBC color palettes have been back-ported from Yellow-version.
- Additional GBC color additions
- Scrolling mons on the title screen have their own palettes loaded on the GBC.
- In the blue version intro, jigglypuff has it's own palette loaded on the GBC.
- Oak-speech nidorino has its color palette on the GBC.
- When playing in GBC-mode, move animations are colored based on their type
- In GBC-mode, when a pokemon is caught, the resting ball now has a defined color
- Tossing pokeballs have color in GBC mode
- You can now play as a girl when starting a new game
- Has front, back, walking, fishing, and cycling sprites
- Has unique default names when starting a new game
- If a pkmn has DVs that would make it shiny in Gen 2
- An unused "power up" style of animation plays when it enters battle
- It also has a shiny symbol by its name
- If playing on a super gameboy, shiny pkmn will have a palette swap on the status screen and also change color in battle
- If playing on super gameboy, hold select when loading a pokedex entry to see that pokemon's shiny palette
- Added an exp bar using code by Danny-E 33
- Pokeball caught indicator for wild battles
- A gender symbol is displayed for pkmn species that are sexed
- non-sexed species have no symbol
- The symbol is displayed for a party mon in its status screen
- The symbol is displayed in the battle hud only for wild enemy mon (the only time it matters)
- Oak's aid at the bottom-left of the lab toggles the caught & gender symbols after obtaining the pokedex
- Red & Blue versions use the back sprites from spaceworld 97 so as to be cohesive with the front sprites
- Added spaceworld-style trainer back sprites for consistency with the spaceworld 'mon back sprites
- The silhouette effect at the start of battle now displays when playing on a DMG gameboy
- Improved fade-in and fade-out to black/white transitions when playing on GBC in 60FPS mode
#Pre-E4 NPCs
- The girl in Oak's lab toggles a built-in randomizer for wild pokemon and your starters
- Shuffles all pokemon that can be gained through walking, surfing, fishing, or from the game corner
- If activated early enough, your starter pokemon options are shuffled as well
- Randomizes using a saved seed value, so the shuffled order is always preserved between play sessions
- A new random seed is generated upon each new game
- There are three pokemon lists based on base-stat-total; A, B, and C tiers
- Pokemon are only shuffled within their own list in order to maintain some modicum of balance
- Scripted events are unaffected (gifts, in-game trades, static encounters, etc)
- The game's five legendary pokemon are excluded from randomization
- The AREA feature of the pokedex automatically adjusts to show the new pokemon locations
- 與橡樹實驗室中的女孩交談使玩家可以產生新的隨機種子價值。
- The girl will also ask if full randomization is preferred, which will combine the tiers into one big list.
- There is an Aide NPC in the viridian pokemon center that can toggle regular trainer randomization
- Only affects regular trainers that use one level for all 'mons and have no custom movesets
- Will replace their roster 'mons with random non-evolved 'mons (legendaries are excluded)
- The new mons will be swapped with their evolved forms if at a high enough level
- Pokemon that evolve below level 30 will evolve at 4/3x the original level
- Pokemon that evolve >= level 30 will evolve at 8/7x the original level
- This feature was added with the intent of spicing-up subsequent Gen-1 playthroughs
- New NPC in celadon hotel will reward coins for showing him requested pkmn
- Move deleter/relearner added to the saffron house below COPYCAT's house
- Code comes from Mateo's Red++ hack. It's simply the best gen-1 implementation and I cannot come up with something better.
- Talk to the little girl to delete moves.
- Talk to her tutor to relearn moves.
- I have expanded Mateo's code so that it also detects default level-0 moves from the baseStats header files.
- Catch-Up EXP Booster
- Talk to the aide in the Celadon Diner to toggle this feature.
- While active, EXP gained is boosted if the active pokemon's level is lower than that of the fainted enemy.
- The boost is 1.5x multiplied by an additional 1.5x for every 3 levels of difference.
- For example, a level gap of 12 results in an EXP multiplier of (1.5)^4 = 5.0625.
- Use this feature to help you train-up new team members in the mid-to-late game.
- Can rematch gym leaders and most non gym-leader trainers just by talking to them one or two times
- Giovanni respawns after leaving the gym so you can rematch him
- Paras is gifted in the Route 2 house in case the player has no pokemon that can learn Cut
- Unused beedrill trade has been restored and placed on Route 22
- Added a scientist and books to the Cinnabar Lab fossil room for cloning and gene splicing
- This process clones your 1st spot pokemon and modifies it with DNA from your 2nd spot pokemon.
- It does this by treating a pokemon's two bytes of DV values as if they were two genes with two alleles each.
- Gene-A has the Attack DV as its hi-side allele and the Defense DV as its lo-side allele.
- Gene-B has the Speed DV as its hi-side allele and the Special DV as its lo-side allele.
- The A-genes from the two donor pokemon will be mixed to make the clone's A-gene.
- The B-genes from the two donor pokemon will be mixed to make the clone's B-gene.
- Mixing two genes is done via Punnett Squares, and a random result is chosen based on its ratios.
- Within a Punnett quadrant, a hi allele makes the upper digits and a lo allele makes the lower digits.
- If two hi allels or two lo alleles fall within a Punnet quadrant, their order is randomly selected.
- A new drink stand on the route 19 beach sells vending machine drinks
#Post-Game Content
- SS Anne can be re-entered after defeating the elite 4.
- minor text change indicating its return
- the captain's text has been slightly altered for a more generic context
- There's a tournament being held in the SS Anne's kitchen after the elite 4 are beaten
- Talk to the Gym Guy you find there
- win 7 matches in a row for a master ball
- Battles use teams of 3 pokemon
- Your team is healed before battles
- Enemy pokemon levels are based on the level of your strongest party pokemon
- You must have an open item slot to claim your prize
- Any trainer can appear with any three pokemon (excluding mew and mewtwo)
- No breaks allowed in-between battles
- Vendor added to Celadon Dept. Store 3F
- Sells max revives, moon stones, amber, fossils, exp all, master balls, and rare candy
- Only opens up after beating elite 4
- Relocated one of the rocket grunts in celadon city, and he now sells bulk coins in the post-game
- In the safari zone gate, a new NPC can toggle on and off a special safari event after the elite 4
- All pokemon in the safari zone will have above-average DVs
- Also makes it so there is a rare chance for any pokemon to be encountered in the safari zone (depends on location)
- The game corner chief will buy pokemon from the player post-e4
- There is a new NPC in the west-east underground path that generates random battles after beating the elite 4
- There is a new NPC in the north-south underground path that generates mirror matches after beating the elite 4
- New item M.GENE:
- Re-randomizes a pkmn's DVs to above-average values.
- Win 5 matches in a row against the random team NPC to get a M.GENE (leaving the area resets the win streak)
- New item MIST STONE
- Fully maxes-out a lvl > 30 pokemon's stat exp
- If all the stat exp is already at max, then it will set all the DVs to maximum instead.
- There are 5 new trainers to find and battle
- Hint 1: Talking to Oak can guide you to the first one
- Hint 2: The fifth one can only be fought after beating the first four.
- There are two missingno superbosses available after completing the pokedex
- One for each infamous shore
- Uses its L-block appearance remade as a proper image and has its own defined base stats data
- Uses trainer battle routines (different music, uses AI, and uncatchable)
- Mew can be found in the wild, and one of the newly-added trainers gives a hint on how to find it
- New Game Plus has been added (still experimental)
- Activated under these conditions:
- Must have an existing non-corrupt game save on-file
- Must have beaten the elite 4 in the on-file save
- Press and hold SELECT while choosing the New Game option
- A jingle will play to indicate NG+ has activated and the SELECT button can now be released
- Preserves ONLY the following information (your current party will be lost):
- Boxed pokemon
- Play clock
- Pokedex seen/owned registry
- Hall of Fame (experimental)
- Option screen selections
- Trainer ID (boxed pokemon won't count as traded)
- Wild pokemon randomizer seed
- The player can now choose whether or not to generate a new Trainer ID when selecting New Game Plus
#Cheats and Secrets
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- 這是對某些僅日本活動的口袋妖怪贈品的回報
- 與他在您聚會的頂部與Magikarp交談,他將願意教它以5000日元的龍憤怒。
- 在您的聚會頂部與Fearow或Rapidash與他交談,他將願意教它為1000日元的報酬日。
- 在您的聚會頂部與Pikachu與他交談,該聚會上有一個空的動作插槽,他可以教它飛行2000日元。
- 您必須首先在Pokedex中擁有151個口袋妖怪註冊。
- 將Psyduck放在您的第一個聚會上,然後在富士先生的家中與Psyduck交談。
- 現在,它將嘗試學習失憶症的舉動。
The surfboard, a nugget, and TM 15 are hidden items added to the vermilion dock
Mew is on the basement level of the unknown dungeon
- it is the rarest encounter in the game
- only shows up after getting the pokedex diploma
- can only be encountered once like static legendaries
Using the super rod in the unknown dungeon basement will yield glitch-level experiment dittos (a trap encounter)
Pay Day shenanigans
- A pkmn with Pay Day in the 1st party slot will play its cry when interacting with a lucky slot machine
- A pkmn with Pay Day in the 1st party slot will play its cry when a slot machine enters payout modes
- 1 cry for a normal payout on the next pull
- 2 cries to signal the possibility of all 7s/bars on the next pull
- 3 cries to signal that super payout mode had been entered
Secret EXP boosting
- Pkmn with levels > level cap give 255 stat exp for each stat
- Pkmn with levels > level cap have 255 base exp yield
If a chansey >= level 100 is first in your roster:
- Shiny wild random encounters and fishing rod encounters are much more common (1 in 256)
- Repel effects will not block shiny encounters
Shiny Mercy
- When a player encounters an AI trainer shiny pokemon, the next wild encounter will be shiny
- AI trainers can only have shinies in hard mode, so it affords more chances to find wild shinies
- Also, shiny mercy extends to tower ghosts, ghost marowak, and the old man catching tutorial
Winning the SS Anne tournament with a pikachu in the party will set its catch rate to 168
- In this rom hack, a pikachu with this catch rate can be taught Surf via HM
- This catch rate makes it hold a gorgeous box if transferred to Gen 2
- In case of multiple pikachus, only the first in the roster will be affected
- Likewise, a pikachu holding a gorgeous box can learn surf if transferred into this rom hack
Defeat Lance with a Dragonite in your top spot and it will be given a catch rate of 168
- Dragonite's cry will play to confirm that this has happened
- In this rom hack, a dragonite with this catch rate can be taught Fly via HM
- This catch rate makes it hold a gorgeous box if transferred to Gen 2
- Likewise, a dragonite holding a gorgeous box can learn fly if transferred into this rom hack
Added Bill's secret garden behind his house
- Put Mew in your top spot and show Bill to gain access
- You will encounter the starter pokemon plus some other rarer pokemon
- Shiny rates are 1-in-128 in this area
Show Mewtwo to Mr. Fuji after beating the Elite 4 to get a M.GENE
Obtaining the MIST STONE:
- There is a secret cave on Route 13, and the book within tells you to go to Bill's secret garden
- Return to this book afterwards in order to find a mist stone
- The mist stone will max-out all the stat exp of the lvl > 30 pokemon on which it is used
The five new trainer battles are as follows
- Talking to prof oak after beating the elite 4 and answering "No" let's you challenge him to a battle
- Can battle Mr. Fuji after beating the elite 4
- Can battle the Silph Chief after beating the elite 4
- Trainer Green (named Seiga) can be battled next to the ss anne dock truck after beating the elite 4
- Mind battle with future Trainer RED after beating the elite 4 via the new girl outside Bill's villa
- Must have beaten Oak, Fuji, Silph Chief, and Green (the order doesn't matter)
- After winning, must re-defeat the four extra trainers before you can challenge again
- A win will respawn Mewtwo, the legendary birds, and allow Mew to be found again, and reset the mist stone events
You can now battle missingno on the infamous cinnabar shoreline
- You must have gotten the pokedex diploma first
- Activated the traditional way via the "old man in viridian" method
- The battle will trigger randomly while surfing on the shore even if you are not moving
- If defeated, it will set a non-key item in the sixth bag slot to a quantity of 99
- Win or lose, you must do the "Old Man" process again to reactivate the encounter
- For an even harder battle, try using the eastern shore of the seafoam islands
- Again, victory will set the quanitity of your sixth bag item to 99
- Beating the seafoam missingo battle adds an achievement to your diploma
Implemented the old Down+B urban legend for pokeballs as a cheat code
- The timing is different. You have to hold Down+B before the "[PLAYER] used [ITEM]" text finishes printing.
- If successful, the ball tossed will be twice as effective as normal
Added "The Shimmer", a cheat feature for those who want viability when using certain low-regarded pokemon.
- Toggled ON/OFF via the glass pokeball decoration in the rival's house.
- The shimmer factor appears randomly and secretly, being more likely to occur by training and sending out eligible 'mons.
- The shimmer only manifests in 'mons that are fully evolved, even if their pre-evos gained the secret shimmer factor.
- When the shimmer manifests as a 'mon gets sent out, that 'mon gets a large boost to some stats that are low-to-poor.
Technical details of the shimmer
- A 'mon eligible for shimmer that is sent out, either by player or enemy trainer, can get the shimmer factor.
- The chance of getting the shimmer factor is 1-in-256 per send-out, rewarding a player that uses the 'mon frequently.
- The odds increase by +(1-in-256) per 2048 HP-StatExp that the sent-out pokemon has, encouraging player investment.
- The shimmer factor is defined via the pokemon's catch rate byte and is a value of $6D (held Miracle Berry in Gen-2).
- The manifestation of the shimmer boosts one-to-four of a 'mons unmodified stats.
- If 3/8ths of an unmodified stat is less than the mon's level, then the level value is added to that stat.
- Stats that can be boosted are: attack, defense, speed, or special.
- Exclusively for Hitmonchan, the shimmer adds the level twice to its special stat so it can use its elemental punches.
- There is the same chance of shimmer manifesting on applicable enemy trainer pokemon.
- Given their rosters, the shimmer will always manifest on the applicable pokemon of Bruno, Agatha, and the Karate Master.
#Availability Changes
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#Added Encounter Locations for the following pokemon (rare if not normally in the chosen version):
- charmander on route 25 (4.3%)
- squirtle on route 6 (4.3%)
- bulbasaur on route 4 (4.3%)
- sandshrew (5.1%) and ekans (5.1%) on route 3
- vulpix (4.3%: red, blue-jp) or growlithe (4.3%: blue, green) on route 8
- bellsprout (4.3%: red, blue-jp) or oddish (4.3%: blue, green) on route 24
- meowth (9.8%: red) or mankey (9.8%: blue, green, blue-jp) on route 5
- farfetchd on route 12 (6.3%) and route 13 (4.3%)
- cubone added to rock tunnel (5.1% floor 1 and 6.3% floor 2)
- dodrio on route 17 (5.1%)
- porygon in the power plant in red version (1.2%)
- electabuzz in power plant in all versions (9.4% red and 5.1% all others)
- magmar in pokemon mansion basement in all versions (4.3%)
- snorlax in digletts cave (5.1%)
- eevee on route 21 grass (5.5%)
- hitmonchan (5.1%) & hitmonlee (5.1%) in victory road 3f
- version-swapped pinser/scyther in safari zone central-area
- lickitung (5.1% red, blue, green) in safari zone east
- kangaskhan (5.1% blue-jp) in safari zone east
- tauros (5.1% blue-jp) in safari zone north
- jynx (5.1% red, blue, green) in safari zone north
- mr mime in safari zone west (5.1%)
- lapras replaces krabby when using super rod in safari zone
- magnemite on route 10 (5.1%)
- ponyta on route 7 (9.8%)
- tentacruel on water routes 19, 20, and 21 (6.3%)
- seaking on water routes 19, 20, and 21 (4.3%)
- route 22 super rod data has changed to give psyduck & poliwag
- version-swapped sandslash/arbok in unknown dungeon 1f
- unknown dungeon changes
- encounter rates between pokemon slightly re-balanced
- chansey is rarer
- dittos are rare
#Trade evolutions now alternately evolve with a stone at a certain level with some new hinting NPC text
- Kadabra: Use a moon stone at >= level 35
- Haunter: Use a thunder stone at >= level 35
- Graveler: Use a fire stone at >= level 35
- Machoke: Use a leaf stone at >= level 35
#Changes to pokemart inventories:
- TMs of all kinds at all stores (Prize Corner included). All TMs are now re-purchaseable at various stages of the game.
- Pewter city has ethers
- Lavender town has max ethers
- Saffron city has elixirs
- Cinnabar island has max elixirs
- Cerulean mart sells escape rope per Yellow version
- Fuchsia mart sells hyper potions per Yellow version
#Changes to item locations:
- Added a hidden max revive in celadon city
- Added a hidden super potion in celadon city
- Added a hidden moon stone in diglett's cave
- Added a hidden nugget in diglett's cave
- Added a hidden potion on route 22
- Additional hidden potion in viridian city
- Added two hidden repels to pewter city
- Added a hidden great ball and pokedoll on route 6
- Added hidden max revive on route 11
- Added hidden ultra ball on route 8
- 水上槍TM已被月亮山的超級排斥所取代,現在可以在錫特博物館中找到
#Built-In Nuzlocke Mode
- Go to the OPTIONS screen and press SELECT to get to the extra menu.
- Toggle this mode under "NUZLOCKE".
This mode DOES NOT check if you have obtained pokeballs yet. It is in full effect when toggled to ON.
Rule 1: A pokemon that faints is considered dead and can no longer be used.
- Revival items cannot be used in battle.
- If a battle ends with no forfeiture, all pokemon with 0 HP are marked dead.
- If a battle ends in a forfeit, all pokemon with 0 HP before the forfeit are marked dead.
- Pokemon marked as dead have $05 written to their catch rate to permanently mark them.
- Even if they are traded back and forth, dead pokemon remain marked as dead while in nuzlocke mode.
- Medicinal items will not work on pokemon marked as dead, nor will Soft-boiled.
- Party healing (Mom, Pokemon Center, blacking out, etc) makes a dead pokemon effectively useless.
- To clarify, it gives a dead pokemon 1 HP, the FRZ status, and 0 PP for all moves.
- This allows a player to continue the game with boxed pokemon in case of a total party loss.
- Dead pokemon transferred to Gen-2 games will be holding a pokeball.
Rule 2: You can only catch the 1st wild pokemon that you encounter in an area.
- An "area" is defined by the name displayed on the town map.
- You will be unable to throw balls in subsequent wild battles in that area.
- Static wild battles count for this as well.
- Wild battles before you can get pokeballs also count.
- In light of this, you may want to delay activating nuzlocke mode until pokeballs are available.
- Story wild battles (Old Man tutorial, Ghost Marowak, and Tower Ghosts) do not apply.
Rule 3 (Optional): Nickname every pokemon you obtain.
- You will always go straight to the nickname screen without a Yes/No prompt.
- You can still opt out of a nickname by leaving the entry field blank.
Built-in exceptions:
- Shiny Clause: Nothing prevents you from throwing balls to catch a wild shiny pokemon.
- Duplication Clause: Encountering a wild "owned" pokemon will not activate Rule 2.
- Rule 2 resets for the Safari Zone area upon paying the entrance fee.
- Catching a pokemon, even if owned, always activates Rule 2. Important for the Safari Zone and New Game+.
- Dead pokemon can still use overworld moves (HM moves, Teleport, etc).
Visuale Aides:
- An Up-Down-Arrow symbol will display on the HUD of a wild pokemon if a ball is allowed to be tossed.
- This symbol follows Rule 2 and any built-in exceptions previously destribed.
Nuzlocke and the Safari Zone:
- The Safari Zone is not inherently limited to a single entry in nuzlocke mode.
- Entering the Safari Zone gives the player an opportunity to catch 1 pokemon.
- And this opportunity presents itself each time the player pays the entry fee.
Nuzlocke and New Game+:
- New Game+ preserves the pokedex.
- This means the Duplication Clause will prevent Rule 2 from activating.
- In light of this, Rule 2 will always activate on an area upon the first catch made there.
Dead pokemon and toggling Nuzlocke mode:
- It is possible to cheat by turning off nuzlocke mode, healing a dead pokemon, then turning it back on.
- If this is done, the healed pokemon is still considered dead.
- This means that party-wide healing will make it useless and medicine still has no effect.
- This has the potential for a kind of "undead run" rule variant.
Removing the death marker:
- The only way to undo this is by modifying the dead pokemon's catch rate.
- This is usually done via the Gen-2 time capsule and trading it back without a hold item or a different hold item.
#About Gameshark Codes
Will they work? Largely, yes...with some rules.
Shin Pokemon does not reassign any wram or hram addresses, so cheat codes that modify values within these address ranges will still work.
The GB/C's wram is in addresses C000-DFFF, and hram is in FF80-FFFE.
Gameshark codes for the GB/C have an 8-digit hexadecimal format in the form of LMNOYZWX. The meaning of the separate digits is:
- LM - External RAM bank number (typically 01)
- NO - a 2-digit byte to act as your injected value
- WXYZ - A 2-byte Memory Address to write the new value to (Note that the gameshark code format reverses the low and high bytes of the address)
So say you want a cheat code that gives you 99 of the first item in the bag.
The quantity of the first item in the bag is at address D31F in wram, and 99-decimal equals 63-hex.
This gives a gameshark code of 01631FD3.
Any codes that follow these conventions and only modify the wram or hram should work like they do in the vanilla games.
#Will Not Implement / Out of Scope
These are things that are commonly requested but fall outside the scope of the project. There are no plans to implement these:
- Yellow Version - This is a different rom base, and I have no intention at this time to start all over on numerous features.
- Gen 2 color / graphics - The goal is to keep art direction and assets within the purview of a pre-1998 direction.
- Battle mechanics from later generations - Gen 1's gameplay must be generally be preserved, so no special defense, physical-special split, critical hits untied from speed, updated move pools, etc.
- Later-gen evolutions/forms/variants - I'm keeping this strictly to the original 151.
- Translations - This is best handled by other teams using their own project repositories.
#Frequently Asked Questions
Will you do a special request just for me or make some specific patches or a ROM file for me?
No. Such requests will be politely declined. If you think you have a good recommendation, please fill out a suggestion ticket in the Issues tab of this project's github repository.
我愛你的工作! How can I donate to you?
The gesture is appreciated and highly flattering, but donations of any sort are politely declined.
What are the best ways to support Shin Pokemon?
There are several ways you can support the project:
- Stream your playthrough.
- Make a Let's Play series.
- Do a review or an analysis piece.
- Create highly detailed bug reports with an "Issues" ticket.
- Recording and uploading your gameplay is the best resource for troubleshooting. Let's Plays and stream VODs are routinely searched for and examined.
How do you come up with with new features and their implementations?
It's primarily based on nostalgic schoolyard rumors, interesting "what if" ideas, and love for secrets and easter eggs from the 1990s gaming era.
A separate project used code from Shin Pokemon to do such-and-such feature. Will you backport it into Shin Pokemon?
Let such projects have their own identity. Other creators need to be able to show off and be proud of what they made.
Why did you not use the artwork of Trainer Green from the Adventures comic or the Let's Go games for the female trainer option?
Internal debate was heated on how to proceed for a female player option, but here's the reasoning that won out:
- Green's design was never intended to be a playable character. Ken Sugimori created her back-view because he needed to depict a trainer trio for an art piece.
- Trainer Red was always supposed to be the player. An original female trainer was never considered until gen-2's development phase around Nov-Dec 1997.
- Others already created original sprite art to include in their own projects, and lifting it might step on their toes or foster ill feelings.
So it was decided to whip-up something simple and original that depicted a female version of Trainer Red. She also acts as a (private) dev shoutout.
Why can Bide still hit opponents in the Fly/Dig state when Pokemon Stadium fixes this?
Bide is a crummy move, but it gains a little more strategy in Shin Pokemon. This oversight was purposefully retained as a "feature" to help it out some more.
Why does Hyper Beam recharge work like it does in gen-2 instead of always needing to recharge like in Stadium?
Shin Pokemon did do always-recharge at one point, but it was hated by literally every player . Removing recharge on a miss was done as a compromise.
Why is there a brief white frame flash when the screen transitions on Gameboy or Gameboy Color?
It's a hardware quirk. There is a brief moment where the LCD is disabled. When it is re-enabled, the screen displays blank white for 1 frame. The LCD gets disabled because it allows writing to VRAM at any time.
EDIT: I believe I've found a workaround by writing to VRAM during the HBLANK and VBLANK periods. The timing is a little tricky.
#Credits / Special Thanks
- Jojobear13's wife, for copywriting and voicework
- The Pret team for the pokered and pokeyellow disassemblies and all the code comments that came with them
- MoriyaFaith's pokejp project for green version assets and code referencing
- Rangi for the tool Polished Map and the jp-style town map from Red/Blue Star
- Exp bar coded by Danny-E 33
- The Pokemon Prism team for the improved RNG used in this project's previous versions
- Patrik Rak for the new xor-shift RNG code
- Move deleter/relearner coded by TheFakeMateo for Pokemon Red++
- Code contributions and bugfixing by wisp92
- GLSWV for correcting the metric conversions of height and weight data
- SteppoBlazer for the spaceworld-style old man back sprite
- Poketto for the spaceworld-style Trainer Red back sprite
- SPazzzi95 for documenting localization changes
- easyaspi314 for optimizations to the gamma shader and wavy-line animation bugfix
- Dracrius' pocketrgb-en project for finding corrections to jp-build inaccuracies
- devolov for the bag-sorting feature
- powderpup for box covers using Sugimori cardass art
The following folks for their great tutorials, glitch videos, and explanations across the internet
- TheFakeMateo
- 水晶_
- ChickasaurusGL
- v0id19
The following folks for bugfix collaboration
- kadetPirx
- JOBOalthor1992
- krazsen
- kmalove
- zycain
- jastolze007
- MStern
- TSinnohTrainer
- Chirutalis
- coltongit
The shinpokered repository was branched from pret/pokered at merge pull request #185 committed on Jul 2, 2018