文件夾中找到,該文件夾是Hull Library Helm Chart的根文件夾。
Kubernetes API JSON模式存儲在kubernetes-json-schema
需要維護抽象-Kelsey Hightower
夾中的YAML模板形式實現。這些模板文件一方麵包含kubernetes kubernetes yaml代碼塊,另一方面是使用GO模板表達式的自定義配置映射,通過中央values.yaml
提供了應用程序配置之間的膠水。YAML配置文件和所需的Kubernetes yaml yaml輸出。可以說,這種全應用抽象的方法非常適合為即使是最專業的應用程序創建型號配置軟件包,但以更簡單,經常性和現成的應用程序包裝用例,以大開銷為代價。創建,維護和(通常)理解Helm圖表所引入的抽象(尤其是在面對來自各種來源的大量個人掌舵圖表時)可能會變得乏味和挑戰。
船體庫的主要功能是能夠完全從Helm Chart Workfrows中刪除自定義的YAML模板文件,從而可以刪除抽像水平。使用赫爾庫圖,可以在values.yaml
中完全透明地指定包含所有屬性的kubernetes對象。赫爾庫圖本身提供了統一的圖層,以簡化舵圖表的規範,配置和渲染以實現這一目標。您還可以將其視為Kubernetes API頂部的薄層,以避免掌舵圖和Kubernetes API對象配置之間的中間人,但當需要自定義單個配置選項而不是需要您添加每個配置開關時,可以提供靈活性手動到模板。 JSON模式驗證基於Helm JSON驗證功能(通過values.schema.json
)有助於編寫Kubernetes API從一開始就使用支持Live JSON Schema驗證的IDE時就可以符合對象。 values.yaml
可以使用其他好處(均勻的遺傳對像元數據,簡化的配置/秘密包含configmaps/秘密,跨引用值。但是也許最重要的是,可以將船體庫作為對任何現有舵圖的依賴性添加,並並排使用而不破壞任何現有的Helm Charts功能,請參閱將Hull Library圖表添加到Helm Chart中的更多信息。最後,通過作為圖書館圖表本身,一切都可以在普通舵提供的功能中100%起作用 - 不引入或涉及其他工具。
吊艙上。 frontend
hull : # HULL is configured via subchart key 'hull'
config : # chart setup takes place here for everything besides object definitions
specific : # central place for shared values specific to this chart
debug : true # a switch influencing creation of objects in this chart
application_version : v23.1 # a shared image tag for multiple container
myapp : # some exemplary configuration settings for the app, exposed here for transparency
rate_limit : 100
max_connections : 5
objects : # all objects to create are defined here
deployment : # create deployments
myapp-frontend : # the base part of the object name for frontend deployment
pod : # configure pod-related aspects
containers : # non-init containers
main : # one main container
image : # provide image reference
repository : mycompany/myapp-frontend # repository
tag : _HT*hull.config.specific.application_version # reference to central tag value above
ports : # exposed ports
http : # port name is http
containerPort : 80 # the port number
env : # environment variables
SERVER_HOSTNAME : # name of variable
value : _HT^myapp-backend # value is dynamically rendered reference to myapp-backend service name
SERVER_PORT : # name of variable
value : " 8080 " # backend service port
myapp-backend : # the base part of the object name for backend deployment
pod : # configure pod-related aspects
containers : # non-init containers
main : # one main container
image : # image reference
repository : mycompany/myapp-backend # repository
tag : _HT*hull.config.specific.application_version # reference to central tag value above
ports : # exposed ports
http : # port name is http
containerPort : 8080 # the port number
volumeMounts : # mounts of the container
appconfig : # context key is appconfig
name : myappconfig # the name needs to match a volume
mountPath : /etc/config/appconfig.json # mountPath
subPath : backend-appconfig.json # subPath
volumes : # volumes that may be mounted
myappconfig : # key matching a volumeMounts name
configMap : # configmap reference
name : myappconfig # the configmap to load, simply referenced by key name
configmap : # create configmaps
myappconfig : # the backend configuration
data : # data section
backend-appconfig.json : # key name is file name
serialization : toPrettyJson # serialize the dictionary content of inline to pretty Json
inline : # define the contents of the file as a dictionary for convenience
rate-limit : _HT*hull.config.specific.myapp.rate_limit
max-connections : _HT*hull.config.specific.myapp.max_connections
debug-log : _HT!{{ if _HT*hull.config.specific.debug }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }}
service : # create services
myapp-frontend : # frontend service, automatically matches pods with identical parent object's key name
ports : # definition of service ports
http : # http port for type=ClusterIP
enabled : _HT?not _HT*hull.config.specific.debug # bind rendering to debug: false condition, use embedded transformation to reference field
port : 80 # regular port
targetPort : http # targetPort setting
http_nodeport : # http port for type=NodePort
enabled : _HT?_HT*hull.config.specific.debug # bind rendering to debug: true condition
port : 80 # regular port
nodePort : 31111 # the node port
targetPort : http # targetPort setting
type : |- # dynamically switch type based on hull.config.specific.debug setting
{{- if _HT*hull.config.specific.debug -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
myapp-backend : # backend service, automatically matches pods with identical parent object's key name
ports : # definition of service ports
http : # http port
port : 8080 # regular port
targetPort : http # targetPort setting
type : ClusterIP # in cluster service
ingress : # create ingresses
myapp : # the central frontend ingress
enabled : _HT?not _HT*hull.config.specific.debug # rendering bound to debug: false
rules : # the ingress rules
myapp : # key-value dictionary of rules
host : SET_HOSTNAME_HERE # change the host at deployment time to actual one
http : # http settings
paths : # paths definition
standard : # a standard path definition
path : / # could be changed at deployment time
pathType : ImplementationSpecific # path type
backend : # backend config
service : # service targeted
name : myapp-frontend # key name suffices to reference service created in this chart
port : # target port
name : http # target port name
helm template hull-demo-<version>.tgz
開關 - 要么在debug
,僅在debug: false
debug: true
或debug: false
configmaps源值( rate_limit
添加到上面的helm template
專注於指定Kubernetes對象所需的內容,而不必在圖表中添加單個樣板YAML模板。這消除了常規舵機工作流程中常見的錯誤和維護。為了使船體渲染的輸出符合Kubernetes API規範,大量的單位測試驗證了針對Kubernetes API JSON模式的船體渲染的輸出。
有關更多詳細信息,請參閱有關JSON Schema驗證的文檔。
對於所有由赫爾支持的Kubernetes對像類型,直接可用對Kubernetes對像類型屬性的完整配置訪問。這使圖表維護者不必一個一個一個一個添加缺少的配置選項,而Helm Chart用戶則從撥出頭盔圖表中僅添加了他們的配置所需的屬性。僅需要將船體圖表更新到具有匹配的kubernetes API版本的較新版本,以啟用添加到Kubernetes對象的屬性的配置,同時在較新的API版本中。船體圖的版本是版本的,以反映其支持的最小Kubernetes API版本。
有關更多詳細信息,請參閱有關JSON Schema驗證的文檔。
中的內容規範之間選擇“ configmap”和“秘密輸入”的靈活處理。yaml或從外部文件中導入較大尺寸的內容。從文件導入數據時,可以通過模板引擎運行數據,也可以通過“原樣”導入的“原樣”,如果它已經包含應傳遞給消費應用程序的模板表達式。側重於方便地處理標準方案,您還可以將文件內容定義為values.yaml
夾中的Yaml模板渲染的常規頭盔工作流程完全不受船體庫圖表的集成的影響。有時,您可能對船體庫不符合的配置或對象規範有非常具體的要求,因此您可以為他們使用常規的Helm Workflow和Hull庫來滿足您的標準需求 - 在同一頭盔圖中很容易並行。
如果您喜歡動手方法,請邀請您查看Dev.to的新船體教程系列!特定部分教程將從設置頭盔並創建基於船體的圖表的最初開始,以逐步確定基於現實船體的頭盔圖。為了強調與常規的Helm Chart工作流程的差異,教程將流行的kubernetes-dashboard
Helm Chart作為源,並將其運輸到功能等效的基於船體的頭盔圖。最後,它表明,當使用基於船體的方法而不是常規的寫作圖表樣式時,減少以創建和維護的配置線可以減少50%以上!
部分中,您可以為您的頭盔圖配置一般設置。它分為兩個小節, config.general
部分相反,該部分應使用僅特定於單個掌舵圖表的任意數據填充, config.general
範圍 | 描述 | 預設 | 例子 |
nameOverride | 該名稱覆蓋物應用於元數據標籤app.kubernetes.io/name 的值。如果設置此設置有效地在此處替換圖表名稱。 | ||
fullnameOverride | 如果設置為一個值,則將全名覆蓋作為所有對象名稱的前綴應用,並替換標準<release>-<chart> 對象名稱中的前綴模式。 | myapp | |
namespaceOverride | 如果設置為一個值,則所有創建對象的名稱空間都設置為此值。如果未定義,則所有對象實例的名稱空間默認為提供給相應Helm命令的發行名稱空間。 | my-namespace | |
noObjectNamePrefixes | 如果設置,則將對象實例鍵直接用作創建的Kubernetes對象的名稱,並且永遠不會被前綴。從技術上講,這等同於在每個對像上設置staticName 為true。請注意,通過將其設置為true config.general.fullnameOverride 的值無關緊要。 | false | true |
createImagePullSecretsFromRegistries | 如果是真的,則從此掌舵圖中定義的所有註冊表中創建圖像拉秘密,並將其添加到所有POD中。 | true | false |
globalImageRegistryServer | 如果不為空,則將所有容器image 字段的registry 字段設置為此處給出的值。如果此字段是非空的,則忽略了config.general.globalImageRegistryToFirstRegistrySecretServer 。 image 的所有定義的顯式registry 設置都被此值覆蓋。預期的用法是在諸如部署場景(例如部署場景)的情況下,方便地將所有圖像從中央碼頭註冊表中取出。 與將 globalImageRegistryToFirstRegistrySecretServer 設置為true 相反,在這種情況下,註冊表的秘密通常在此Helm圖表之外定義,並且註冊表Secret的服務器由其名稱直接引用。如果您使用此功能並在此掌舵圖表之外定義Docker註冊表秘密,則可能需要在吊艙中添加imagePullSecrets ,以防引用的Docker註冊表並非不安全。 | "" | mycompany.docker-registry.io |
globalImageRegistryToFirstRegistrySecretServer | 如果True和globalImageRegistryServer 為空,則所有容器image 字段的registry 字段都設置為第一個找到的registry 對象的server 字段。請注意,如果您提供多個registry OBEJCTS,這是具有最低字母數字鍵名的註冊表。通常,應將設置createImagePullSecretsFromRegistries 與true 一起使用,以從自動填充的imagePullSecrets 中受益並因此設置registry 。 image 的顯式registry 設置被此值覆蓋。此設置的預期用法是,如果有機隙(如部署場景),則可以方便地從中央碼頭註冊表中提取的所有圖像。 | false | true |
errorChecks | 確定船體在哪些情況下會產生錯誤 helm install 或helm template 的選項。有關更多詳細信息,請參見有關配置錯誤檢查的詳細文檔只有以下子場: objectYamlValid hullGetTransformationReferenceValid containerImageValid virtualFolderDataPathExists virtualFolderDataInlineValid | ||
errorChecks.objectYamlValid | 驗證沒有破裂的yaml被渲染 | true | |
errorChecks.hullGetTransformationReferenceValid | 驗證所有_HT* 引用指向values.yaml 中的現有鍵。 | true | |
errorChecks.containerImageValid | 驗證所有pod 的containers 和initContainers image 部分都存在,並且至少具有repository 集 | true | |
errorChecks.virtualFolderDataPathExists | 驗證在configmap和秘密的data path 字段中確實存在的所有文件 | true | |
errorChecks.virtualFolderDataInlineValid | 驗證是否為ConfigMap和Secret的data inline 字段設置了沒有null 值或缺失值(已轉換為空字符串) | false | |
debug | 可以幫助調試圖表問題的選項。主要是過時的,並替換為在 errorChecks 下配置的默認錯誤消息。只有以下子場: renderBrokenHullGetTransformationReferences renderNilWhenInlineIsNil renderPathMissingWhenPathIsNonExistent | ||
debug.renderBrokenHullGetTransformationReferences | 全局開關如果啟用將打印出一個字符串:HULL failed with error BROKEN-HULL-GET-TRANSFORMATION-REFERENCE: Element <y> in path <xyz> was not found 包括 _HT*/hull.util.transformation.get 參考( xyz )和缺少鍵( y ),如果轉換引用了非現有字典鍵。這對於調試圖表渲染並減少搜索破裂的引用很有用,因為通常在破損的引用中以錯誤的方式中止安裝(這可能會使問題引用有問題的參考文獻)。筆記: 到目前為止,默認情況下,任何損壞的獲取參考都會通過語言頭盔錯誤發出信號,因此此開關大部分是為了調試損壞的引用。建議禁用此選項,而在損壞的情況下失敗,而是直接從錯誤消息中分析問題。 | false | true |
debug.renderNilWhenInlineIsNil | 全局開關如果啟用將打印出一個字符串:<nil> 作為 data 字段值,當inline 規格引用configmap或秘密中的nil 指針時。如果設置為false,則nil 值將在ConfigMap或Secret data 字段中打印為一個空字符串。筆記: 到目前為止,任何無效的內聯字段都會通過默認情況下的語言掌舵錯誤來發出信號(含義 hull.config.general.errorChecks.virtualFolderDataInlineValid 是true )。啟用此開關大部分是為了調試,並且建議禁用此選項並在無效的內聯字段中努力失敗。 | false | true |
debug.renderPathMissingWhenPathIsNonExistent | 全局開關如果啟用將打印出一個字符串:<path missing: the_missing_path> 在ConfigMap或秘密 data 字段中值,包括the_missing_path 值,該值無法解析為文件。如果為false, data 字段值將解析為一個空字符串。筆記: 到目前為止,路徑字段中引用的任何不存在的文件都將通過默認情況下的語言掌舵錯誤發出信號(意思是 hull.config.general.errorChecks.virtualFolderDataPathExists 是true )。啟用此開關大多是為了調試而過時,並且建議禁用此選項,並且在不存在的文件路徑參考上失敗。 | false | true |
render | 影響船體如何將對象呈現為YAML的選項。 只有以下子場: emptyAnnotations emptyLabels emptyHullObjects | ||
render.emptyAnnotations | 如果為true ,則赫爾會呈現annotations: {} 如果對像不存在註釋,則如果false 省略了annotations 密鑰。 | false | true |
render.emptyLabels | 如果為true ,船體將呈現labels: {} 如果對像不存在標籤,則false 了labels 鍵。 | false | true |
render.emptyTemplateAnnotations | 如果是true ,則赫爾會呈現annotations: {} 在吊艙template 中,如果對像不存在註釋,則false 了annotations 鍵。 | false | true |
render.emptyTemplateLabels | 如果為true ,則赫爾將labels: {} 在吊艙template 中if no labels exist for an object, if 省略了標籤the 。 | false | true |
render.emptyHullObjects | 如果為true ,則赫爾將數組作為空數組呈現,如果赫爾處理的某些字段不存在元素。如果是錯誤的,則將鍵值對。這會影響從船體配置中的字典映射到渲染YAML中的Kubernetes數組的字段。以下是赫爾對象配置中受影響字段的列表:
| false | true |
postRender | 赫爾完全渲染對像後,可以操縱所得的yaml字符串。這樣做的可能性是在這裡作為postRender 行動提供的。警告:謹慎使用,因為這可能會破壞YAML結構! | ||
postRender.globalStringReplacements | 可以應用於渲染對象的YAML的替換可能性的字典。主要用例與_HULL_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ 中的廣泛默認值結合使用sources 並在其中允許將實例特定的字符串注入默認的YAML中。可以enabled: true 。每個映射包括以下字段:
| ||
postRender.globalStringReplacements.instanceKey | 如果enabled ,則如hull.Objects中的實際對象的instance_key 替換string 值hull.objects.<object_type>.<instance_key> 。 replacement 的值是此映射的OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY 。 | instanceKey: enabled: false string: _HULL_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ replacement: OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY | |
postRender.globalStringReplacements.instanceKeyResolved | 如果enabled ,則如hull.objects中的實際對象的instance_key 替換string 值hull.objects.<object_type>.<instance_key> 或通過hull.objects.<object_type>.<instance_key>.metadataNameOverride replacement 的值是用於此映射的OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY_RESOLVED 。 | instanceKeyResolved: enabled: false string: _HULL_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ replacement: OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY_RESOLVED | |
postRender.globalStringReplacements.instanceName | 如果enabled ,將用實際對象的渲染metadata.name 替換string 值。 replacement 的值是此映射的OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME 。 | instanceName: enabled: false string: _HULL_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ replacement: OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME | |
serialization | 一般序列化選項。 | ||
serialization.configmap.enabled | 如果enabled ,則默認情況下,使用給定的序列fileExtensions 方法序列化了映射的文件擴展名。如果data 鍵以映射擴展之一結束,則該值中的序列化方法用於將內容寫入字符串。 ConfigMaps data 條目上的特定serialization 字段覆蓋任何默認設置。 | true | |
serialization.configmap.fileExtensions | 從文件擴展到序列化方法的映射字典。 | fileExtensions: json: toPrettyJson yaml: toYaml yml: toYaml | |
serialization.secret.enabled | 如果enabled ,則默認情況下,使用給定的序列fileExtensions 方法序列化了映射的文件擴展名。如果data 鍵以映射擴展之一結束,則該值中的序列化方法用於將內容寫入字符串。秘密data 條目上的特定serialization 字段覆蓋任何默認設置。 | true | |
serialization.secret.fileExtensions | 從文件擴展到序列化方法的映射字典。 | fileExtensions: json: toPrettyJson yaml: toYaml yml: toYaml | |
config.general.rbac | 全局開關啟用RBAC對象進行安裝。 如果 true 所有啟用的RBAC對像都部署到群集,則false 沒有創建RBAC對象。可部署的RBAC對像是: roles rolebindings clusterroles clusterrolebindings | true | false |
config.general.data | 自由表單字段,而該字段的子場在產品套件的上下文中應具有明確定義的含義。 例如,假設您的所有產品或微服務(每次作為單獨的頭盔圖表)都取決於相同的給定端點(身份驗證,配置,...)。您可能會通過每個掌舵圖表執行共享的Kubernetes作業,該工作針對這些端點。現在,您可以指定一個外部船體 values.yaml 包含作業規範和端點定義的方式,您可以看到合適並構造覆蓋values.yaml 在每個部署的頂部呈現的YAML呈現,並具有統一的機制。 | {} | |
config.general.metadata | 這裡定義的元數據字段將自動添加到所有對像元數據中。 只有以下子場: labels annotations | ||
config.general.metadata.labels | 添加到所有對象的標籤。 common 標籤是指可以免費指定的Kubernetes和Helm Common標籤和custom 標籤。只有以下子場: common custom | ||
config.general.metadata.labels.common | https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/labels/和https://kubernetes.io/docs/docs/conepts/conepts/overing-withering-with-with-with-bomp-------- --------/--sh/chart_best_practices/labels/-com-sh/chart_best_practices/labels/working-with-with-objects/Common-Labels/ 除非專門用空值覆蓋( '' )所有元數據標籤將根據其默認定義自動添加到所有對像中。如果helm圖是產品套件的一部分,則應考慮為config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/part-of' 設置值。 | ||
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/managed-by' | 由元數據管理。 | {{ .Release.Service }} | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/version' | 版本元數據。 | {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/part-of' | 元數據的一部分。 | "unspecified" | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/name' | 名稱元數據。 | {{ printf "%s-%s" .ChartName <hullObjectKey> }} | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/instance' | 實例元數據。 | {{ .Release.Name }} | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'app.kubernetes.io/component' | 組件元數據。 | <hullObjectKey> | |
config.general.metadata.labels.common.'helm.sh/chart' | 掌舵元數據。 | `{{(printf“%s-%s” .chart.name .chart.version) | 替換“+”“ _”}}' |
config.general.metadata.labels.custom | 所有指定的自定義標籤都會自動添加到此頭盔圖的所有對像中。 | {} | |
config.general.metadata.annotations | 添加到所有對象的註釋。可以免費指定custom 標籤。只有以下子場: custom 。 | ||
config.general.metadata.annotations.custom | 所有指定的自定義註釋將自動添加到此掌舵圖的所有對像中。 | {} | |
config.specific | 保留特定於Helm圖中包含的特定產品的配置選項的免費表單字段。通常,此處指定的值應該用於填充特定應用程序從啟動時讀取其配置的配置文件的內容。因此,通常在ConfigMaps或Secrets中消耗config.specific 字段。 | {} | maxDatepickerRange: 50 defaultPoolColor: "#FB6350" updateInterval: 60000 |
。等等。 By uniquely identifying the instances of a particular K8s object type it becomes easy to adjust the objects properties through a multitude of layers.
use the key of an instance for naming the instance. All instance names are constructed by the following ground rule: {{ printf "%s-%s-%s" .Release.Name .Chart.Name key }}
. This generates unique, dynamic names per object type and release + instance key combination.
For example, assuming the parent Helm chart is named my_webservice
and the release named staging
and given this specification in values.yaml
hull :
objects :
deployment :
nginx :
pod :
containers :
nginx :
repository : nginx
tag : 1.14.2
a Kubernetes deployment object with the following metadata.name
is created:
Note that you can opt to define a static name for instances you create by adding a property
staticName: true
to your objects definition. If you do so the objects name will exactly match the key name you chose.
each particular instance can have an enabled
sub-field set to true
or false
. This way you can predefine instances of object types in your helm charts values.yaml
but not deploy them in a default scenario. Or enable them by default and refrain from deploying them in a particular environment by disabling them in an superimposed system specific values.yaml
. Note that unless you explicitly specify enabled: false
each instance you define will be created by default, a missing enabled
key is equivalent to enabled: true
cross-referencing objects within a helm chart by the instance key is a useful feature of the HULL library. This is possible in these contexts:
Note that you can in these cases opt to refer to a static name instead too. Adding a property
staticName: true
to the dictionary with your reference will force the referenced objects name to exactly match the name you entered.
The values of object instance keys reflects the Kubernetes objects to create for the chart. To specify these objects efficiently, the available properties for configuration can be split into three groups:
Basic HULL object configuration with hull.ObjectBase.v1 whose properties are available for all object types and instances. These are enabled
, staticName
, annotations
and labels
Given the example of a deployment
named nginx
you can add the following properties of hull.ObjectBase.v1 to the object instance:
hull :
objects :
deployment :
nginx : # unique key/identifier of the deployment to create
staticName : true # property of hull.ObjectBase.v1
# forces the metadata.name to be just the <KEY> 'nginx'
# and not a dynamic name '<CHART>-<RELEASE>-<KEY>' which
# would be the better default behavior of creating
# unique object names for all objects.
enabled : true # property of hull.ObjectBase.v1
# this deployment will be rendered to a YAML object if enabled
labels :
demo_label : " demo " # property of hull.ObjectBase.v1
# add all labels here that shall be added
# to the object instance metadata section
annotations :
demo_annotation : " demo " # property of hull.ObjectBase.v1
# add all annotations here that shall be added
# to the object instance metadata section
pod :
... # Here would come the hull.PodTemplate.v1 definition
# see below for details
Specialized HULL object properties for some object types. Below is a reference of which object type supports which special properties in addition to the basic object configuration.
Again given the example of a deployment
named nginx
you would want to add properties of the HULL hull.PodTemplate.v1 to the instance. With them you set the pod
property to define the pod template (initContainers, containers, volumes, ...) and can add templateLabels
and templateAnnotations
just to the pods created metadata
and not the deployment objects metadata
hull :
objects :
deployment :
nginx :
staticName : true
enabled : true
labels :
demo_label : " demo "
annotations :
demo_annotation : " demo "
templateLabels : # property of hull.PodTemplate.v1 to define
# labels only added to the pod
demo_pod_label : " demo pod "
templateAnnotations : # property of hull.PodTemplate.v1 to define
# annotations only added to the pod
demo_pod_annotation : " demo pod "
pod : # property of hull.PodTemplate.v1 to define the pod template
containers :
nginx : # all containers of a pod template are also referenced by a
# unique key to make manipulating them easy.
image :
repository : nginx # specify repository and tag
# separately with HULL for easier composability
tag : 1.14.2
... # further properties (volumeMounts, affinities, ...)
Kubernetes object properties. For each object type it is basically possible to specify all existing Kubernetes properties. In case a HULL property overwrites a identically named Kubernetes property the HULL property has precedence. Even if a HULL property overrides a Kubernetes property it is intended to provide the same complete configuration options, even if sometimes handled differently by HULL.
Some of the typical top-level Kubernetes object properties and fields don't require setting them with HULL based objects because they can be deducted automatically:
and kind
are determined by the HULL object type and Kubernetes API version and don't require to be explicitly set (except for objects of type customresource
dictionary on objects is handled by HULL via the annotations
and labels
fields and the naming rules explained above. So the metadata
field does not require configuration and is hence not configurable for any object.Some lower level structures are also converted from the Kubernetes API array form to a dictionary form or are modified to improve working with them. This also enables more sophisticated merging of layers since arrays don't merge well, they only can be overwritten completely. Overwriting arrays however can make it hard to forget about elements that are contained in the default form of the array (you would need to know that they existed in the first place). In short, for a layered configuration approach without an endless amount of elements the dictionary is preferable for representing data since it offers a much better merging support.
So again using the example of a deployment
named nginx
you can add the remaining available Kubernetes properties to the object instance which are not handled by HULL as shown below. For a deployment
specifically you can add all the remaining properties defined in the deploymentspec
API schema from deploymentspec-v1-apps which are minReadySeconds
, paused
, progressDeadlineSeconds
, replicas
, revisionHistoryLimit
and strategy
. If properties are marked as mandatory in the Kubernetes JSON schema you must provide them otherwise the rendering process will fail:
hull :
objects :
deployment :
nginx :
staticName : true
enabled : true
labels :
demo_label : " demo "
annotations :
demo_annotation : " demo "
pod :
... # Here would come the hull.PodTemplate.v1 definition
# see above for details
replicas : 3 # property from the Kubernetes API deploymentspec
strategy : # property from the Kubernetes API deploymentspec
type : Recreate
... # further Kubernetes API deploymentspec options
Here is an overview of which top level properties are available for which object type in HULL. The HULL properties are grouped by the respective HULL JSON schema group they belong to. A detailed description of these groups and their properties is found in the documentation of this helm chart and the respective linked documents.
Workloads APIs
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
deployment | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.PodTemplate.v1 templateAnnotations templateLabels pod | deploymentspec-v1-appsminReadySeconds paused progressDeadlineSeconds replicas revisionHistoryLimit strategy |
job | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.PodTemplate.v1 templateAnnotations templateLabels pod | jobspec-v1-batchactiveDeadlineSeconds backoffLimit completionMode completions manualSelector parallelism selector suspend ttlSecondsAfterFinished |
daemonset | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.PodTemplate.v1 templateAnnotations templateLabels pod | daemonsetspec-v1-appsminReadySeconds revisionHistoryLimit updateStrategy |
statefulset | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.PodTemplate.v1 templateAnnotations templateLabels pod | statefulsetspec-v1-appspodManagementPolicy replicas revisionHistoryLimit serviceName updateStrategy serviceName volumeClaimTemplates |
cronjob | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Job.v1 job | cronjobspec-v1-batchconcurrencyPolicy failedJobsHistoryLimit schedule startingDeadlineSeconds successfulJobsHistoryLimit suspend |
Service APIs
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
endpoints | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | endpoints-v1-coresubsets |
endpointslice | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | endpointslice-v1-discovery-k8s-ioaddressType endpoints ports |
service | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Service.v1 ports | servicespec-v1-coreallocateLoadBalancerNodePorts clusterIP clusterIPs externalIPs externalName externalTrafficPolicy healthCheckNodePort internalTrafficPolicy ipFamilies ipFamilyPolicy loadBalancerClass loadBalancerIP loadBalancerSourceRanges publishNotReadyAddresses selector sessionAffinity sessionAffinityConfig topologyKeys type |
ingress | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Ingress.v1 tls rules | ingressspec-v1-networking-k8s-iodefaultBackend ingressClassName |
ingressclass | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | ingressclassspec-v1-networking-k8s-iocontroller parameters |
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
configmap | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.VirtualFolder.v1 data | configmap-v1-corebinaryData immutable |
secret | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.VirtualFolder.v1 data | secret-v1-coreimmutable stringData type |
registry | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Registry.v1 server username password | secret-v1-core |
persistentvolumeclaim | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | persistentvolumeclaimspec-v1-coreaccessModes dataSource resources selector storageClassName volumeMode volumeName |
storageclass | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | storageclass-v1-storage-k8s-ioallowVolumeExpansion allowedTopologies mountOptions parameters provisioner reclaimPolicy volumeBindingMode |
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
customresource | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.CustomResource.v1 apiVersion kind spec | |
limitrange | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | limitrange-v1-corelimits |
horizontalpodautoscaler | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.v1 scaleTargetRef | horizontalpodautoscalerspec-v2-autoscalingbehavior maxReplicas metrics minReplicas |
mutatingwebhookconfiguration | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.MutatingWebhook.v1 webhooks | |
poddisruptionbudget | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | poddisruptionbudgetspec-v1-policymaxUnavailable minAvailable selector |
validatingwebhookconfiguration | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.ValidatingWebhook.v1 webhooks | |
priorityclass | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | priorityclass-v1-scheduling-k8s-iodescription globalDefault preemptionPolicy value |
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
clusterrole | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Rule.v1 rules | clusterrole-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-ioaggregationRule |
clusterrolebinding | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | clusterrolebinding-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-ioroleRef subjects |
namespace | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | namespace-v1-corespec status |
persistentvolume | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | persistentvolumespec-v1-coreaccessModes awsElasticBlockStore azureDisk azureFile capacity cephfs cinder claimRef csi fc flexVolume flocker gcePersistentDisk glusterfs hostPath iscsi local mountOptions nfs nodeAffinity persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy photonPersistentDisk portworxVolume quobyte rbd scaleIO storageClassName storageos volumeMode vsphereVolume |
role | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName hull.Rule.v1 rules | role-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-io |
rolebinding | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | rolebinding-v1-rbac-authorization-k8s-ioroleRef subjects |
serviceaccount | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | serviceaccount-v1-coreautomountServiceAccountToken imagePullSecrets secrets |
resourcequota | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | resourcequotaspec-v1-corehard scopeSelector scopes |
networkpolicy | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | networkpolicyspec-v1-networking-k8s-ioegress ingress podSelector policyTypes |
HULL 對像類型 | HULL 特性 | Kubernetes/External 特性 |
servicemonitor | hull.ObjectBase.v1enabled annotations labels staticName | ServiceMonitor CRDspec |
To test or install a chart based on HULL the standard Helm v3 tooling is usable. See also the Helm documentation at the Helm website.
To inspect the outcome of a specific values.yaml
configuration you can simply render the templates which would be deployed to Kubernetes and inspect them with the below command adapted to your needs:
Installing or upgrading a chart using HULL follows the standard procedures for every Helm chart:
Using the nginx deployment example from the Kubernetes documentation https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#creating-a-deployment as something we want to create with our HULL based Helm chart:
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind : Deployment
metadata :
name : nginx
labels :
app : nginx
spec :
replicas : 3
selector :
matchLabels :
app : nginx
template :
metadata :
labels :
app : nginx
spec :
containers :
- name : nginx
image : nginx:1.14.2
ports :
- containerPort : 80
To render this analogously using the HULL library your chart needs to be setup for using HULL. In the following section we assume the parent Helm chart is named hull-test
and we use the helm template
command to test render the values.yaml
A minimal example of creating the expected result from above would be to create a values.yaml
like below in your parent chart (commented with some explanations). Note that some default features of HULL such as RBAC and dynamic naming are explicitly disabled here to obtain the output matching the above example closely:
hull :
config :
general :
rbac : false # Don't render RBAC objects. By default HULL would provide
# a 'default' Role and 'default' RoleBinding associated with
# a 'default' ServiceAccount to use for all pods.
# You can modify this as needed. Here we turn it off to not
# render the default RBAC objects.
objects :
serviceaccount :
default :
enabled : false # The release specific 'default' ServiceAccount created
# for a release by default is disabled here. In this case
# it will not be rendered out and automatically used as
# 'serviceAccountName' in the pod templates.
deployment :
nginx : # all object instances have a key used for naming the objects and
# allowing to overwrite properties in multiple values.yaml layers
staticName : true # forces the metadata.name to be just the <KEY> 'nginx'
# and not a dynamic name '<CHART>-<RELEASE>-<KEY>' which
# would be the better default behavior of creating
# unique object names for all objects.
replicas : 3
pod :
containers :
nginx : # all containers of a pod template are also referenced by a
# unique key to make manipulating them easy.
image :
repository : nginx
tag : 1.14.2
ports :
http : # unique key per container here too. All key-value structures
# which are finally arrays in the K8S objects are converted to
# arrays on rendering the chart.
containerPort : 80
This produces the following rendered deployment when running the helm template
command (commented with some brief explanations):
apiVersion : apps/v1 # derived from object type 'deployment'
kind : Deployment # derived from object type 'deployment'
metadata :
annotations : {}
labels : # standard Kubernetes metadata is created always automatically.
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
name : nginx # default name would be 'release-name-hull-test-nginx'
# but with staticName: true in the HULL spec it is just the key name
spec :
replicas : 3
selector : # selector is auto-created to match the unique metadata combination
# found also in the in the object's metadata labels.
matchLabels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
template :
metadata :
annotations : {}
labels : # auto-created metadata is added to pod template
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
spec :
containers :
- env : []
envFrom : []
image : nginx:1.14.2
name : nginx
ports :
- containerPort : 80
name : http # name 'http' derived from the key of the port
# object defined in the values.yaml
volumeMounts : []
imagePullSecrets : {}
initContainers : []
volumes : []
Now to render the nginx deployment example showcasing extra features of the HULL library you can could create the below values.yaml
file in your parent chart. Note that this is a very advanced example of what is possible using this library chart.
This example highlights:
hull :
config :
general : # This time we are not setting rbac: false
# so RBAC default objects are created.
# If the default objects don't match the use-case
# you can tweak all aspects individually if needed
metadata :
labels :
custom : # Additional labels added to all K8S objects
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1
general_custom_label_2 : General Custom Label 2
general_custom_label_3 : General Custom Label 3
annotations :
custom : # Additional annotations added to all K8S objects
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1
general_custom_annotation_2 : General Custom Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_3 : General Custom Annotation 3
specific : # Put configuration options specific to this chart here
nginx_tag : 1.14.2 # You can also use entries here to globally
# define values that are referenced in multiple
# places in your chart. See how this field
# is accessed below in the deployment.
objects :
deployment :
_HULL_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT_ : # A special object key available for
# all object types allowing defining
# defaults for properties of all object
# type instances created.
annotations :
default_annotation_1 : Default Annotation 1
default_annotation_2 : Default Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_2 : Default Annotation 2 # overwriting this
# general annotation for
# all deployments
labels :
default_label_1 : Default Label 1
default_label_2 : Default Label 2
general_custom_label_2 : Default Label 2 # overwriting this
# general label for
# all deployments
nginx : # specify the nginx deployment under key 'nginx'
# This time we're not setting the metadata.name to be static so
# name will be created dynamically and will be unique
annotations :
general_custom_annotation_3 : Specific Object Annotation 3 # overwrite a
# general annotation
default_annotation_2 : Specific Object Annotation 2 # overwrite a default annotation
specific_annotation_1 : Specific Object Annotation 1 # add a specific annotation
# to the all this object's metadata
labels :
general_custom_label_3 : Specific Object Label 3 # overwrite a
# general label
default_label_2 : Specific Object Label 2 # overwrite a default label
specific_label_1 : Specific Object Label 1 # add a specific label
# to the all this object's metadata
templateAnnotations :
specific_annotation_2 : Specific Template Annotation 2 # this annotation will only appear
# in the pod template metadata
templateLabels :
specific_label_2 : Specific Template Label 2 # this label will only appear
# in the pod template metadata
replicas : 3
pod :
containers :
nginx : # all containers of a pod template are also referenced by a
# unique key to make manipulating them easy.
image :
repository : nginx
tag : _HT!{{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.nginx_tag }}
# Applies a tpl transformation allowing to inject dynamic data based
# on values in this values.yaml into the resulting field (here the tag
# field of this container).
# _HT! is the short form of the transformation that applies tpl to
# a given value. This example just references the value of the field
# which is specified further above in the values.yaml and will
# produce 'image: nginx:1.14.2' when rendered in the resulting
# deployment YAML but complex conditional Go templating logic is
# applicable too.
# There are some limitations to using this approach which are
# detailed in the transformation.md in the doc section.
ports :
http : # unique key per container here too. All key-value structures
# which are array in the K8S objects are converted to arrays
# on rendering the chart.
containerPort : 80
configmap : # this is to highlight the secret/configmap inclusion feature
nginx_configmap : # configmap objects have keys too
data : # specify for which contents a data entry shall be created
# within only a few lines of configuration. Contents can come from ...
an_inline_configmap.txt : # ... an inline specified content or ...
inline : |-
Top secret contents
spread over
multiple lines...
contents_from_an_external_file.txt : # ... something from an external file.
path : files/my_secret.txt
This produces the following rendered objects when running the helm template
command (commented with some brief explanations):
# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion : v1
kind : ServiceAccount
metadata :
annotations :
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1 # All objects share the general_custom_annotations
general_custom_annotation_2 : General Custom Annotation 2 # if they are not overwritten for the object type's
general_custom_annotation_3 : General Custom Annotation 3 # default or specific instance
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : default
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1 # All objects share the general_custom_labels
general_custom_label_2 : General Custom Label 2 # if they are not overwritten for the object type's
general_custom_label_3 : General Custom Label 3 # default or specific instance
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
name : release-name-hull-test-default # This is the default ServiceAccount created for this chart.
# As all object instances by default it will be assigned a
# dynamically created unique name in context of this object type.
# In the simple example we disabled this rendering by
# setting enabled: false for this object's key.
# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind : Role
metadata :
annotations :
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1
general_custom_annotation_2 : General Custom Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_3 : General Custom Annotation 3
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : default
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1
general_custom_label_2 : General Custom Label 2
general_custom_label_3 : General Custom Label 3
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
name : release-name-hull-test-default # A default Role for RBAC.
rules : []
# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind : RoleBinding
metadata :
annotations :
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1
general_custom_annotation_2 : General Custom Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_3 : General Custom Annotation 3
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : default
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1
general_custom_label_2 : General Custom Label 2
general_custom_label_3 : General Custom Label 3
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
name : release-name-hull-test-default
roleRef :
apiGroup : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind : Role
name : release-name-hull-test-default
subjects :
- apiGroup : rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind : ServiceAccount
name : release-name-hull-test-default # A default RoleBinding for RBAC. It connects the
# default ServiceAccount with the default Role.
# By default RBAC is enabled in charts.
# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind : Deployment
metadata :
annotations :
default_annotation_1 : Default Annotation 1 # non-overwritten default_annotation
default_annotation_2 : Specific Object Annotation 2 # overwritten default_annotation by instance
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1 # non-overwritten general_custom_annotation
general_custom_annotation_2 : Default Annotation 2 # overwritten general_custom_annotation
# by default_annotation
general_custom_annotation_3 : Specific Object Annotation 3 # overwritten general_custom_annotation
# by specific_annotation
specific_annotation_1 : Specific Object Annotation 1 # added annotation for instance metadata only
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
default_label_1 : Default Label 1 # non-overwritten default_label
default_label_2 : Specific Object Label 2 # overwritten default_label by instance
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1 # non-overwritten general_custom_label
general_custom_label_2 : Default Label 2 # overwritten general_custom_label by default_label
general_custom_label_3 : Specific Object Label 3 # overwritten general_custom_label
# by specific_label
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
specific_label_1 : Specific Object Label 1 # added label for instance metadata only
name : release-name-hull-test-nginx
spec :
replicas : 3
selector :
matchLabels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
template :
metadata :
annotations :
default_annotation_1 : Default Annotation 1
default_annotation_2 : Specific Object Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1
general_custom_annotation_2 : Default Annotation 2
general_custom_annotation_3 : Specific Object Annotation 3
specific_annotation_1 : Specific Object Annotation 1
specific_annotation_2 : Specific Template Annotation 2 # this annotation was added only
# for the pod template's metadata
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
default_label_1 : Default Label 1
default_label_2 : Specific Object Label 2
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1
general_custom_label_2 : Default Label 2
general_custom_label_3 : Specific Object Label 3
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
specific_label_1 : Specific Object Label 1
specific_label_2 : Specific Template Label 2 # this label was added only
# for the pod template's metadata
spec :
containers :
- env : []
envFrom : []
image : nginx:1.14.2
name : nginx
ports :
- containerPort : 80
name : http
volumeMounts : []
imagePullSecrets : {}
initContainers : []
serviceAccountName : release-name-hull-test-default # the dynamically created name
volumes : []
# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion : v1
data :
an_inline_configmap.txt : " Top secret contents n spread over n multiple lines... "
contents_from_an_external_file.txt : " Whatever was in this file ... "
kind : ConfigMap
metadata :
annotations :
general_custom_annotation_1 : General Custom Annotation 1 # All objects share the general_custom_annotations
general_custom_annotation_2 : General Custom Annotation 2 # if they are not overwritten for the object type's
general_custom_annotation_3 : General Custom Annotation 3 # default or specific instance
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/component : nginx_configmap
app.kubernetes.io/instance : release-name
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name : hull-test
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : undefined
app.kubernetes.io/version : 1.31.0
general_custom_label_1 : General Custom Label 1 # All objects share the general_custom_labels
general_custom_label_2 : General Custom Label 2 # if they are not overwritten for the object type's
general_custom_label_3 : General Custom Label 3 # default or specific instance
helm.sh/chart : hull-test-1.31.0
name : release-name-hull-test-nginx_configmap
Read the additional documentation in the documentation folder on how to utilize the features of the HULL library to the full effect.