團隊主持人: Kahraman Kostas
scan 0 -> {'green': -60, 'blue': -66, 'red': -67}
scan 1 -> {'green': -58, 'blue': -61, 'red': -60}
scan 2 -> {'green': -66, 'blue': -62, 'red': -59}
WiFi環境的複雜且本地獨特的特性使其對於室內定位系統非常有用。例如,在下圖中,圖像scan 1
您的第一個挑戰是編寫一個函數,以計算我們上面引入的樣品軌跡中的每個掃描之間的歐幾里得距離和曼哈頓距離指標。使用來自單個軌蹟的數據是測試相似性度量質量的好方法,因為我們可以使用手機的互助測量單元(IMU)獲得相當準確的真實距離估算,該數據由行人死亡估算使用,該單元使用該數據( PDR)模塊。
def euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
def manhattan ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
# solution of the above functions
from scipy . spatial import distance
def euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 ):
fp1 = list ( fp1 . values ())
fp2 = list ( fp2 . values ())
return distance . euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 )
def manhattan ( fp1 , fp2 ):
fp1 = list ( fp1 . values ())
fp2 = list ( fp2 . values ())
return distance . cityblock ( fp1 , fp2 )
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from metrics import eval_dist_metric
with open ( "intro_trajectory_1.json" ) as f :
traj = json . load ( f )
## Pre-calculate the pair indexes we are interested in
keys = []
for fp1 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
for fp2 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
# only calculate the upper triangle
if fp1 [ 'step_index' ] > fp2 [ 'step_index' ]:
keys . append (( fp1 [ 'step_index' ], fp2 [ 'step_index' ]))
## Get the distances from PDR
true_d = {}
for step1 in traj [ 'steps' ]:
for step2 in traj [ 'steps' ]:
key = ( step1 [ 'step_index' ], step2 [ 'step_index' ])
if key in keys :
true_d [ key ] = abs ( step1 [ 'di' ] - step2 [ 'di' ])
euc_d = {}
man_d = {}
for fp1 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
for fp2 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
key = ( fp1 [ 'step_index' ], fp2 [ 'step_index' ])
if key in keys :
euc_d [ key ] = euclidean ( fp1 [ 'profile' ], fp2 [ 'profile' ])
man_d [ key ] = manhattan ( fp1 [ 'profile' ], fp2 [ 'profile' ])
print ( "Euclidean Average Error" )
print ( f' { eval_dist_metric ( euc_d , true_d ):.2f } ' )
print ( "Manhattan Average Error" )
print ( f' { eval_dist_metric ( man_d , true_d ):.2f } ' )
Euclidean Average Error
Manhattan Average Error
import csv
import json
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "for_contestants"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_fingerprints.json" )) as f :
fps = json . load ( f )
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_train.csv" )) as f :
train_data = []
train_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
for pair in tqdm ( train_h ):
train_data . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ], float ( pair [ 'displacement' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_test.csv" )) as f :
test_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
test_ids = []
for pair in tqdm ( test_h ):
test_ids . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ]])
def my_distance_function ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
output_data = [[ "id1" , "id2" , "displacement" ]]
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( test_ids ):
fp1 = fps [ id1 ]
fp2 = fps [ id2 ]
distance_estimate = my_distance_function ( fp1 , fp2 )
output_data . append ([ id1 , id2 , distance_estimate ])
with open ( "MySubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( output_data )
我們使用Python 3.6.5創建應用程序文件。我們包括了一些其他模塊,這些模塊未包含在比賽開始時給出的示例文件中。這些模塊可以列為:
molules | 任務 |
張量 | 深度學習 |
貓熊 | 數據分析 |
Scipy | 距離計算 |
## 1.1 Installing modules
!p ip install tensorflow == 2.6 . 2
!p ip install scipy
!p ip install pandas
## 1.2 Setting Random Seeds
seed_value = 0
import os
os . environ [ 'PYTHONHASHSEED' ] = str ( seed_value )
import random
random . seed ( seed_value )
import numpy as np
np . random . seed ( seed_value )
import tensorflow as tf
tf . random . set_seed ( seed_value )
import tensorflow as tf
session_conf = tf . compat . v1 . ConfigProto ( intra_op_parallelism_threads = 1 , inter_op_parallelism_threads = 1 )
sess = tf . compat . v1 . Session ( graph = tf . compat . v1 . get_default_graph (), config = session_conf )
在本節中,我們加載了將使用的數據。我們從給出的示例文件( Task1-IPS-Challenge-2021.ipynb
## 1.3 Loading the data
import csv
import json
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "for_contestants"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_fingerprints.json" )) as f :
fps = json . load ( f )
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_train.csv" )) as f :
train_data = []
train_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
for pair in tqdm ( train_h ):
train_data . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ], float ( pair [ 'displacement' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_test.csv" )) as f :
test_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
test_ids = []
for pair in tqdm ( test_h ):
test_ids . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ]])
879824it [05:16, 2778.31it/s]
5160445it [01:00, 85269.27it/s]
在此步驟中,我們使用兩個功能執行特徵提取。 feature_extraction_file
## 1.4 Feature Extraction
def feature_extraction_file ( data , name , flag ):
features = [[ "braycurtis" ,
"canberra" ,
"chebyshev" ,
"cityblock" ,
"correlation" ,
"cosine" ,
"euclidean" ,
"jensenshannon" ,
"minkowski" ,
"sqeuclidean" ,
"wminkowski" , "real" ]]
for i in tqdm (( data ), position = 0 , leave = True ):
fp1 = fps [ i [ 0 ]]
fp2 = fps [ i [ 1 ]]
feature = feature_extraction ( fp1 , fp2 )
if flag :
feature . append ( i [ 2 ])
else : feature . append ( 0 )
features . append ( feature )
with open ( name , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( features )
## 1.4 Feature Extraction
def feature_extraction ( fp1 , fp2 ):
mac = set ( list ( fp1 . keys ()) + list ( fp2 . keys ()))
mac = { i : 0 for i in mac }
f1 = mac . copy ()
f2 = mac . copy ()
for key in fp1 :
f1 [ key ] = fp1 [ key ]
for key in fp2 :
f2 [ key ] = fp2 [ key ]
f1 = list ( f1 . values ())
f2 = list ( f2 . values ())
braycurtis = scipy . spatial . distance . braycurtis ( f1 , f2 )
canberra = scipy . spatial . distance . canberra ( f1 , f2 )
chebyshev = scipy . spatial . distance . chebyshev ( f1 , f2 )
cityblock = scipy . spatial . distance . cityblock ( f1 , f2 )
correlation = scipy . spatial . distance . correlation ( f1 , f2 )
cosine = scipy . spatial . distance . cosine ( f1 , f2 )
euclidean = scipy . spatial . distance . euclidean ( f1 , f2 )
jensenshannon = scipy . spatial . distance . jensenshannon ( f1 , f2 )
minkowski = scipy . spatial . distance . minkowski ( f1 , f2 )
sqeuclidean = scipy . spatial . distance . sqeuclidean ( f1 , f2 )
wminkowski = scipy . spatial . distance . wminkowski ( f1 , f2 , 1 , np . ones ( len ( f1 )))
output_data = [ braycurtis ,
canberra ,
chebyshev ,
cityblock ,
correlation ,
cosine ,
euclidean ,
jensenshannon ,
minkowski ,
sqeuclidean ,
wminkowski ]
output_data = [ 0 if x != x else x for x in output_data ]
return output_data
在此任務中,有指紋掃描,這些掃描具有來自購物中心WiFi發射器周圍環境的RRSI信號。首先,挑戰希望我們估計兩種指紋掃描之間的距離,這是回歸任務。我們使用了受生物神經網絡啟發的ANN(人工神經網絡)。安由三層組成;輸入層,隱藏圖層(多個)和輸出層。 ANN從輸入層開始,其中包括訓練數據(帶有功能),將數據傳遞到第一個隱藏層,該隱藏層由第一個隱藏層的權重計算出數據。在隱藏的層中,重量的重量計算到輸入中,然後將它們應用於激活函數[2]。由於我們的問題是回歸,我們的最後一層是一個單個輸出神經元:其輸出是指紋掃描對之間的距離。我們的第一個隱藏層具有64個,第二層具有128個神經元。該模型的所有架構如下。
我們使用兩個功能進行深度學習。create_model create_model
塑造了訓練數據以訓練模型並確定模型的結構。 model_features
## 1.5 Model
import scipy . spatial
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow . keras . models import Sequential
from tensorflow . keras . layers import Dense
#from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model
% matplotlib inline
def model_features ( i , ii ):
model = Sequential ()
model . add ( Dense ( i , input_shape = ( 11 , ), activation = 'relu' , name = 'dense_1' ))
model . add ( Dense ( ii , activation = 'relu' , name = 'dense_2' ))
model . add ( Dense ( 1 , activation = 'linear' , name = 'dense_output' ))
model . compile ( optimizer = 'adam' , loss = 'mse' , metrics = [ 'mae' ])
model . summary ()
#plot_model(model, to_file='model_plot.png', show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
return model
def create_model ( name ):
df = pd . read_csv ( name )
df . replace ([ np . inf , - np . inf ], np . nan , inplace = True )
df = df . fillna ( 0 )
X = df [ df . columns [ 0 : - 1 ]]
X_train = np . array ( X )
y_train = np . array ( df [ df . columns [ - 1 ]])
model = model_features ( 64 , 128 )
history = model . fit ( X_train , y_train , epochs = 19 , validation_split = 0.5 ) #,batch_size=1)
loss = history . history [ 'loss' ]
val_loss = history . history [ 'val_loss' ]
my_xticks = list ( range ( len ( loss )))
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 20 , 5 ))
plt . plot ( my_xticks , loss , linestyle = '-' , marker = 'o' , color = 'b' , label = "train" )
plt . plot ( my_xticks , val_loss , linestyle = '-' , marker = 'o' , color = 'r' , label = "val" )
plt . title ( "Scores " )
plt . legend ( numpoints = 1 )
plt . ylabel ( "Loss" )
plt . xlabel ( "Epoch" )
plt . xticks ( rotation = 90 )
plt . ylim ([ 100 , 150 ])
plt . show ()
madelname = "./THEMODEL"
model . save ( madelname )
print ( "Model Created!" )
## 1.6 Checking the inputs
from numpy import inf
from numpy import nan
def create_new_files ( train , test ):
model_path = "./THEMODEL/"
my_train_file = 'new_train_features.csv'
my_test_file = 'new_test_features.csv'
if os . path . isfile ( my_train_file ) :
else :
print ( "Please wait! Training data feature extraction is in progress... n it will take about 10 minutes" )
feature_extraction_file ( train , my_train_file , 1 )
print ( "TThe training feature extraction completed!!!" )
if os . path . isfile ( my_test_file ) :
else :
print ( "Please wait! Testing data feature extraction is in progress... n it will take about 100-120 minutes" )
feature_extraction_file ( test , my_test_file , 0 )
print ( "The testing feature extraction completed!!!" )
if os . path . isdir ( model_path ):
else :
print ( "Please wait! Creating the deep learning model... n it will take about 10 minutes" )
create_model ( my_train_file )
print ( "The model file created!!! n n n " )
model = keras . models . load_model ( model_path )
df = pd . read_csv ( my_test_file )
df . replace ([ np . inf , - np . inf ], np . nan , inplace = True )
df = df . fillna ( 0 )
X_train = df [ df . columns [ 0 : - 1 ]]
X_train = np . array ( X_train )
y_train = np . array ( df [ df . columns [ - 1 ]])
predicted = model . predict ( X_train )
print ( "Please wait! Creating resuşts... " )
return predicted
## 1.7 Submission
distance_estimate = create_new_files ( train_data , test_ids )
count = 0
output_data = [[ "id1" , "id2" , "displacement" ]]
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( test_ids ):
output_data . append ([ id1 , id2 , distance_estimate [ count ][ 0 ]])
count += 1
print ( "Process finished. Preparing result file ..." )
with open ( "TASK1-MySubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( output_data )
print ( "The results are ready. n See MySubmission.csv" )
Please wait! Creating the deep learning model...
it will take about 10 minutes
Model: "sequential_3"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 64) 768
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 128) 8320
dense_output (Dense) (None, 1) 129
Total params: 9,217
Trainable params: 9,217
Non-trainable params: 0
Epoch 1/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 30s 2ms/step - loss: 2007233.6250 - mae: 161.3013 - val_loss: 218.8822 - val_mae: 11.5630
Epoch 2/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 24832.6309 - mae: 53.9385 - val_loss: 123437.0859 - val_mae: 307.2885
Epoch 3/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 4028.0859 - mae: 29.9960 - val_loss: 3329.2024 - val_mae: 49.9126
Epoch 4/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 904.7919 - mae: 17.6284 - val_loss: 122.3358 - val_mae: 6.8169
Epoch 5/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 25s 2ms/step - loss: 315.7050 - mae: 11.9098 - val_loss: 404.0973 - val_mae: 15.2033
Epoch 6/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 126.3843 - mae: 7.8173 - val_loss: 112.6499 - val_mae: 7.6804
Epoch 7/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 112.0149 - mae: 7.4220 - val_loss: 109.5987 - val_mae: 7.1964
Epoch 8/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 108.6342 - mae: 7.3271 - val_loss: 110.9016 - val_mae: 7.6862
Epoch 9/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 107.6721 - mae: 7.2827 - val_loss: 109.5083 - val_mae: 7.5235
Epoch 10/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 107.0110 - mae: 7.2290 - val_loss: 107.7498 - val_mae: 7.1105
Epoch 11/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 29s 2ms/step - loss: 106.7296 - mae: 7.2158 - val_loss: 107.6115 - val_mae: 7.1178
Epoch 12/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.5561 - mae: 7.2039 - val_loss: 107.9937 - val_mae: 6.9932
Epoch 13/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.3344 - mae: 7.1905 - val_loss: 108.8941 - val_mae: 7.4530
Epoch 14/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.3188 - mae: 7.1927 - val_loss: 109.0832 - val_mae: 7.5309
Epoch 15/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.1150 - mae: 7.1829 - val_loss: 113.9741 - val_mae: 7.9496
Epoch 16/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0676 - mae: 7.1788 - val_loss: 107.2984 - val_mae: 7.2192
Epoch 17/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0614 - mae: 7.1733 - val_loss: 108.8553 - val_mae: 7.4640
Epoch 18/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 28s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0113 - mae: 7.1790 - val_loss: 110.2068 - val_mae: 7.6562
Epoch 19/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0519 - mae: 7.1791 - val_loss: 107.3276 - val_mae: 7.0981
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./THEMODELassets
Model Created!
The model file created!!!
Please wait! Creating resuşts...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5160445/5160445 [00:08<00:00, 610910.29it/s]
Process finished. Preparing result file ...
The results are ready.
See MySubmission.csv
def detect_communities ( Graph ):
## This function should return a list of lists containing
## the node ids of the communities that you have detected.
eb_score = nx . edge_betweenness_centrality ( G )
raise NotImplementedError
import networkx as nx
from metrics import check_result
G = nx . read_adjlist ( "graph.adjlist" )
communities = detect_communities ( G )
if check_result ( communities ):
print ( "Correct!" )
else :
print ( "Try again" )
此問題的樣本訓練數據是一組106981指紋( task2_train_fingerprints.json
import os
import json
import csv
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "task2_for_participants/train"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_estimated_wifi_distances.csv" )) as f :
wifi = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
wifi . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'estimated_distance' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_elevations.csv" )) as f :
elevs = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
elevs . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ]])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_steps.csv" )) as f :
steps = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
steps . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'displacement' ])])
fp_lookup_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_lookup.json" )
gt_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_GT.json" )
with open ( fp_lookup_path ) as f :
fp_lookup = json . load ( f )
with open ( gt_path ) as f :
gt = json . load ( f )
G = nx . Graph ()
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( steps ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "s" , weight = dist )
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "w" , weight = dist )
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "e" )
B = nx . Graph ()
# Get all the trajectory ids from the lookup
valid_nodes = set ( fp_lookup . values ())
for node in valid_nodes :
B . add_node ( node )
# Either add an edge or append the distance to the edge data
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
if not B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . add_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )],
ty = "w" , weight = [ dist ])
else :
B [ fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )]][ fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]][ 'weight' ]. append ( dist )
# Compute the mean edge weight
for edge in B . edges ( data = True ):
B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ] = sum ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ]) / len ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ])
# If you have made a wifi connection between trajectories with an elev, delete the edge
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
if B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . remove_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )])
import random
random_data = []
n_clusters = random . randint ( 50 , 100 )
for i in range ( 0 , n_clusters ):
random_data . append ([])
for traj in set ( fp_lookup . values ()):
cluster = random . randint ( 0 , n_clusters - 1 )
random_data [ cluster ]. append ( traj )
with open ( "MyRandomSubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
csv_writer = csv . writer ( f )
csv_writer . writerows ( random_data )
我們使用Python 3.6.5創建應用程序文件。我們包括了一些其他模塊,這些模塊未包含在比賽開始時給出的示例文件中。這些模塊可以列為:
molules | 任務 |
Scikit-Learn | 機器學習和數據準備 |
node2vec | 網絡的可擴展功能學習 |
numpy | 數學操作 |
## 2.1 Installing modules
!p ip install node2vec
!p ip install scikit - learn
!p ip install numpy
## 2.2 Setting Random Seeds
seed_value = 0
import os
os . environ [ 'PYTHONHASHSEED' ] = str ( seed_value )
import random
random . seed ( seed_value )
import numpy as np
np . random . seed ( seed_value )
## 2.3 Loading the data
import os
import json
import csv
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "task2_for_participants/test"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_estimated_wifi_distances.csv" )) as f :
wifi = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
wifi . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'estimated_distance' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_elevations.csv" )) as f :
elevs = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
elevs . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ]])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_steps.csv" )) as f :
steps = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
steps . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'displacement' ])])
fp_lookup_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_lookup.json" )
with open ( fp_lookup_path ) as f :
fp_lookup = json . load ( f )
3773297it [00:19, 191689.25it/s]
2767it [00:00, 52461.27it/s]
139537it [00:00, 180082.01it/s]
創建軌跡圖時,我們將平均距離作為權重。我們為任務2( Task2-IPS-Challenge-2021.ipynb
)提供了此過程的示例。我們將結果圖( B
## 2.3 Generating the Trajectory graph.
B = nx . Graph ()
# Get all the trajectory ids from the lookup
valid_nodes = set ( fp_lookup . values ())
for node in valid_nodes :
B . add_node ( node )
# Either add an edge or append the distance to the edge data
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
if not B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . add_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )],
ty = "w" , weight = [ dist ])
else :
B [ fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )]][ fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]][ 'weight' ]. append ( dist )
# Compute the mean edge weight
for edge in B . edges ( data = True ):
B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ] = sum ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ]) / len ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ])
# If you have made a wifi connection between trajectories with an elev, delete the edge
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
if B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . remove_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )])
nx . write_adjlist ( B , "my.adjlist" )
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3773297/3773297 [00:27<00:00, 135453.95it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2767/2767 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
在將鄰接列表作為機器學習算法的輸入之前,我們將節點轉換為向量。在我們的工作中,我們將Node2Vec用作嵌入Grover&Leskovec在2016年提出的算法方法的圖表[3]。 Node2Vec是一種半監督算法,用於網絡中的節點的特徵學習。 Node2Vec是基於跳過的技術創建的,該技術是一種NLP方法,該方法是出於分佈結構概念的動機。根據想法,如果在相似上下文中使用的不同單詞可能具有相似的含義,並且它們之間存在明顯的關係。 Skip-gram技術使用中心詞(輸入)來預測鄰居(輸出),而基於給定的窗口大小(中心之後的項目的連續序列)計算周圍環境的概率,換句話說。與NLP方法不同,Node2Vec系統不是帶有線性結構的單詞,而是具有分佈式圖形結構的節點和邊緣。這種多維結構使嵌入式嵌入式複雜且計算昂貴,但是Node2Vec使用負抽樣來優化隨機梯度下降(SGD)來處理它。除此之外,隨機步行方法還用於檢測非線性結構中源節點相鄰節點的樣本。
超參數 | 價值 |
方面 | 32 |
walk_length | 15 |
num_walks | 100 |
工人 | 1 |
種子 | 0 |
窗戶 | 10 |
min_count | 1 |
batch_words | 4 |
Node2VEC模型將鄰接列表作為輸入列表,並輸出32尺寸的向量。在此部分中,node.py文件是在Jupyter Notebook
是一種非常昂貴的方法,如果在Jupyter Notebook中運行,則可能會出現RAM溢出錯誤。在外部創建和運行Node2vec
模型避免了此錯誤。下面的單元格創建了名為node.py的文件。該文件創建Node2Vec模型。該模型將鄰接列表( my.adjlist
)作為輸入,並創建一個32維向量文件作為輸出( vectors.emb
重要的!下面的代碼應在Linux發行版中運行(在Google Colab和Ubuntu中進行了測試)。
# 2.4 Converting nodes to vectors
# A folder named tmp is created. This folder is essential for the node2vec model to use less RAM.
try :
if not os . path . exists ( "tmp" ):
os . makedirs ( "tmp" )
except OSError :
print ( "The folder could not be created! n Please manually create the " tmp " folder in the directory" )
node = """
# importing related modules
from node2vec import Node2Vec
import networkx as nx
#importing adjacency list file as B
B = nx.read_adjlist("my.adjlist")
# Specifying the input and hyperparameters of the node2vec model
node2vec = Node2Vec(B, dimensions=32, walk_length=15, num_walks=100, workers=1,seed=seed_value,temp_folder = './tmp')
#Assigning/specifying random seeds
import os
import random
import numpy as np
# creation of the model
model = node2vec.fit(window=10, min_count=1, batch_words=4,seed=seed_value)
# saving the output vector
# save the model
f = open ( "node.py" , "w" )
f . write ( node )
f . close ()
! PYTHONHASHSEED = 0 python3 node . py
創建向量文件後,我們讀取此文件( vectors.emb
# 2.4 Reshaping data
vec = np . loadtxt ( "vectors.emb" , skiprows = 1 )
print ( "shape of vector file: " , vec . shape )
print ( vec )
vec = vec [ vec [:, 0 ]. argsort ()];
vec = vec [ 0 : vec . shape [ 0 ], 1 : vec . shape [ 1 ]]
shape of vector file: (11162, 33)
[[ 9.1200000e+03 3.9031842e-01 -4.7147268e-01 ... -5.7490986e-02
1.3059708e-01 -5.4280665e-02]
[ 6.5320000e+03 -3.5591956e-02 -9.8558587e-01 ... -2.7217887e-02
5.6435770e-01 -5.7787680e-01]
[ 5.6580000e+03 3.5879680e-01 -4.7564098e-01 ... -9.7607370e-02
1.5506668e-01 1.1333219e-01]
[ 2.7950000e+03 1.1724627e-02 1.0272172e-02 ... -4.5596390e-04
-1.1507459e-02 -7.6738600e-04]
[ 4.3380000e+03 1.2865483e-02 1.2103912e-02 ... 1.6619096e-03
1.3672550e-02 1.4605848e-02]
[ 1.1770000e+03 -1.3707868e-03 1.5238028e-02 ... -5.9994194e-04
-1.2986251e-02 1.3706315e-03]]
# 2.5 Determine the number of clusters
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
% matplotlib inline
sns . set_style ( "whitegrid" )
agglom = [ 24.69 , 28.14 , 28.14 , 28.14 , 30 , 33.33 , 40.88 , 38.70 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 29.12 , 45.85 , 45.85 , 48.00 , 50.17 , 57.83 , 57.83 , 57.83 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 10 , 5 ))
plt . plot ( range ( 5 , 24 ), agglom )
matplotlib . pyplot . xticks ( range ( 5 , 24 ))
plt . title ( 'Number of clusters and performance relationship' )
plt . xlabel ( 'Number of clusters' )
plt . ylabel ( 'Score' )
plt . show ()
在我們嘗試的無監督的機器學習方法中(例如K-均值,聚集聚類,親和力傳播,平均移位,光譜聚類,DBSCAN,Optics,Optics,birch,Mini Batch k-Meanss),我們使用K -Means取得了最佳效果有23個集群。
K均值是一種聚類算法,是基本的,傳統的無監督機器學習技術之一,它可以使用未標記的數據進行假設,以查找元素或自然組(群集)。集群是將共享特定相似之處分組在一起的一組點(我們的數據中的節點)。 K均值需要質心的目標數,這是指應將數據分為多少組。算法從隨機分配的質心組開始,然後繼續迭代以找到其最佳位置。該算法使用群集將點的正方形總和分配給指定的質心,這是繼續更新和重新定位[4]。在我們的示例中,質心的數量反映了地板的數量。應該注意的是,這不會提供有關地板順序的信息。
# 2.5 Best result
from sklearn import cluster
import time
ML_results = []
k_clusters = 23
algorithms = {}
algorithms [ 'KMeans' ] = cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = k_clusters , random_state = 10 )
second = time . time ()
for model in algorithms . values ():
model . fit ( vec )
ML_results = list ( model . labels_ )
print ( model , time . time () - second )
KMeans(n_clusters=23, random_state=10) 1.082334280014038
## 2.6 Submission
result = {}
for ii , i in enumerate ( set ( fp_lookup . values ())):
result [ i ] = ML_results [ ii ]
ters = {}
for i in result :
if result [ i ] not in ters :
ters [ result [ i ]] = []
ters [ result [ i ]]. append ( i )
else :
ters [ result [ i ]]. append ( i )
final_results = []
for i in ters :
final_results . append ( ters [ i ])
name = "TASK2-Mysubmission.csv"
with open ( name , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
csv_writer = csv . writer ( f )
csv_writer . writerows ( final_results )
print ( name , "file is ready!" )
TASK2-Mysubmission.csv file is ready!
[1] P. Virtanen和Scipy 1.0貢獻者。 Scipy 1.0:Python中科學計算的基本算法。自然方法,17:261--272,2020。
[2] A. Geron,Scikit-Learn,Keras和TensorFlow的動手機器學習:構建智能係統的概念,工具和技術。 O'Reilly Media,2019年
[3] A. Grover,J。Leskovec。 ACM SIGKDD國際知識發現與數據挖掘會議(KDD),2016年。
[4] Jin X.,Han J.(2011)K-均值聚類。在:Sammut C.,Webb GI(EDS)機器學習百科全書。馬薩諸塞州波士頓的施普林格。 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-30164-8_425