聽起來很簡單,但我想要的只是LUA中的列表延續插件。 Bullets.vim工作,但它是用Vimscript編寫的,長一千多行。不用說,我找不到合適的一個,所以我決定創建自己的。
" gaoDean/autolist.nvim " ,
ft = {
" markdown " ,
" text " ,
" tex " ,
" plaintex " ,
" norg " ,
config = function ()
require ( " autolist " ). setup ()
vim . keymap . set ( " i " , " <tab> " , " <cmd>AutolistTab<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " i " , " <s-tab> " , " <cmd>AutolistShiftTab<cr> " )
-- vim.keymap.set("i", "<c-t>", "<c-t><cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr>") -- an example of using <c-t> to indent
vim . keymap . set ( " i " , " <CR> " , " <CR><cmd>AutolistNewBullet<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " o " , " o<cmd>AutolistNewBullet<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " O " , " O<cmd>AutolistNewBulletBefore<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " <CR> " , " <cmd>AutolistToggleCheckbox<cr><CR> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " <C-r> " , " <cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr> " )
-- cycle list types with dot-repeat
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " <leader>cn " , require ( " autolist " ). cycle_next_dr , { expr = true })
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " <leader>cp " , require ( " autolist " ). cycle_prev_dr , { expr = true })
-- if you don't want dot-repeat
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cn", "<cmd>AutolistCycleNext<cr>")
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>cp", "<cmd>AutolistCycleNext<cr>")
-- functions to recalculate list on edit
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " >> " , " >><cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " << " , " <<<cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " n " , " dd " , " dd<cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr> " )
vim . keymap . set ( " v " , " d " , " d<cmd>AutolistRecalculate<cr> " )
end ,
/ return
/ return
將刪除它,從而為您提供新的新句子。 - [x] checkboxes can be toggled with ` :AutolistToggleCheckbox ` , which is bound to ` return ` in normal mode if you used the default mappings
1 . [x] these can also be numbered
a) [ ] or these can work too
b) [ x ] see?
I. Roman numerals are also supported
II. Just press enter, and autolist will do the calculations for you
MX. All the way up
MXI. to infinity
MXII. It really will continue forever
MXIII. -I think
- you can cycle the type of the list with ` :AutolistCycleNext ` and ` :AutolistCyclePrev `
- below is a copy of this list after cycling twice
1 . you can cycle the type of the list with ` :AutolistCycleNext ` and ` :AutolistCyclePrev `
2 . below is a copy of this list after cycling twice
local list_patterns = {
neorg_1 = " %- " ,
neorg_2 = " %-%- " ,
neorg_3 = " %-%-%- " ,
neorg_4 = " %-%-%-%- " ,
neorg_5 = " %-%-%-%-%- " ,
unordered = " [-+*] " , -- - + *
digit = " %d+[.)] " , -- 1. 2. 3.
ascii = " %a[.)] " , -- a) b) c)
roman = " %u*[.)] " , -- I. II. III.
latex_item = " \ item " ,
local default_config = {
enabled = true ,
colon = { -- if a line ends in a colon
indent = true , -- if in list and line ends in `:` then create list
indent_raw = true , -- above, but doesn't need to be in a list to work
preferred = " - " , -- what the new list starts with (can be `1.` etc)
cycle = { -- Cycles the list type in order
" - " , -- whatever you put here will match the first item in your list
" * " , -- for example if your list started with a `-` it would go to `*`
" 1. " , -- this says that if your list starts with a `*` it would go to `1.`
" 1) " , -- this all leverages the power of recalculate.
" a) " , -- i spent many hours on that function
" I. " , -- try it, change the first bullet in a list to `a)`, and press recalculate
lists = { -- configures list behaviours
-- Each key in lists represents a filetype.
-- The value is a table of all the list patterns that the filetype implements.
-- See how to define your custom list below in the readme.
-- You must put the file name for the filetype, not the file extension
-- To get the "file name", it is just =:set filetype?= or =:se ft?=.
markdown = {
list_patterns . unordered ,
list_patterns . digit ,
list_patterns . ascii , -- for example this specifies activate the ascii list
list_patterns . roman , -- type for markdown files.
text = {
list_patterns . unordered ,
list_patterns . digit ,
list_patterns . ascii ,
list_patterns . roman ,
norg = {
list_patterns . neorg_1 ,
list_patterns . neorg_2 ,
list_patterns . neorg_3 ,
list_patterns . neorg_4 ,
list_patterns . neorg_5 ,
tex = { list_patterns . latex_item },
plaintex = { list_patterns . latex_item },
checkbox = {
left = " %[ " , -- the left checkbox delimiter (you could change to "%(" for brackets)
right = " %] " , -- the right checkbox delim (same customisation as above)
fill = " x " , -- if you do the above two customisations, your checkbox could be (x) instead of [x]
-- this is all based on lua patterns, see "Defining custom lists" for a nice article to learn them
。上面描述的所有功能都有LUA對應物,這些功能只是Pascal Case命令的蛇案例版本。例如, AutolistNewBullet
LUA有兩個特殊功能: require("autolist").cycle_next_dr
and require("autolist").cycle_prev_dr
,可提供可dot-Repeat-Repeat-Repeat- AutolistCycleNext
local my_list_patterns = {
test = " %a[.)] "
require ( ' autolist ' ). setup ({
lists = {
markdown = {
" %a[.)] " , -- insert your custom lua pattern here
my_list_patterns . test , -- or use a variable
發現使用Autolist時插件會斷開?參見#43。基本上,您需要確保在所有其他插件之後自動列加載。如果那不起作用,請隨時創建一個新問題。另外,請確保您的映射的資本化正確,否則自動人員將無法檢測到其他插件( <cr>