這是Mailgun PHP SDK。該SDK包含用於輕鬆與Mailgun API交互的方法。以下是讓您入門的示例。有關其他示例,請在http://documentation.mailgun.com上查看我們的正式文檔
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
MailGun API客戶端並不是很難與Guzle,Buzz或任何其他發送HTTP消息的庫。相反,它使用PSR-18客戶端抽象。這將使您可以靈活地選擇要使用的PSR-7實現和HTTP客戶端。
composer require mailgun/mailgun-php symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7
您應始終在應用程序中使用Composer AutoLoader來自動加載依賴項。下面的所有示例都假設您已經將其包含在文件中:
require ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
use Mailgun Mailgun ;
// First, instantiate the SDK with your API credentials
$ mg = Mailgun :: create ( ' key-example ' ); // For US servers
$ mg = Mailgun :: create ( ' key-example ' , ' https://api.eu.mailgun.net ' ); // For EU servers
// Now, compose and send your message.
// $mg->messages()->send($domain, $params);
$ mg -> messages ()-> send ( ' example.com ' , [
' from ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' to ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' subject ' => ' The PHP SDK is awesome! ' ,
' text ' => ' It is so simple to send a message. '
注意: $domain
# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
use Mailgun Mailgun ;
# Instantiate the client.
$ mgClient = Mailgun :: create ( ' KEY ' , ' FULL_DOMAIN_URL ' );
$ domain = " DOMAIN " ;
# Issue the call to the client.
$ result = $ mgClient -> domains ()-> updateWebScheme ( $ domain , ' https ' );
print_r ( $ result );
# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
use Mailgun Mailgun ;
# Instantiate the client.
$ mgClient = Mailgun :: create ( ' KEY ' , ' FULL_DOMAIN_URL ' );
$ domain = " DOMAIN " ;
# Issue the call to the client.
$ result = $ mgClient -> domains ()-> updateWebPrefix ( $ domain , ' tracking ' );
print_r ( $ result );
MailgunModelDomainWebPrefixResponse Object
[message:MailgunModelDomainAbstractDomainResponse:private] => Domain web prefix updated
[domain:MailgunModelDomainAbstractDomainResponse:private] =>
[inboundDnsRecords:MailgunModelDomainAbstractDomainResponse:private] => Array
[outboundDnsRecords:MailgunModelDomainAbstractDomainResponse:private] => Array
# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
use Mailgun Mailgun ;
# Instantiate the client.
$ mgClient = Mailgun :: create ( ' KEY ' , ' ENDPOINT ' );
$ domain = " DOMAIN " ;
$ path = ' some path ' ;
$ params = [];
# Issue the call to the client.
$ resultPost = $ mgClient -> httpClient ()-> httpPost ( $ path , $ params );
$ resultGet = $ mgClient -> httpClient ()-> httpGet ( $ path , $ params );
$ resultPut = $ mgClient -> httpClient ()-> httpPut ( $ path , $ params );
$ resultDelete = $ mgClient -> httpClient ()-> httpDelete ( $ path , $ params );
//Enable Sub Account
try {
$ items = $ mgClient -> subaccounts ()-> enable ( $ id );
} catch ( Exception $ exception ) {
echo sprintf ( ' HTTP CODE - %s, ' , $ exception -> getCode ());
echo sprintf ( ' Error - %s ' , $ exception -> getMessage ());
//Create a new Sub Account
try {
$ items = $ mgClient -> subaccounts ()-> create ( ' some name ' );
} catch ( Exception $ exception ) {
echo sprintf ( ' HTTP CODE - %s, ' , $ exception -> getCode ());
echo sprintf ( ' Error - %s ' , $ exception -> getMessage ());
//Get All
try {
$ items = $ mgClient -> subaccounts ()-> index ();
print_r ( $ items -> getItems ());
} catch ( Exception $ exception ) {
echo sprintf ( ' HTTP CODE - %s, ' , $ exception -> getCode ());
echo sprintf ( ' Error - %s ' , $ exception -> getMessage ());
$ mgClient = Mailgun :: create (
' xxx ' ,
' yyy ' ,
$ subAccountId
use Mailgun HttpClient HttpClientConfigurator ;
use Mailgun Hydrator NoopHydrator ;
$ configurator = new HttpClientConfigurator ();
$ configurator -> setEndpoint ( ' http://bin.mailgun.net/aecf68de ' );
$ configurator -> setApiKey ( ' key-example ' );
$ configurator -> setSubAccountId ( $ subAccountId )
# Include the Autoloader (see "Libraries" for install instructions)
require ' vendor/autoload.php ' ;
use Mailgun Mailgun ;
# Instantiate the client.
$ mgClient = Mailgun :: create ( ' xxx ' );
$ domain = " xxx.mailgun.org " ;
$ result = $ mgClient -> metrics ()-> loadMetrics ([
' start ' => ' Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:29:02 +0300 ' ,
' end ' => ' Wed, 25 Sep 2024 18:29:02 +0300 ' ,
' metrics ' => [
" failed_count " , " opened_count " , " sent_count " , " delivered_count "
' resolution ' => ' month ' ,
' precision ' => ' day ' ,
' dimensions ' => [
' time ' ,
' include_aggregates ' => true ,
' include_subaccounts ' => true ,
print_r ( $ result -> getItems ());
$ mg = Mailgun :: create ( ' key-example ' );
$ dns = $ mg -> domains ()-> show ( ' example.com ' )-> getInboundDNSRecords ();
foreach ( $ dns as $ record ) {
echo $ record -> getType ();
use Mailgun Hydrator ArrayHydrator ;
$ configurator = new HttpClientConfigurator ();
$ configurator -> setApiKey ( ' key-example ' );
$ mg = new Mailgun ( $ configurator , new ArrayHydrator ());
$ data = $ mg -> domains ()-> show ( ' example.com ' );
foreach ( $ data [ ' receiving_dns_records ' ] as $ record ) {
echo isset ( $ record [ ' record_type ' ]) ? $ record [ ' record_type ' ] : null ;
當事情不正確時,調試PHP SDK可能會有所幫助。要調試SDK,這裡有一些建議:
設置Mailgun郵政局的終點。 Postbin是一款允許您發布數據的Web服務,然後您可以通過瀏覽器顯示它。使用Postbin是一種快速確定您要傳輸到MailGun API的數據的簡便方法。
提示:bin ID將是bin.mailgun.net之後的URL部分。它將是隨機生成的字母和數字。例如,此URL中的bin ID(http://bin.mailgun.net/aecf68de)是aecf68de
use Mailgun HttpClient HttpClientConfigurator ;
use Mailgun Hydrator NoopHydrator ;
$ configurator = new HttpClientConfigurator ();
$ configurator -> setEndpoint ( ' http://bin.mailgun.net/aecf68de ' );
$ configurator -> setApiKey ( ' key-example ' );
$ configurator -> setDebug ( true );
$ mg = new Mailgun ( $ configurator , new NoopHydrator ());
# Now, compose and send your message.
$ mg -> messages ()-> send ( ' example.com ' , [
' from ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' to ' => ' [email protected] ' ,
' subject ' => ' The PHP SDK is awesome! ' ,
' text ' => ' It is so simple to send a message. '
git clone [email protected]:mailgun/mailgun-php.git
cd mailgun-php
composer update
composer test
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