Zhaopin Recruitment is a mobile job recruitment software. This software serves a variety of job seekers. It also takes into account part-time jobs and school recruitment. It can conduct online interviews at any time to help you save time in job hunting. Its multiple functions help you easily find jobs. Friends who are interested can click to download as soon as possible.
Introduction to Zhaopin Recruitment Software
Zhaopin Recruitment solves various problems in job search and recruitment. It has hot job information query, and can also provide resume production services. It can screen companies so that companies cannot view resumes, and can also submit your favorite occupations to your heart's content, giving you a good user experience!
Features of Zhaopin Recruitment Software
1. Service population: white-collar and gold-collar students, full-time and part-time internship school recruitment
2. Video job search: conduct online interviews at any time and get timely feedback;
3. News notification: check news anytime and anywhere, and no job information is missed
4. Job recommendation: Algorithm intelligent matching, all are your favorite positions;
5. Nearby jobs: Turn on the positioning function to view nearby jobs;
6. Delivery records: track job search status and grasp real-time progress;
7. Company blocking: You can block companies of your own choice, and your resume will be safely invisible;
8. Job search services: professional services to help you stand out
9. Put the resume at the top: The resume is highly exposed, and the company's appointment rate is greatly improved;
10. Resume optimization: The highlights of your resume are greatly improved, and senior headhunters and HR will optimize them for you;
11. Interview direct train: Experts teach interview and salary negotiation skills one-on-one, and the interview success rate soars;
12. Excellent career consulting: Experts in the industry provide guidance on career development paths, answer job questions, and increase your career success rate;
13. Job Q Channel: Answer workplace doubts, gain insights into the nature of the industry, talk to industry leaders, and expand workplace contacts;
Highlights of Zhaopin Recruitment Software
1. Service crowd: corporate recruiters and employing departments with recruitment needs in various industries
2. Live recruitment: face-to-face fast communication, online interactive offer making
3. Accurate recommendation: intelligently analyze job information and accurately match high-quality talents
4. Timely communication: Provide a variety of online communication tools to identify candidates in a timely manner
5. Extremely fast certification: multiple quick certification methods, start recruitment in three minutes
6. Invite collaboration: Invite employers to coordinate recruitment with one click to improve efficiency
7. Post in seconds: Provide popular job templates and post jobs in seconds across multiple terminals
8. Comprehensive products: integrated solutions for recruitment, testing and training to help customers succeed
9. Job Q Channel: Become a workplace mentor and build industry connections and personal influence
A brief review of Zhaopin recruitment software
Zhaopin Recruitment is a well-established domestic job search platform that supports quick job search and can also filter jobs by geographical location. I believe these four words are familiar to each other. It can be said that the system in Zhaopin Recruitment is the most standardized. The reputation is already there, so I won’t say much more.
Zhaopin recruitment software update
June 23, 2021
The company homepage experience is optimized and information is displayed more comprehensively
Optimized the permission acquisition function to make it easier for you to understand the specific purpose of each permission before authorizing it.