1. Many users have found ideal part-time opportunities on the platform and earned a lot of pocket money;
2. When you need to publish part-time recruitment information, you only need to post it, and it will appear on the platform's homepage or "Part-time Recruitment" page at any time;
3. Job seekers can pay attention to this page at any time to obtain the latest and hottest recruitment information. Once they see a suitable part-time position, they can apply immediately.
1. Employer registration information and job advertisements to be published need to be reviewed before they can go online;
2. Resume information also needs to be reviewed so that a credible roster of job applicants can be established;
3. Strict qualification review to ensure that the labor force recruited by the employer is true and reliable.
1. Provide real-time communication channels for job seekers and employers. Both parties can chat in real time on the platform to solve doubts and difficulties;
2. Part-time employment parties trade time and labor, and there is no need to transmit sensitive information such as personal ID information and bank account numbers;
3. Job seekers can use their spare time to get a meaningful job and get good compensation.
1. Employers can easily recruit talented part-time workers and save themselves a lot of trouble during their work and leisure time;
2. It not only facilitates the process of enterprises or individuals releasing tasks, but also provides users with more opportunities to join the intelligent system;
3. Intelligent identification is added to ensure the feasibility of task execution and increase the guarantee of task legitimacy.