Are you short of money? Mobile financial credit loan software, you don’t need to be anxious when you are short of money. If you find that you are short of money, it will be given to you immediately. You don’t need to come to your door to appeal. It will give you a loan from application to credit evaluation within 3 minutes, allowing you to enjoy the fast loan. Convenient, with multiple installment options, flexible, convenient, and cost-effective. If you are interested, please join us~
The Queqianme app is a small loan software specially developed for young people. Through the big data financial credit library developed by its own financial technology team, it can complete the review of user credit and quickly lend money in 3 minutes. In addition, this software also provides users with the functions of real-time cash withdrawal and independent installment repayment. Open users can enjoy credit loans between 1,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan, which is suitable for the majority of students, white-collar workers and other young people. There is no need to borrow money from relatives and friends when you are short of money. Compared with current credit cards and other loan software, the Qiqianme app only requires applicants to be over 18 years old. There are no income or identity requirements. The entire application process is completed on a mobile phone. Simple, as the user's credit limit continues to increase, the user's loan limit may also exceed 5,000 yuan. Subsequent updates will also bring users more non-financial services such as car rental and house rental.
1- Lower threshold: you can apply for a loan if you are over 18 years old, no mortgage required, no income and identity restrictions;
2- Faster: Complete the credit assessment quickly online, and the account will be available on the same day;
3- The process is simplified: log in - submit materials - credit decision - borrow and withdraw money, no interview required, borrowing money is more convenient;
4- Cost-effective: small low-interest loans, no pressure to borrow money, more cost-effective;
5- More value-added: cash installment, consumption installment, credit overlay, and points rebate for borrowing.
Are you short of money? Are app funds safe?
MomoMo has cooperated with China UnionPay voice payment to ensure the safety of your funds.
Is the information on the Short of Money app safe?
Qianqianmei signs an electronic agreement with you, strictly keeps your personal information confidential, and your legal rights will be fully protected.
What should I do if my mobile phone is lost?
If your mobile phone is unfortunately lost, we will still take the following measures to ensure the security of your account: If you want to change the bound bank card number, you need to submit a photo of yourself holding an ID card for identity verification. Both the personal photo and the ID photo must be the same as the original The registration information matches. Unless you are the person, you will not be able to use your account to transfer funds to other people's bank accounts.
How to keep passwords safe?
(1) Login password: After you log in for the first time, the system will save your login status. If you forget your login password after logging out, you can click <Forgot Password> to reset the password through your bound mobile phone number;
(2) Payment password: If you forget your payment password, you can reset it through your bound mobile phone number.
Why can’t I withdraw cash from the Short of Money app?
Reasons for withdrawal failure may include:
(1) Failure to submit ID card;
(2) The uploaded ID number is unclear;
(3) The submitted ID card does not match the filled-in ID card information and is considered by the system to be false information;
(4) The system will review the withdrawal application, re-score your credit, and take a rejection decision because your score is insufficient.
How can I withdraw cash from the Short of Money app?
1. Open the Qianqianme app, click on Cash Out on the homepage, bind your bank card, perform real-name authentication, and then you can withdraw cash~
Are you short of money? It is a professional lending platform created by Shenzhen Bai Rui Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., allowing you to borrow money easily and enjoy fast professional lending services. The platform threshold is low, the amount is free, and it is suitable for different user groups. Interested users can download and experience~