Baiduyuan is a very good novel reading application. On this website, you can find all types of books, whether they are the hottest books, new books or previous issues, you can find relevant books in the shortest time. If you are interested, please don't miss this opportunity and give it a try!
1. There is a very smart search engine that supports many search methods and is very fast and accurate.
2. Provide users with a highly personalized reading interface that allows them to set many parameters by themselves.
3. Baishuyuan collects a large number of online stories, all of which are free.
4. Support offline downloading of your favorite works so that you can read them at any time.
1. Create a very pure reading atmosphere for users, and they will not be affected by any noise when reading.
2. It has a good ability for users to view historical information. Every time you open it, you can see the content you saw last time.
3. Baishu Academy makes intelligent recommendations to users and has a deep understanding of users’ needs.
4. When you encounter something you are interested in, you can add it to your own bookcase to form your own bookcase.
All literary resources in Baishu Academy are available for readers to browse freely. Its purpose is to provide readers with a high-quality reading experience, and its update speed is very fast, so readers can see it in the shortest time. The latest articles without worrying about being spoiled by others in advance. If you are interested, please don't miss this opportunity, come and download and try it!