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Web design tutorial
  • js timer setTimeout cannot call local variables solution

    js timer setTimeout cannot call local variables solution

    The usage of the timer setTimeout in JavaScript is generally as follows. After calling beginrotate, it enters a process of regularly executing rotateloop, as shown in the following code: Copy the code and the code is as follows: var angle = 0; function ro
  • Use PhoneGap to obtain some information methods of the device

    Use PhoneGap to obtain some information methods of the device

    The name of the name of the Device.Name device Device.phonegApphoneGap version of the type Device.platform device device.uuid device's only identification number of the operating system run by Device.version is assigned to Wind to Wind
  • Javascript changes CSS styles (local and global)

    Javascript changes CSS styles (local and global)

    1. There are three methods for partially changing the style: changing the style directly, changing className and changing cssText. Changing className: document.getElementById('obj').className="..." Changing cssText: document.
  • Sample code for iframe scaling on the mobile side

    Sample code for iframe scaling on the mobile side

    I encountered a strange problem at work. After struggling for a long time, I finally solved it. Here I record the analysis ideas and solutions. The project is to build a responsive company official website. After the static image page was cut out in the e
  • Complete the search function in the html page

    Complete the search function in the html page

    Recently, I have been engaged in a framework that has been changed by many people. I look at the dizziness of the head and look at the code every day, but I feel that the progress is quite large. I made a background to configure the front desk to view the
  • JS implemented MAP method example code

    JS implemented MAP method example code

    Copy code code as follows: / ** * * Description: MAP method implemented by js * @ReturnS {map} * / function map () {var Struct = function (key, value) {this.Key = key;
  • JavaScript implements display and hiding of information such as registration page

    JavaScript implements display and hiding of information such as registration page

    When we write the registration page, the required information is visible and the optional information is hidden. If the user wants to fill it in, they can click "Details". Copy the code code as follows:<!-- 下面代码通过javascript实现信息的显示和隐藏 --><!DOCTYP
  • JS implementation of side-suspended floating example code

    JS implementation of side-suspended floating example code

    Effect: Idea: First, load onscroll to control the scroll bar. Then write the method of buffering motion. The method of buffering motion is to first calculate the speed of the DIV buffer, round it up, and then perform motion to determine when the end point
  • An in-depth analysis of variable scope in JavaScript

    An in-depth analysis of variable scope in JavaScript

    Before learning about JavaScript's variable scope, we should clarify a few points: JavaScript's variable scope is based on its unique scope chain. JavaScript does not have block-level scope. Variables declared in a function are defined throughout
  • JS Get the values ​​of the drop -down list box & lt; option & gt; value for example code in the value and text

    JS Get the values ​​of the drop -down list box & lt; option & gt; value for example code in the value and text

    During the programming process, the value of the drop -down list box is often obtained from the value in Option, but there are also when it is necessary to obtain the value displayed in the page, for example, want to get<option value="value"> Showtext</op
  • How to dynamically load tables and dynamically add table rows in javascript

    How to dynamically load tables and dynamically add table rows in javascript

    1. Dynamically load the table 1. First, set the id for the adding position of the table in HTML. That is, write a div tag inside the body tag of html to indicate that the table is to be added to the inside of this div. as follows<div id="tdl"><div> 2. Wri
  • HTML5 realizes QQ chat bubble effect

    HTML5 realizes QQ chat bubble effect

    Today, I used HTML/CSS to make a QQ -like chat bubble. The following is the renderings: the following style settings are described below. Then post HTML and CSS code (not much). Step 1: The layout message uses DIV+Float layout. Each message is wrapped in
  • HTML5 comes with table form verification experience optimization and prompt bubble modification function

    HTML5 comes with table form verification experience optimization and prompt bubble modification function

    When the HTML5 comes with a formula to verify that when many friends verify the form, they use jQuery or JS manually, or use the jQuery plug -in to verify. Because everyone thinks that HTML5 comes with authentication is not very good! In fact, now HTML5 c
  • Nodejs reads memcache example sharing

    Nodejs reads memcache example sharing

    Copy code code as follows: Var Memcache = Require ('Memcache'), http = request ('http'), url = reques ('url'), qs = request ('queryString'),
  • Briefly describe the Html5 IphoneX adaptation method

    Briefly describe the Html5 IphoneX adaptation method

    The key to IphoneX adaptation is how to adapt the page to the notches, bottom operating area, and large rounded corners. Compared with other mobile phones, the difference between Iphone