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CSS tutorial
  • Beautify the text in your space: 20 CSS font mirror effects

    Beautify the text in your space: 20 CSS font mirror effects

    I saw some text mirroring effects on the Internet, and suddenly felt that the text in my space was too monotonous. I was not in a hurry to optimize it, so I sorted out some CSS text mirroring effects first, because the original ones did not have CSS code.
  • CSS 3 Tutorial: Understanding the box-sizing property

    CSS 3 Tutorial: Understanding the box-sizing property

    In IE5.x and IE6/7 in Quirks mode, both border and padding are included in width.
  • Recommended writing order of css properties in mozilla

    Recommended writing order of css properties in mozilla

    I've read a lot of questions about reflow recently, but I didn't notice this phenomenon before. Recently, I started to study it slowly. After all, I didn't pay attention to many performance details in the past. Regarding reflow, it should simp
  • Get free, reusable CSS-Web standards tutorials with Yahoo!

    Get free, reusable CSS-Web standards tutorials with Yahoo!

    One of the main features of the CSS tool is that it is graded to provide perfect support for Class A browsers. Rating browser support is purely a Yahoo! rating, and you can see the complete description on its website, which basically describes how CSS beh
  • Web Design: 12 Laws of Clean Code

    Web Design: 12 Laws of Clean Code

    Beautiful code is the foundation of a beautiful website. Excellent CSS only exists on top of equally excellent HTML. Clean, semantic HTML code makes a website more robust. This article describes 12 laws for achieving clean web design code, which is suitab
  • DIV List elements commonly used in CSS web page layout ul ol li dl dt dd definition

    DIV List elements commonly used in CSS web page layout ul ol li dl dt dd definition

    DIV List elements commonly used in CSS web page layout ul ol li dl dt dd explanation, block-level elements div should be used as little as possible. Like table, the less nested the better
  • Comparison of CSS properties and Javascript syntax

    Comparison of CSS properties and Javascript syntax

    ​Box tags and attributes compare to CSS syntax (case-insensitive) Javascript syntax (case-sensitive)
  • Speed ​​up your website with CSS abbreviations

    Speed ​​up your website with CSS abbreviations

    A key metric of web site usability is speed, or more precisely, how quickly a page appears in a visitor's browser window. There are many factors that affect speed, including the speed of your web server, your visitor's Internet connection, and the
  • This is how to write CSS code

    This is how to write CSS code

    /*What I am using now is modified based on the version shared by Dan's, simplified and formatted*/ /*In fact, this is not the simplest template.
  • Detailed explanation of block elements and inline elements in CSS

    Detailed explanation of block elements and inline elements in CSS

    A block element is generally a container element for other elements. Block elements generally start on a new line. It can accommodate inline elements and other block elements. A common block element is the paragraph tag 'P'. The block element &quo
  • Concise and clear DIV CSS web page layout development reference specification

    Concise and clear DIV CSS web page layout development reference specification

    CSS web page layout can also be regarded as a systematic work. The development of DIVCSS website may be completed by multiple people in collaboration and by a team. This involves many normative operation issues. Even if it is developed by one person, a ce
  • Use css to achieve perspective effect

    Use css to achieve perspective effect

    Use css to achieve perspective effect. At first, I thought of our common method of adding shadow effects, which is achieved by using multiple divs through offset, but this requires many divs, which is not ideal. Then, I thought of a property of CSS: borde
  • Solve the problem of numbers and letters making the container larger

    Solve the problem of numbers and letters making the container larger

    Automatic line wrapping problem, line wrapping of normal characters is more reasonable, but continuous numbers and English characters often expand the container, which is quite a headache. The following is how to implement line wrapping in CSS.
  • List of new features in CSS3

    List of new features in CSS3

    CSS3 can achieve many effects that previously required the use of images and scripts in just a few lines of code. Such as rounded corners, picture borders, text shadows and box shadows, etc. CSS3 not only simplifies the design process for front-end develo
  • 8 common mistakes novices make when writing CSS

    8 common mistakes novices make when writing CSS

    In general, the most common error in CSS is that the attribute names in the style and HTML are inconsistent. As a result, the style is obviously written, but it has no effect.