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WEB standardization
  • IE6 Ultimate Cheat Sheet-Strategy

    IE6 Ultimate Cheat Sheet-Strategy

    Before discussing IE6 bugs and how to fix them, it is necessary to talk about some strategies to avoid these annoying problems - as the saying goes, preventing problems before they happen.
  • Clear floating new statement

    Clear floating new statement

    Apply the first declaration block to most standard-compliant browsers, with the goal of creating an invisible null block to clear floating for the target element.
  • The best way to solve Png transparency in IE6

    The best way to solve Png transparency in IE6

    Unit PNG Fix can make background-repeat work under ie6, but this way of working is not like the normal repeat image repetition effect, but uses the stretching effect. However, it still works, so it's also very good. Because no solution can realize the
  • Let's talk about float menu

    Let's talk about float menu

    Yesterday I saw a post posted by Goos using ucweb: Who said that the Float menu cannot be centered horizontally? I went in and looked at it. I felt that the method was a bit cumbersome, and I used negative margins, position:relative; and a little hack.
  • Revealing HTML5 and CSS3

    Revealing HTML5 and CSS3

    The predecessor of the HTML 5 draft was called Web Applications 1.0. It was proposed by WHATWG in 2004, accepted by W3C in 2007, and established a new HTML working team. On January 22, 2008, the first official draft was released. HTML 5 is the biggest lea
  • HTML standard formulation organization begins to add hardware operation functions to HTML language

    HTML standard formulation organization begins to add hardware operation functions to HTML language

    The W3C organization responsible for providing standardized services for web programming languages ​​has recently begun to modify the definition of the hypertext markup language and plans to add HTML device identifiers to the language. According to the pr
  • Default Web Font Style

    Default Web Font Style

    Usually, the style of the page seen by users will be controlled by three layers. The first layer is the default style of the browser, the second layer is the web page definition style, and the third layer is the user-defined style.
  • Zen Coding: Quickly write HTML/CSS code

    Zen Coding: Quickly write HTML/CSS code

    In JavaScript, when we want to get a specific element on a page, we will run into the same problem, we have to write a lot of code, which makes it difficult to maintain and reuse. JavaScript frameworks emerged, and they also introduced the CSS selector en
  • The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (1)

    The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (1)

    1. The right-click oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false" will be completely blocked
  • Recursive processing of time start and end judgment in form verification

    Recursive processing of time start and end judgment in form verification

    In a recent project, form verification requires a judgment on the start and end range of time: the end time must be greater than or equal to the start time. That is: the end year must be greater than the starting year; if it is equal, compare the starting
  • CSS filter common filter properties and statements

    CSS filter common filter properties and statements

    Syntax: STYLE="filter:filtername(fparameter1, fparameter2...)" (Filtername is the name of the filter, fparameter1, fparameter2, etc. are the parameters of the filter)
  • The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (4)

    The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (4)

    52. Show all links and add the following code<body> In the area<script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- function extractlinks(){ var links=document.all.tags("A")
  • The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (3)

    The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (3)

    44. Add the following code to the page to open<body> In the area<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin for (t = 2; t > 0; t--) { for (x = 20; x > 0; x--) {
  • The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (2)

    The 55 most commonly used classic tips in Javascript (2)

    ​33. Which Radio was selected<HTML><script language="vbscript"> function checkme() for each ob in radio1 if ob.checked then window.alert ob.value
  • A brief discussion on the semicolon of javascript

    A brief discussion on the semicolon of javascript

    The semicolon of javascript represents the ending character of a statement, but since javascript has the automatic semicolon insertion rule, it is a very easy thing to make people confused. In general, a newline will produce a semicolon, but the actual si