Dieses Plugin fügt Ihrem Vim und Neovim künstliche Intelligenz (KI) -Funktionen hinzu. Sie können Code generieren, Text bearbeiten oder eine interaktive Konversation mit GPT -Modellen führen, die alle mit der API von OpenAI betrieben werden.
Um eine Idee zu bekommen, was mit KI -Befehlen möglich ist, sehen Sie die Eingabeaufforderungen auf dem Community -Wiki
Dieses Plugin verwendet die OpenAI -API, um Antworten zu generieren. Sie müssen ein Konto einrichten und einen API -Schlüssel erhalten. Die Verwendung der API ist nicht kostenlos, aber die Kosten sind angemessen und hängen davon ab, wie viele Token Sie verwenden, einfachen Worten, wie viel Text Sie senden und erhalten (siehe Preisgestaltung). Beachten Sie, dass das Plugin keinen Ihrer Code hinter den Kulissen sendet. Sie teilen und bezahlen nur das, was Sie speziell für Eingabeaufforderungen und Chat -Inhalte auswählen.
# save api key to `~/.config/openai.token` file
echo " YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY " > ~ /.config/openai.token
# alternatively set it as an environment variable
# or configure it with your organization id
echo " YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY,YOUR_OPENAI_ORG_ID " > ~ /.config/openai.token
The default api key file location is ~/.config/openai.token
, but you can change it by setting the g:vim_ai_token_file_path
in your .vimrc
let g: vim_ai_token_file_path = ' ~/.config/openai.token '
Plug ' madox2/vim-ai '
Using built-in Vim packages :help packages
# vim
mkdir -p ~ /.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone https://github.com/madox2/vim-ai.git ~ /.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-ai
# neovim
mkdir -p ~ /.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start
git clone https://github.com/madox2/vim-ai.git ~ /.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/vim-ai
Geben Sie den Befehl ein, um einen AI -Befehl zu verwenden, gefolgt von einer Anweisungsaufforderung. Sie können es auch mit einer visuellen Auswahl kombinieren. Hier finden Sie einen kurzen Überblick über verfügbare Befehle:
========= Basic AI commands =========
:AI complete text
:AIEdit edit text
:AIChat continue or open new chat
============= Utilities =============
:AIRedo repeat last AI command
:AINewChat open new chat
:help vim-ai
Tip: Press Ctrl-c
anytime to cancel completion
Tip: Setup your own key bindings or use command shortcuts - :AIE
, :AIC
, :AIR
Tip: A custom role {role} can be passed to the above commands by an initial parameter /{role}, for example :AIEdit /grammar
Tip: Combine commands with a range :help range
, for example to select the whole buffer - :%AIE fix grammar
If you are interested in more tips or would like to level up your Vim with more commands like :GitCommitMessage
- suggesting a git commit message, visit the Community Wiki.
In the documentation below, <selection>
denotes a visual selection or any other range, {instruction}
an instruction prompt, {role}
a custom role and ?
Symbol einen optionalen Parameter.
- complete the text on the current line
:AI {prompt}
- complete the prompt
<selection> :AI
- complete the selection
<selection> :AI {instruction}
- complete the selection using the instruction
<selection>? :AI /{role} {instruction}?
- verwenden Sie die Rolle, um zu vervollständigen
<selection>? :AIEdit
- edit the current line or the selection
<selection>? :AIEdit {instruction}
- edit the current line or the selection using the instruction
<selection>? :AIEdit /{role} {instruction}?
- Verwenden Sie die Rolle, um zu bearbeiten
- continue or start a new conversation.
<selection>? :AIChat {instruction}?
- Starten Sie eine neue Konversation mit der Auswahl, der Anweisung oder beides
<selection>? :AIChat /{role} {instruction}?
- verwenden Sie die Rolle, um zu vervollständigen
When the AI finishes answering, you can continue the conversation by entering insert mode, adding your prompt, and then using the command :AIChat
once again.
files You can edit and save the chat conversation to an .aichat
file and restore it later. Auf diese Weise können Sie beispielsweise wiederverwendbare benutzerdefinierte Eingabeaufforderungen erstellen:
# ./refactoring-prompt.aichat
>>> system
You are a Clean Code expert, I have the following code, please refactor it in a more clean and concise way so that my colleagues can maintain the code more easily. Also, explain why you want to refactor the code so that I can add the explanation to the Pull Request.
>>> user
[attach code]
To include files in the chat a special include
role is used:
>>> user
Generate documentation for the following files
>>> include
Each file's contents will be added to an additional user
role message with the files separated by ==> {path} <==
, where path is the path to the file. Globbing is expanded out via glob.gob
and relative paths to the current working directory (as determined by getcwd()
) will be resolved to absolute paths.
Supported chat roles are >>> system
, >>> user
, >>> include
and <<< assistant
:AINewChat {preset shortname}?
- Starten Sie ein neues Gespräch
This command is used when you need to spawn a new chat in a specific way or in situation when :AIChat
would normally continue conversation instead.
As a parameter you put an open chat command preset shortcut - below
, tab
or right
. For example: :AINewChat right
- repeat last AI command
Use this immediately after AI
/ AIEdit
/ AIChat
command in order to re-try or get an alternative completion. Note that the randomness of responses heavily depends on the temperature
Im Kontext dieses Plugins bedeutet eine Rolle eine wiederverwendbare KI-Anweisung und/oder eine Konfiguration. Roles are defined in the configuration .ini
file. For example by defining a grammar
let g: vim_ai_roles_config_file = ' /path/to/my/roles.ini '
# /path/to/my/roles.ini
prompt = fix spelling and grammar
temperature = 0.4
Now you can select text and run it with command :AIEdit /grammar
Weitere Beispiele finden Sie unter Rollen-Beispiel.ini.
Dieses Plugin setzt keine Schlüsselbindung. Create your own bindings in the .vimrc
to trigger AI commands, for example:
" complete text on the current line or in visual selection
nnoremap <leader> a :AI <CR>
xnoremap <leader> a :AI <CR>
" edit text with a custom prompt
xnoremap <leader> s :AIEdit fix grammar and spelling <CR>
nnoremap <leader> s :AIEdit fix grammar and spelling <CR>
" trigger chat
xnoremap <leader> c :AIChat <CR>
nnoremap <leader> c :AIChat <CR>
" redo last AI command
nnoremap <leader> r :AIRedo <CR>
Jeder Befehl ist mit einer entsprechenden Konfigurationsvariablen konfiguriert. To customize the default configuration, initialize the config variable with a selection of options, for example put this to your .vimrc
let g: vim_ai_chat = {
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-4 " ,
" temperature " : 0.2 ,
Sobald das obige festgelegt ist, können Sie die Optionen während der VIM -Sitzung direkt ändern:
let g: vim_ai_chat [ ' options ' ][ ' model ' ] = ' gpt-4 '
let g: vim_ai_chat [ ' options ' ][ ' temperature ' ] = 0.2
Oder passen Sie die Optionen direkt im Chat -Puffer an:
model =gpt-4
temperature =0.2
>>> user
generate a paragraph of lorem ipsum
Im Folgenden finden Sie alle verfügbaren Konfigurationsoptionen sowie deren Standardwerte. Bitte beachten Sie, dass beim Chat -Modell keine Token -Grenze auferlegt wird.
" :AI
" - engine: complete | chat - see how to configure chat engine in the section below
" - options: openai config (see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions)
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.enable_auth: enable authorization using openai key
" - options.selection_boundary: selection prompt wrapper (eliminates empty responses, see #20)
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g: vim_ai_complete = {
" engine " : " complete " ,
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct " ,
" endpoint_url " : " https://api.openai.com/v1/completions " ,
" max_tokens " : 1000 ,
" temperature " : 0.1 ,
" request_timeout " : 20 ,
" enable_auth " : 1 ,
" selection_boundary " : " ##### " ,
" ui " : {
" paste_mode " : 1 ,
" :AIEdit
" - engine: complete | chat - see how to configure chat engine in the section below
" - options: openai config (see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions)
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.enable_auth: enable authorization using openai key
" - options.selection_boundary: selection prompt wrapper (eliminates empty responses, see #20)
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g: vim_ai_edit = {
" engine " : " complete " ,
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct " ,
" endpoint_url " : " https://api.openai.com/v1/completions " ,
" max_tokens " : 1000 ,
" temperature " : 0.1 ,
" request_timeout " : 20 ,
" enable_auth " : 1 ,
" selection_boundary " : " ##### " ,
" ui " : {
" paste_mode " : 1 ,
" This prompt instructs model to work with syntax highlighting
let s: initial_chat_prompt = << trim END
>>> system
You are a general assistant.
If you attach a code block add syntax type after ``` to enable syntax highlighting.
" :AIChat
" - options: openai config (see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat)
" - options.initial_prompt: prompt prepended to every chat request (list of lines or string)
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.enable_auth: enable authorization using openai key
" - options.selection_boundary: selection prompt wrapper (eliminates empty responses, see #20)
" - ui.populate_options: put [chat-options] to the chat header
" - ui.open_chat_command: preset (preset_below, preset_tab, preset_right) or a custom command
" - ui.scratch_buffer_keep_open: re-use scratch buffer within the vim session
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g: vim_ai_chat = {
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-4o " ,
" endpoint_url " : " https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions " ,
" max_tokens " : 0 ,
" temperature " : 1 ,
" request_timeout " : 20 ,
" enable_auth " : 1 ,
" selection_boundary " : " " ,
" initial_prompt " : s: initial_chat_prompt ,
" ui " : {
" code_syntax_enabled " : 1 ,
" populate_options " : 0 ,
" open_chat_command " : " preset_below " ,
" scratch_buffer_keep_open " : 0 ,
" paste_mode " : 1 ,
" Notes:
" ui.paste_mode
" - if disabled code indentation will work but AI doesn't always respond with a code block
" therefore it could be messed up
" - find out more in vim's help `:help paste`
" options.max_tokens
" - note that prompt + max_tokens must be less than model's token limit, see #42, #46
" - setting max tokens to 0 will exclude it from the OpenAI API request parameters, it is
" unclear/undocumented what it exactly does, but it seems to resolve issues when the model
" hits token limit, which respond with `OpenAI: HTTPError 400`
Es ist möglich, das Plugin so zu konfigurieren, dass verschiedene OpenAI-kompatible Endpunkte verwendet werden. Sehen Sie einige coole Projekte im Bereich Custom APIs im Bereich des Community Wiki an.
let g: vim_ai_chat = {
" options " : {
" endpoint_url " : " http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions " ,
" enable_auth " : 0 ,
It is possible to configure chat models, such as gpt-4o
, to be used in :AI
and :AIEdit
commands. Diese Modelle sind billiger, aber derzeit weniger für die Bearbeitung/Vervollständigung von Code geeignet, da sie mit menschlichem Text und Kommentar reagieren.
Abhängig vom Anwendungsfall kann eine gute Erstaufforderung dazu beitragen, das Chat -Modell auf die gewünschte Weise zu reagieren:
let initial_prompt = << trim END
>>> system
You are going to play a role of a completion engine with following parameter s:
Task: Provide compact code/text completion, generation, transformation or explanation
Topic: general programming and text editing
Style: Plain result without any commentary, unless commentary is necessary
Audience: Users of text editor and programmers that need to transform/generate text
let chat_engine_config = {
" engine " : " chat " ,
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-4o " ,
" endpoint_url " : " https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions " ,
" max_tokens " : 0 ,
" temperature " : 0.1 ,
" request_timeout " : 20 ,
" selection_boundary " : " " ,
" initial_prompt " : initial_prompt,
let g: vim_ai_complete = chat_engine_config
let g: vim_ai_edit = chat_engine_config
Möglicherweise finden Sie eine Sammlung benutzerdefinierter Befehle im Community -Wiki.
To create a custom command, you can call AIRun
, AIEditRun
and AIChatRun
functions. Zum Beispiel:
" custom command suggesting git commit message, takes no arguments
function ! GitCommitMessageFn ()
let l: diff = system ( ' git --no-pager diff --staged ' )
let l: prompt = " generate a short commit message from the diff below: n " . l: diff
let l: config = {
" engine " : " chat " ,
" options " : {
" model " : " gpt-4o " ,
" initial_prompt " : " >>> system n you are a code assistant " ,
" temperature " : 1 ,
call vim_ai#AIRun ( l: config , l: prompt )
command ! GitCommitMessage call GitCommitMessageFn ()
" custom command that provides a code review for selected code block
function ! CodeReviewFn ( range ) range
let l: prompt = " programming syntax is " . & filetype . " , review the code below "
let l: config = {
" options " : {
" initial_prompt " : " >>> system n you are a clean code expert " ,
exe a: firstline . " , " . a: lastline . " call vim_ai#AIChatRun(a:range, l:config, l:prompt) "
command ! - range = 0 CodeReview <line1> , <line2> call CodeReviewFn ( <count> )
Beiträge sind willkommen! Bitte zögern Sie nicht, eine Pull -Anfrage zu eröffnen, ein Problem zu melden oder zum Community -Wiki beizutragen.
Genauigkeit : GPT ist gut darin, Text und Code zu produzieren, der auf den ersten Blick korrekt aussieht, aber möglicherweise völlig falsch ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie alle von diesem Plugin generierten Ausgaben gründlich überprüfen, lesen und testen!
Privatsphäre : Dieses Plugin sendet Text bei der Erstellung von Fertigstellungen und Änderungen an Openai. Verwenden Sie es daher nicht in Dateien, die vertrauliche Informationen enthalten.
MIT -Lizenz