1: Simply and powerfully display all the attached images on your forum in the form of an image list.
2: Dimages greatly increase the link friendliness within the site and increase search engine inclusion, making your site better for search engines.
3: From now on, you can search for attached images on your forum by searching topic titles, image file names, image descriptions, etc.
4: From now on, you can also find the corresponding post by searching the attached picture name, file name, picture description, etc.
5: Dimages can be run as a separate site and is not associated with Discuz!, or it can be installed in the directory of Discuz!. (Only read data from Discuz!)
6: Do not modify any data structure of your forum, only read image attachment data from the forum to ensure the independence and data security of your forum.
7: You can set not to include the attached pictures that have permission (those with reading permission or those with purchase price settings).
8: You can set sections not to be included.