The online repair reporting system B8.0 is suitable for enterprises, universities, government departments, primary and secondary schools, etc. to manage and register items and equipment repairs.
1. Repair reports from some users at the front desk: The content of the repair report includes the fault department, specific location of the fault, repair type, contact person and contact number, fault topic, fault description, etc. The fault department and location are selected through three-level options and do not need to be filled in. If you want to customize the filling, you can set it through the background function configuration.
Repair order management: ⒈Work order management: After the user submits the repair order, it can be modified or deleted in the repair order management before the order is dispatched. ⒉Uncompleted work orders: It is convenient to understand the order dispatch status and maintenance progress. ⒊User evaluation: Users evaluate the completed maintenance work.
Dispatch management: The dispatch administrator assigns corresponding types of maintenance personnel to different repair orders. If the maintenance personnel do not accept the order in time, the order administrator can redispatch the order.
Maintenance management: ⒈Acceptance of repair orders: they can be accepted individually or in batches. ⒉ Maintenance registration: In the unfinished state, you can fill in the maintenance progress report; in the completed state, fill in the maintenance record. ⒊The work order has been completed and query and statistical functions are provided.
User Center: Displays user personal information, modified passwords, modified information, and repair report statistics (total number of repair reports, completed number, and uncompleted number).
Announcement information: used to announce various precautions, notices, and announcement information during the use of this system.
2. Management and query of repair information in the backend management part:
⒈Comprehensive management: You can query various types of repair information, delete or batch delete repair information, and modify all repair and maintenance information.
⒉Category management:
Undispatched order category: Displays the repair information and total number of all undispatched orders. You can modify and delete repair information, and assign maintenance personnel to each repair order.
Unaccepted category: Displays all unaccepted repair information and total number. Can be accepted individually or in batches. Maintenance personnel can be reassigned.
Uncompleted category: Displays the repair information and total number of all uncompleted repairs. Maintenance registration can be carried out, and maintenance progress and maintenance records can be filled in.
Completed category: Displays the information and total number of all completed repair orders. It can be displayed in categories of Unrated, Satisfied, and Unsatisfied.
Comprehensive statistics: including repair report statistics, maintenance statistics, and type statistics.
It can count the total number of repair requests, the number of unsent orders, the number of dispatched orders, the uncompleted number, and the completed number of each repair requester in a certain period of time; the total number of repairs by maintenance personnel, the number of completed repairs, the number of uncompleted repairs, the completion rate, and the number of user satisfaction , the number of dissatisfied, the number of unevaluated, and the satisfaction rate; the total number of fault types, the number of undispatched orders, the number of dispatched orders, the number of completed repairs, the number of uncompleted repairs, and the completion rate. The time period can be freely selected by the administrator.
User management: super administrator password modification, adding a single user, adding a custom number of users (the number added is determined by the administrator), importing users from Excel (download the excel module first, fill in the user information as required, upload it to the system, and submit the data) .
User management implements classified management: currently divided into super administrators, dispatch personnel, maintenance personnel, and repair request personnel. Except for super administrators who cannot be deleted, other types of personnel can be deleted or deleted in batches. The information of each type of personnel can be modified and Query.
System settings:
⒈System settings: You can modify the system name, website address, contact address, contact number, etc. You can modify the footer code and content as well as the code and content on the right side of the header.
⒉Function configuration: Mainly including whether to prohibit the use of this system; whether to perform registration review; whether to perform automatic order dispatch; when the user reports for repair, whether to perform custom filling in the fault department and location.
⒊System notification: add, modify or delete notifications and announcement information.
⒋Repair type: add, modify or delete repair type.
⒌Fault department: add, modify, and delete first-, second-, and third-level fault departments. Easy to choose when reporting for repair.
⒍Fault location: add, modify, and delete primary, secondary, and secondary fault locations. Easy to choose when reporting for repair.