Useforum Light Forum is a powerful and practical forum community.
Useforum feature overview:
1. Complete topic functions, including rating, pin, lock, essence, move and comment;
2. Practical section system, including title color, section icon, introduction, section rules, and moderator selection;
3. Interactive reminder function, messages and replies can be notified to the corresponding user immediately, and you can @ the user in the topic;
4. Powerful user module, login and registration can be completed quickly, it allows closing registration, using verification codes, leaving messages to users, and setting up real-name verification;
5. Attachment uploading and management functions, limiting type and size, and centralized management in the background;
6. It has common security mechanisms, such as water flooding time limit, login password limit, etc.;
7. Simple and practical points module, using single point mode to reduce the burden on webmasters;
8. Elegant display settings, site name, description, optional logo icon or text;
9. Fast data backup and user information export function;
10. The template is easy to edit, just modify the css.
Useforum v1.0.0 updates:
1. The attachment hides the real address output, database records, and prevents hotlinking, which facilitates the addition of functions in future versions;
2. The navigation bar can be added freely, eliminating the trouble of modifying the template;
3. Add the function of blocking users;
4. The home page section list and real-time dynamics are optional, which facilitates the webmaster to choose the operating mode (the default is 50 dynamics for the time being);
5.Double login with E-mail user name, bringing a lot of convenience;
6. Strengthen security filtering;
7. Add topic locking, that is, close comments and add mobile topics;
8. The real-name authentication function has been improved, and data modification is no longer allowed after passing the authentication;
9. Optimize automatic login details;
10. Standardize MVC and make the program structure clearer.