Yifan Network Studio website source code is a new batch of new concept website source code after the National Day. It uses the popular Html5 and JS combination to be smooth and smooth, with a clear and clear interface. It is suitable for technology enterprises and companies to build websites. If you want to be a unique design company with a unique culture, pursue quality rather than quantity and scale. This persistence runs through project operations, from brand establishment, image promotion design to brand image management. Then you can consider using this Yifan Network Studio website source code. The service projects and team programs in this source code need to be modified in the index.html file in the _template folder. Therefore, if you don’t have certain hands-on skills, it is recommended to use other source codes instead. You can use Notepad to open it and find the corresponding text to modify. If you don’t understand code! Please do not delete content items casually, just modify them. Backend address: i5808 Account: i5808 Password: 123456