Xintong B2C website management system Xintong shopping network InfocomShopv1.6
Using the most popular technology platform currently, Struts2+Hibernate+Spring+MySQL.
front desk
1. Home page: Add dynamic effects, product classification columns, home page advertisements, and website announcements;
2. Member functions: register as a member and modify member information;
After logging into the system, you can select products, put them in the shopping cart (modify the shopping quantity, delete the contents in the shopping cart), continue shopping, finally confirm the order, and pay the amount required for the selected products online;
3. Product display with navigation function;
4. News channel functions: latest news, news list and page display.
1. Member management: member review and deletion;
2. Classification management: adding, deleting and modifying primary and secondary classifications;
3. Product management: adding, modifying and deleting products;
4. Order management: Viewing and processing of orders (whether to ship, whether to pay).
5. News management: adding, deleting and modifying news.