The construction of "25175 Digital Enterprise - Small Color Printing and Packaging Production System" is to establish an order query and maintenance system that can complete the creation of new orders, modification and deletion of existing orders, changes, processing, management, query, and printout of reports . At the same time, a management platform between bosses, employees, and customers is also established.
Small and medium-sized color printing packaging production system functionsQuick entry for managers
Construction order entry
Order number automatically generated
Display different color indicators for completed projects
Automatically calculate the quantity of paper ordered
Basic information association
Set up a database backup plan
Interface upgrade, more intuitive and convenient
Purchase order generation
Urgent orders can be checked
gross profit calculation
Installation and operation environment requirements for small and medium-sized color printing and packaging production systemsDevelopment tools: MicrosoftVisualStudio2013
Operating system: WindowsServer2008 (recommended), WindowsServer2012 (recommended)
Database: SQL2005
Web server: IIS5.0 and above (IIS7.0 recommended)
Environmental requirements: .NETFramework4.0/4.x
1. Please register at http://your website/login/regsiter/Register.aspx for the first time. Please be sure to fill in the correct information. After completion, the registration information will be generated and you can run your system. (When running for the first time, please refer to the following effect registration.)
2. If this server has already been registered, if you register again, "The server has been authorized and there is no need to apply again. If you have any questions, please contact customer service!"
Login interface of small and medium-sized color printing and packaging production system Backstage management of small and medium-sized color printing and packaging production systemManagement address: http://yourwebsite/login/login.aspx
Administrator account admin password admin
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