The laravel-bjyblog open source blog system project is the product of refactoring thinkphp-bjyblog using the laravel framework;
Download and install:
If there is no environment to build: pagoda builds the lnmp environment linux-nginx-mysql-php-composer-git required for laravel
If you are not familiar with the installation and use of laravel projects: How to correctly download, install and use other people's laravel projects?
Instructions for blogs: laravel-bjyblog blog of open source project series
Finally, you need to initialize the index for full-text search;
For details on full-text search, please see the article;
TNTSearch+jieba-php realizes full-text search under laravel
Project introduction:
Purely handmade front-end responsive page layout adapted to PC, tablet, and mobile phone;
Ajax unlimited comment system with emoticons;
Queue email notification;
QQ, Weibo, github third-party login;
markdown editor;
The project uses the MIT license; it is free and open source and can be used at will;
Branch description:
develop: develop new features on this branch
test: My blog uses this branch to test new features
master: tested stable code