Greedy Gaussian Segmentation (GGS) is a Python solver for efficiently segmenting multivariate time series data. For implementation details, please see our paper at
The GGS Solver takes an n-by-T data matrix and breaks the T timestamps on an n-dimensional vector into segments over which the data is well explained as independent samples from a multivariate Gaussian distribution. It does so by formulating a covariance-regularized maximum likelihood problem and solving it using a greedy heuristic, with full details described in the paper.
git clone [email protected]:davidhallac/GGS.git
cd GGS
is in the same directory as your new file, and then add the following code to the beginning of your script:from ggs import *
The GGS package has three main functions:
bps, objectives = GGS(data, Kmax, lamb)
Finds K breakpoints in the data for a given regularization parameter lambda
data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector
Kmax - the number of breakpoints to find
lamb - regularization parameter for the regularized covariance
bps - List of lists, where element i of the larger list is the set of breakpoints found at K = i in the GGS algorithm
objectives - List of the objective values at each intermediate step (for K = 0 to Kmax)
meancovs = GGSMeanCov(data, breakpoints, lamb)
Finds the means and regularized covariances of each segment, given a set of breakpoints.
data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector
breakpoints - a list of breakpoint locations
lamb - regularization parameter for the regularized covariance
meancovs - a list of (mean, covariance) tuples for each segment in the data
cvResults = GGSCrossVal(data, Kmax=25, lambList = [0.1, 1, 10])
Runs 10-fold cross validation, and returns the train and test set likelihood for every (K, lambda) pair up to Kmax
data - a n-by-T data matrix, with T timestamps of an n-dimensional vector
Kmax - the maximum number of breakpoints to run GGS on
lambList - a list of regularization parameters to test
cvResults - list of (lamb, ([TrainLL],[TestLL])) tuples for each regularization parameter in lambList. Here, TrainLL and TestLL are the average per-sample log-likelihood across the 10 folds of cross-validation for all K's from 0 to Kmax
Additional optional parameters (for all three functions above):
features = [] - select a certain subset of columns in the data to operate on
verbose = False - Print intermediate steps when running the algorithm
will yield the following plot, showing the objective (Equation 4 in the paper) vs. the number of breakpoints:
Once we have solved for the locations of the breakpoints, we can use the FindMeanCovs()
function to find the means and covariances of each segment. In the example in
, plotting the means, variances, and covariances of the three signals yields:
To run cross-validation, which can be useful in determining optimal values of K and lambda, we can use the following code to load the data, run the cross-validation, and then plot the test and train likelihood:
from ggs import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
filename = "Returns.txt"
data = np.genfromtxt(filename,delimiter=' ')
feats = [0,3,7]
#Run cross-validaton up to Kmax = 30, at lambda = 1e-4
maxBreaks = 30
lls = GGSCrossVal(data, Kmax=maxBreaks, lambList = [1e-4], features = feats, verbose = False)
trainLikelihood = lls[0][1][0]
testLikelihood = lls[0][1][1]
plt.plot(range(maxBreaks+1), testLikelihood)
plt.plot(range(maxBreaks+1), trainLikelihood)
plt.legend(['Test LL','Train LL'], loc='best')
The resulting plot looks like:
Greedy Gaussian Segmentation of Time Series Data -- D. Hallac, P. Nystrup, and S. Boyd
David Hallac, Peter Nystrup, and Stephen Boyd.