The documentation and tools (scripts, apps, training, etc) in this repository are in development and are intended for IT technicians who fully understand what they are doing and can independently verify the code. These tools could result in data loss, even if used properly. Some are designed to cause data loss. For end user support, please visit the UCL ISD site.
This repository contains training, tools and documentation for Mac support across UCL. The aim of this service is to raise the standard of support for Apple macOS devices across the UCL campus by providing the documentation, support and resources needed for both the central ISD Service Desk and various central and local departmental IT support teams to fully support their Mac users.
This repository is managed by the UCL Mac Support Service and these materials are intended for use by UCL IT technicians, both in ISD and in departments. These tools and directions come with no guarantee and no support. This is a development repository and an internal project. All of UCL (and outsiders if it's beneficial to you, but most of these resources are UCL-specific), please free to use anything here, report issues, and make contributions - but any help is on a best efforts basis only.
There are five UCL services that we consider especially important for all users across the UCL campus. Other services will be supported by the project on a best-efforts basis.
Anyone with a UCL email address can join our Slack workspace and chat with the project team and each other.