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parameter type options default description
value array [] List of images
onChange function (imageList, addUpdateIndex) => void Called when add, update or delete action is called
dataURLKey string dataURL Customized field name that base64 of selected image is assigned to
multiple boolean false Set true for multiple chooses
maxNumber number 1000 Number of images user can select if mode = multiple
onError function (errors, files) => void Called when it has errors
acceptType array ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'] [] The file extension(s) to upload
maxFileSize number Max image size (Byte) and it is used in validation
resolutionType string 'absolute' | 'less' | 'more' | 'ratio' Using for image validation with provided width & height
resolutionWidth number > 0
resolutionHeight number > 0
inputProps React.HTMLProps
allowNonImageType boolean false Using for uploading non-image type purpose (E.g. txt, pdf, heic, ...)



value description
absolute image's width === resolutionWidth && image's height === resolutionHeight
ratio (resolutionWidth / resolutionHeight) === (image width / image height)
less image's width < resolutionWidth && image's height < resolutionHeight
more image's width > resolutionWidth && image's height > resolutionHeight

Exported options

parameter type description
imageList array List of images to render.
onImageUpload function Called when an element is clicks and triggers to open a file dialog
onImageRemoveAll function Called when removing all images
onImageUpdate (updateIndex: number) => void Called when updating an image at updateIndex.
onImageRemove (deleteIndex: number | number[]) => void Called when removing one or list image.
errors object Exported object of validation
dragProps object Native element props for drag and drop feature
isDragging boolean "true" if an image is being dragged


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

? ? ?

David Nguyen
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Isaac Maseruka

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Additional Information