The homepage of joblib with user documentation is located on:
To get the latest code using git, simply type:
git clone
If you don't have git installed, you can download a zip of the latest code:
You can use pip to install joblib:
pip install joblib
from any directory or:
python install
from the source directory.
To contribute to joblib, first create an account on github. Once this is done, fork the joblib repository to have your own repository, clone it using 'git clone' on the computers where you want to work. Make your changes in your clone, push them to your github account, test them on several computers, and when you are happy with them, send a pull request to the main repository.
To run the test suite, you need the pytest (version >= 3) and coverage modules. Run the test suite using:
pytest joblib
from the root of the project.
To build the docs you need to have sphinx (>=1.4) and some dependencies installed:
pip install -U -r .readthedocs-requirements.txt
The docs can then be built with the following command:
make doc
The html docs are located in the doc/_build/html
To create a source tarball, eg for packaging or distributing, run the following command:
python sdist
The tarball will be created in the dist directory. This command will compile the docs, and the resulting tarball can be installed with no extra dependencies than the Python standard library. You will need setuptool and sphinx.
This command is only run by project manager, to make a release, and upload in to PyPI:
python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*
Note that the documentation should automatically get updated at each git push. If that is not the case, try building th doc locally and resolve any doc build error (in particular when running the examples).
Changes are listed in the CHANGES.rst file. They must be manually updated but, the following git command may be used to generate the lines:
git log --abbrev-commit --date=short --no-merges --sparse