Poker-Pro is a demo application that demonstrates basic oop concepts (SOLID principals) and how to use Strategy Design Pattern.
Reference: Straight :
Straight Flush :
After cloning this code repository to your local computer and changing directory to the created folder, run fallowing commands on the console: (first make sure php, composer are installed on your computer).
Note: to run, type:
php Play.php
on the console and then press enter.
To test with arbitrary set of hands, just write a new strategy similar to StraightHandSelection.php to see if the application really works (you need to then add this at the end of $strategies array defined at the beginning Play.php in root folder).
Alternatively, pay attention to the random selection of cards appearing on the first line of output when running this app and check the results logically.
To see how the app deals with the wrong input, simply uncomment /"WrongRank", "MisspelledSuit",/ in Play.php individually and rerun the program.
Test cases for final functionality of project is put in test directory for each of the main classes
to run test cases individually use this syntax: vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testExampleCase ExampleTests ./tests/ExampleTests.php
This source code is based on vendor libraries, therefore fallows all included open source vendor copyrights. Users are granted the right to copy/modify and distribute Poker-Pro by keeping all main code and included library's copyright details including @author tags.