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Beginners C Program Examples
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Simple, short and sweet beginners friendly C language programs
These program are written in codeblocks ide for windows. These programs are not very sophisticated as these are beginners friendly and have many bugs. Anyone who is new to c language can practice these examples.
- Only programs written in c language will be merged.
- Beautify/Format your code before making a PR. Poorly stuctured code with inconsistent spacing and bad variable name will not be merged.
- Use this tool to beautify your code :
- Make sure your program works after beautifying it.
- #include< stdio.h > is wrong and you must remove whitespaces. #include is correct.
- Please check your spellings before making a PR
- Comment code properly.
List of programs
- Hello World!
- Area and circumference
- Basic Arithmatic
- Fahrenheit To Celcius
- Lowercase To Uppercase
- Uppercase To Lowercase
- Simple Interest Calculator
- Student Marks Percentage
- Swap Values Using Third Variable
- Swap Value Without Using Third Variable
- Relational Operators in C
- Ternary Operator
- Leap Year Using Ternary Operator
- Sizeof Operator
- Find ASCII Value
- Reverse Number
- Reverse Number 2
- Bitwise Left Shift Operator
- Bitwise Complement Operator
- Bitwise AND Operator
- Bitwise Odd or Even
- Increment Operator
- Decrement Operator
- Nested If Leap Year
- Nested if Greatest Integer
- Number to Character
- Check Character Type
- Employee Grade
- Daily Wage Calc
- Day Name Using Switch Case
- Vowel or Consonant
- Calculator using switch case
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Goto statement
- Mirror Number
- Dice roll with Adjustable sides
- Dynamic 2D Array Using One Pointer
- Dyanamic 2D Array using Array of Pointer
- Digital Root of a Number
- Swap By Reference Vs Swap By Copy
- Display Linux Environment Variables
- Factorial
- Get String Length
- Decimal To Binary
- Haystack and Needle (SubString)
- Pointers in C
- Binary Search
- Recursion
- Segmentation Fault or Bus Error Demo
- Structure
- Swapping 2 Numbers Without a Third Variable or ^
- Print 100 Prime numbers using Seive of Eratosthenes
- Palindrome Number
- Temperature conversion
- Alphabet triangle
- Armstrong Number
- Background Thread Sorter
- Basic Game
- Celsius to Kelvin
- Calculator
- Common elements in two array
- Decimal to base n conversion
- Two-way decimal to hexadecimal
- Encrypt and Decrypt XOR
- Fibonnaci Generation
- Calculate remainder
- Check leap year
- Find largest number
- Check odd or even
- Print pattern
- Polynomial linklist
- Print prime numbers
- Factorial of a number with recursion
- Simple EMI Calculator
- Simple multiplication table
- Square root
- Stack implemenation of linklist
- Swap integers without 3rd variable
- Swap value without third variable
- Identify machine is big-endian or little-endian
- Perform Selection Sort
- Calculate Factorial upto input of 5000
- To check if a matrix is a sparse matrix or not
- To calculate the Least Common Multiple
- Lambda in C
This is a personal learning project for me.
Please feel free to fork this repo. Pull request to submit more programs.