CSS Computer Lyceum Group 02 5th BCL “A”
We created an application whose function is to be a billing system, in our case we also created a company whose niche is to be the largest provider of technological products in a simple way to our clients and at an affordable cost.
Our application has different functions such as:
When starting the billing system we have a login with a database, the user must be registered by the company administration to be able to enter the system, otherwise the program will show an error of invalid credentials.
After having accessed the system you can reach the Menu window, here you can find 4 options which are:
In this option of the program we can generate an invoice with the client's data, products, amount and total spent.
In this option of the billing system we can add products to our database so that in the other options such as “Consult” or “edit” we can access the products that we add in this entry option.
Each product has its serial number or also called a code to be able to identify it, so this window needs either the product code or the exact name to be able to find it. When found, the price, warranty and brand information of the product will be given.
In this tab we can modify the products in our database, delete them, change price, description, warranty, etc.