This project was made as an assignment for the Web App Development Course (University of Bucharest) with ASP.NET MVC5.
Here is a list with some of the covered points, mostly examples of usage:
The default page contains a list of Tags and by clicking on Questions, the user is redirected to a page containing only the questions which include that certain tag. The navbar provides a searching tool which looks up the given phrase in question Titles, Content, or Comments
Home page:
The section dedicated to a certain tag contains features such as:
For example, the page dedicated to the posts with the C tag looks like this:
Every authenticated user that wants to post a question has to fill out this form:
Each field is required and the user should choose the tags in order to describe the question as good as possible
Authenticated users can comment on any post, the form for entering an answer being located below the last comment. Here is an example:
Here is a brief description of the supported RBAC:
The Admin has a list of users and can change someone's role by clicking Edit