json2pyi infers a type schema from a sample JSON file and generates Python type definitions (dataclass
, Pydantic BaseModel
or PEP-589 TypedDict
) accordingly. It runs in browser, requiring no installation.
Available online ?: https://json2pyi.pages.dev
"page": {
"id": "kctbh9vrtdwd",
"name": "GitHub",
"url": "https://www.githubstatus.com",
"time_zone": "Etc/UTC",
"updated_at": "2020-12-03T08:11:21.385Z"
"components": [
"id": "8l4ygp009s5s",
"name": "Git Operations",
"status": "operational",
"created_at": "2017-01-31T20:05:05.370Z",
"updated_at": "2020-10-29T22:51:43.831Z",
"position": 1,
"description": "Performance of git clones, pulls, pushes, and associated operations",
"showcase": false,
"start_date": null,
"group_id": null,
"page_id": "kctbh9vrtdwd",
"group": false,
"only_show_if_degraded": false
/* ... */
"incidents": [],
"scheduled_maintenances": [],
"status": {
"indicator": "none",
"description": "All Systems Operational"
class Page:
id = str
name = str
url = str
time_zone = str
updated_at = str
class Components:
id = str
name = str
status = str
created_at = str
updated_at = str
position = int
description = Optional[str]
showcase = bool
start_date = None
group_id = None
page_id = str
group = bool
only_show_if_degraded = bool
class Status:
indicator = str
description = str
class RootObject:
page = Page
components = List[Components]
incidents = List[Any]
scheduled_maintenances = List[Any]
status = Status
from typing import TypedDict, Optional, List
from datetime import datetime
IncidentUpdate = TypedDict("IncidentUpdate", {"body": str, "created_at": datetime, "display_at": datetime, "id": str, "incident_id": str, "status": str, "updated_at": datetime})
IncidentOrScheduledMaintenance = TypedDict("IncidentOrScheduledMaintenance", {"created_at": datetime, "id": str, "impact": str, "incident_updates": List[IncidentUpdate], "monitoring_at": None, "name": str, "page_id": str, "resolved_at": None, "shortlink": str, "status": str, "updated_at": datetime, "scheduled_for": Optional[datetime], "scheduled_until": Optional[datetime]})
Component = TypedDict("Component", {"created_at": datetime, "description": None, "id": str, "name": str, "page_id": str, "position": int, "status": str, "updated_at": datetime})
Status = TypedDict("Status", {"description": str, "indicator": str})
Page = TypedDict("Page", {"id": str, "name": str, "url": str, "updated_at": datetime})
RootObject = TypedDict("UnnammedType3C2BC8", {"page": Page, "status": Status, "components": List[Component], "incidents": List[IncidentOrScheduledMaintenance], "scheduled_maintenances": List[IncidentOrScheduledMaintenance]})
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