Atlantis CMS is a Crisis Management System web app to monitor crisis situations in Singapore.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.
Choose one of these:
folder# install php-xml, resolves XmlUtils.php:52 problem
$ apt install php-xml
# installs the project dependencies listed in composer.json
$ composer update
NB. A prompt will ask you to input the project parameters to create the /app/config/parameters.yml
Enter the relevant parameters or leave it to default values.
On the root or static
folder of the project, you can now:
# installs the project dependencies listed in bower.json
$ bower install
# installs the project dependencies listed in package.json
$ npm install
Go to phpmyadmin and import the structure & data files of the atlantis_cms database.
NB. You'll find the .sql files on Google drive (database
Go to the project root folder with the command line and execute:
$ php bin/console assets:install --symlink
Go to the project root folder with the command line and execute:
$ php bin/console server:run
NB. For 7 and 8, you might need to add your PHP installation directory to the %PATH% environment variable beforehand.
The server should be running on the default address:
The UI of Atlantis CMS is based on gentelella, an open source Bootstrap 3 Admin Template.
AtlantisCMS is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.
This project is a school project for the CZ3003 module at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore.
// TO DO - Project licence.