The goal of this project is to provide a space for users under AWS S3 buckets (shared S3 buckets with a "folder" for every user), with a web interface to upload, browse, download and remove files.
This PoC has been done between asamo7 and davidayalas.
It's possible to setup "users" and "admins".
A user adds its username (email from saml response) to each key (uploading, browsing, deleting...) . An admin can see everything under a bucket or a folder. See permissions.csv.
A user can upload folders (drag and drop) and the structure is recreated in S3
Files can be downloaded (not directories)
Folders can be deleted (included not empty)
A user can create a folder
Install serverless framework:
Setup AWS credentials:
Update "serviceName" with your own in setup.demo.json
Execute (give it executable permissions)
$ chmod +x && sh
It will modify some files in order to make all work. Go to and upload manually docs/sp-metadata.xml.
Run your server and try
$ npm run serve --prefix=frontend
Install all dependencies
$ npm install serverless-s3-sync
$ npm --prefix ./backend/custom-auth install ./backend/custom-auth
$ npm --prefix ./backend/login install ./backend/login
$ npm --prefix ./frontend install ./frontend
Update "serviceName" with your own in setup.demo.json
Basic env variables for SAML (your own, because demo is setup):
Generate frontend distribution
$ cd frontend
$ npm run build
Deploy demo
$ sls deploy
$ sls info | grep GET -m 1 | awk -F[/:] '{printf "const endpoint={get(){return '''https://"$4"/demo/''';}};export default endpoint;"}' > frontend/src/assets/js/endpoint.js
$ sls s3sync
Update your sp-metadata.xml with:
Upload this file to
Upload: this lambda generates the signature for valid uploads.
Browsing: this lambda retrieves the objects in a path
Delete: this lambda deletes recursively all objects in a path
Download: this lambda generate presigned urls for objects to be downloaded safely
Login: in this case SAML based to generate a JWT token.
Default setup points to Metadata for is generated with
In "Attribute Consume Service Endpoint (HTTP-POST)" you have to put your api endpoint:
https://${api gateway id}.execute-api.${region}${stage}/login/callback
In "entityID" update your issuer (same in environment variable for login handler in serverless.yml)
Custom authorizer: validates JWT token and adds extra permissions from CSV
New frontend is Vue based. Then follow the Getting Started
Create file "frontend/src/assets/js/endpoint.js" with the following content replacing values with aproppiate
const endpoint={
return 'https://${your api id}/${your stage}/';
export default endpoint;
Or you can generate it from sls info output:
$ sls info | grep GET -m 1 | awk -F[/:] '{printf "const endpoint={get(){return '''https://"$4"/demo/''';}};export default endpoint;"}' > frontend/src/assets/js/endpoint.js