v-formly-v3 is a dynamic (JSON driven) form library for vue 3.
Generate complex dynamic forms and verification through standard JSON Schema & Ajv Validator, which is fast, concise and efficient.
Generate form templates in the form of JSON, and a form can be reused in multiple places by simply modifying it! It enables you to quickly develop form pages. Compared with writing traditional html form forms, using JSON form to define forms can greatly improve development efficiency.
Currently Vue 3.x is supported, and the component library supports antdv v3 & element-plus. Support for other UI libraries (DevUI, etc.) for Vue 3.x is under development. . .
Stackblitzantdv, CodeSandboxantdv
Stackblitz element, CodeSandbox element
It is recommended to use vite cli to build the project
After the build is completed:
Install v-formly-v3
using yarn
yarn add v-formly-v3
Or install it using npm
npm i v-formly-v3 --save
import { createApp } from "vue" ;
import App from "./App.vue" ;
import Antd from "ant-design-vue" ;
import "ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css" ;
import * as antIcons from "@ant-design/icons-vue" ;
import VFormly from "v-formly-v3/antdv" ;
const app = createApp ( App ) ;
app . use ( Antd ) ;
Object . keys ( antIcons ) . forEach ( ( key ) => {
app . component ( key , ( antIcons as any ) [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
app . config . globalProperties . $antIcons = antIcons ;
app . use ( VFormly , {
ui : {
errors : {
required : "必填项" ,
} ,
} ,
} ) ;
app . mount ( "#app" ) ;
import { createApp } from "vue" ;
import App from "./App.vue" ;
import ElementPlus from "element-plus" ;
import "element-plus/dist/index.css" ;
import * as elIcons from "@element-plus/icons-vue" ;
import VFormly from "v-formly-v3/element" ;
const app = createApp ( App ) ;
app . use ( ElementPlus ) ;
for ( const [ key , component ] of Object . entries ( elIcons ) ) {
app . component ( key , component ) ;
app . config . globalProperties . $elIcons = elIcons ;
app . use ( VFormly , {
lib : "element" ,
ui : {
errors : {
required : "必填项" ,
} ,
} ,
} ) ;
app . mount ( "#app" ) ;
Whether you are learning or using v-formly-v3, if you have any questions, you can join the QQ group: 610930944. We will answer any inconveniences in the process of using v-formly-v3 for you!
MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2022-present v-formly-v3