Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image, press Ctrl + J to copy a layer and press Ctrl + Shift + U to remove the color and set the blending mode of the copied layer to "Screen" (the color filter in other versions of PS is the screen), and then adjust the opacity to About 60%, press Ctrl + E to merge the layers, the effect is as shown in Figure 1.
<Figure 1> 2. Press Ctrl + J again to copy a layer, press Ctrl + Shift + U to remove the color, set the blending mode of the copied layer to "Soft Light", adjust the opacity to about 50%, and press Ctrl + E to merge the layers. The effect is as shown in Figure 2
<Figure 2>
3. Select the menu: Filter > Brush Stroke > Dark Line Parameter Settings as shown in Figure 2 and the effect as shown in Figure 3
<Figure 3>
<Figure 4> 4. Press Ctrl + Shift + U to remove color. Press Ctrl + J to copy a layer and change the layer blending mode to "Color". Select the brush tool (Hardness: 0 Mode: Difference). The foreground color is red. , and wipe it on the character’s skirt.
<Figure 5>
5. Press Ctrl + E to merge the layers, adjust the contrast appropriately and add appropriate text to complete the final effect.
<Figure 6>