PS: For this project, I am responsible for demand analysis, project technical design, drag-and-drop function, and generating app microservices. Other functions are completed by two other partners. The project was rushed and was developed in one month using overtime time. There are shortcomings. Please correct me
Developed based on Vue, mobile pages, apps, and small programs are generated through drag and drop. It allows more people without relevant foundation to easily integrate design, development, testing, operation and maintenance, promotion, prediction, and customer service.
Developed by Drag&Drop
The front-end and back-end codes are open source, and the function code of the app is generated to run on my machine as a microservice (call me if necessary). Flutter is used to generate the embedded function code of the app and has been uploaded to git. Later, a tree rendering with better performance will be selected. Instead of the current embedded webview
Experience address
Zhihu video
Generate App microservice
Generate basic business microservices such as configuration
Generate function
data analysis
Smart API
Cloud development
Plug-in function
npm install
npm run dll
npm run serve
图标目录 src/views/edit/mainArea/mainAreaConfig.js
组件目录 src/components/library/widgets/views
组件配置目录 src/components/library/widgets/configs
详细工程流会在我之后开源的 EasyWork,一键工作台的开源项目中说明从组件设计到开发,再到 Jenkins,发布项目,发布组件到仓库,生成测试报告,邮件推送等
在终端中进入此目录下 src/pages/plugin
执行 vue serve App.vue 可以查看开发状态插件
执行 vue build -t lib -n easyMarket main.js 打包插件,修改package.json ,登陆npm 或者 私有仓库 发布包
在需要引入当前页面插件的Vue项目中 npm i xx 上传的项目名称,在主入口js 中 import xx from 'xx' ,再使用Vue.use(xx)