1. Usage steps: (1) The default administrator can create, edit, and delete roles, users, and files in the background.
2. The higher the user permission level, the more file types are displayed; administrators (users with all permissions) can see all types of files, and users with different permissions display different files on the right.
3. The files are divided into three ABC groups on the upper left side for users to view; different file types can be seen with different permissions; for example: User 1 can only see Doc files, User 2 can see Doc and Jpg files, and administrators can see to all types of files. Currently, the system supports five types of files: Doc Jpg Pdf Xsl Dwg.
4. Upload control file type, only Doc Xsl Dwg Jpg Pdf files can be uploaded.
5. In the background part, only administrators can log in. Administrators refer to users who have permission to view all files.