Souke Taobao sk-taoke-v7.0-red Professional Supreme Edition website source code Souke Taobao sk-taoke-v7.0-red Professional Supreme Edition website source code, with installation instructions included
-------------Upgrade instructions--------------------
1. Amend the collection rules of Taobao and Tmall.
2. Optimize program configuration and improve running speed.
3. Beautify some functions of the template.
4. Fixed the problem of gold mining and PID jump. Installation method: After decompressing, upload the files in the upload folder to the root directory of the online server space through ftp software (it can also be in a subdirectory, in which case the access path must include the subdirectory). Then run http://yourwebsite/install to install and fill in the background login address such as database, username and password: http://yourwebsite/index.php/tadmin/login