TVideoCap-provides video capture and preview functions TSendVideo - Provides controls for optional system compressor transmission in VFW mode. TRECVideo - is a pair with the above control, used for receiving. TACMWaveOut-sound output control. TACMWaveIn-sound input control.
TSendVideo_VIDX-Vidx compression transmission control. TRecXVID - Control to receive vidx compression primary frequency. TVideoAdd1---can only be combined with the subtitles and picture overlay controls of TSendVideo_vidx.
TVideoDisp--common video display control. TSendG729--Control for audio G729 compression transmission. TRecG729--Control to receive and play G729 compressed audio.
A demonstration of the G729 audio transmission control is provided in the G729 directory. Demonstration of xdiv video transmission, pictures and subtitle overlay under Xdivtest
Installation: Two dynamic link libraries are required in this system. xvid.dll g729dll.dll, it is best to copy it to the system directory before installation. For example: C:winntsystem32.
The multicast version and the multi-threaded version will be launched later. stay tuned. Thanks!