The latest and accurate IP address data of ISPs including China Telecom, China Netcom, Great Wall Broadband, China Netcom Broadband, and Juyou Broadband are collected. Includes the most complete data on Internet cafes. I hope that through everyone’s joint efforts, we can create a world without unknown data , QQ IP without wrong data. IP database per
It is updated every 5 days. Please update the latest IP database regularly!
Because IP address data is collected privately, and China Telecom will change IP segments from time to time, some omissions and errors are inevitable. The database comes with IP decompression and query software. If you find that the IP address is wrong, or you want to provide a new IP address, please go to the Innocence IP secretary to provide IP address data, or log in to the "Agent and IP Board" section in the "Computer Section" of the Innocence Space Forum to tell us. Or join the Innocence QQ portal and report incorrect IP data directly on QQ
, in order to update the IP database in a timely manner. Thanks!
Online database upgrade:
The query program (Showip.exe) provided with the database has the function of online detection and upgrade of the IP database. As long as you run the program and click "Online Upgrade" in the upper right corner, you can upgrade the IP database to the latest version without going to the download website. Download the new version of the IP database.
Online upgrades use compressed data to reduce download size.
Instructions for use: Unzip the database QQWry.Dat to the installation directory of QQ with the displayed IP, and overwrite the original file with the same name. Close the QQ program and restart it.