ccatphp sdk
CCat PHP SDK (Cheshire cat PHP SDK) es una biblioteca para ayudar a la implementación de Cheshire Cat en un proyecto PHP
Para instalar CCatPHP-SDK puedes ejecutar este comando:
composer require albocode/ccatphp-sdk
Inicialización y uso:
use Albocode CcatphpSdk CCatClient ;
use Albocode CcatphpSdk Clients HttpClient ;
use Albocode CcatphpSdk Clients WSClient ;
$ cCatClient = new CCatClient (
new WSClient ( ' cheshire_cat_core ' , 1865 , null ),
new HttpClient ( ' cheshire_cat_core ' , 1865 , null )
Enviar un mensaje al websocket:
$ notificationClosure = function ( string $ message ) {
// handle websocket notification, like chat token stream
// result is the result of the message
$ result = $ cCatClient -> sendMessage (
new Message ( " Hello world! " , ' user ' , []), // message body
$ notificationClosure // websocket notification closure handle
Cargar datos en la madriguera del conejo:
$ promise = $ this -> client -> rabbitHole ( $ uploadedFile -> getPathname (), null , null );
$ promise -> wait ();
$ promise = $ this -> client -> rabbitHoleWeb ( $ url , null , null );
$ promise -> wait ();
Utilidades de gestión de memoria:
$ this -> client -> getMemoryCollection (); // get number of vectors in the working memory
$ this -> client -> getMemoryRecall ( " HELLO " ); // recall memories by text
//delete memory points by metadata, like this example delete by source
$ this -> client -> deleteDeclarativeMemoryByMetadata ([ " source " => $ url ]);