Inglés | 中文 | Demostración en vivo | blog de littlezhang
Un tema Hugo rápido y sencillo, 100% libre de JavaScript .
Un tema de Hugo derivado de una versión anterior de hugo-notepadium.
[WIP] ¡El proyecto y el archivo Léame todavía están en progreso! Puedes contactarme si tienes alguna pregunta.
Solicitar versión de Hugo: 0.68.0+
Hay dos formas de utilizar este tema para el sitio Hugo.
Utilice módulos Hugo. Hugo Modules funciona con Go Modules. Si ha instalado Go, se recomienda esta opción. Se pueden encontrar más detalles en Hugo Docs.
hugo mod init < your_user > / < your_project >
[ module ]
[[ module . imports ]]
path = " "
Utilice el submódulo git.
git submodule add themes/hugo-notepadium-mod
theme = " hugo-notepadium-mod "
Casi todo se puede configurar en el archivo config.toml
de su sitio. Si desea modificar el tema, puede ir a Personalizar tema
Hay un ejemplo config.toml
baseURL = " "
title = " Hugo-notepadium-mod "
copyright = " ©2021 hugo-notepadium-mod "
languageCode = " zh-cn "
hasCJKLanguage = true
defaultContentLanguage = " zh-cn "
enableRobotsTXT = true
paginate = 7 # The number of articles in per page
enableEmoji = true
# Enable Disqus
# disqusShortname = "XXX"
# Google Analytics
# googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
[ module ]
[[ module . imports ]]
path = " " # Use module to use this theme
[ minify ]
# Deploy with --minify command to minify assets
# Need Hugo version v0.68.0+
disableCSS = false
disableHTML = false
disableJS = false
disableJSON = false
disableSVG = false
disableXML = false
minifyOutput = true
[ minify . tdewolff ]
[ minify . tdewolff . css ]
keepCSS2 = true
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . html ]
keepComments = false
keepConditionalComments = true
keepDefaultAttrVals = true
keepDocumentTags = true
keepEndTags = true
keepQuotes = false
keepWhitespace = false
[ minify . tdewolff . js ]
keepVarNames = false
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . json ]
precision = 0
[ minify . tdewolff . svg ]
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . xml ]
keepWhitespace = false
# Configure chroma highlight
# Reference
[ markup . highlight ]
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
noClasses = true
style = " dracula "
[ markup . goldmark . renderer ]
unsafe = true # enable raw HTML in Markdown
[ markup . tableOfContents ]
endLevel = 3
ordered = false
startLevel = 2
[ permalinks ]
post = " /:year/:month/:title/ "
[ author ]
name = "理头张" # Change to your name
[ params ]
author = "理头张"
description = " littlezhang's blog "
style = " auto " # default: auto. light: light theme, dark: dark theme, auto: based on system.
logo = " "
slogan = " "
# license = "<a rel=license href=><img alt=Creative Commons License style=border-width:0 src= /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel=license href=>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>."
# If you use custom css files, declare them here
[ params . assets ]
css = [ " css/fonts.css " , " css/custom.css " ]
[ params . comments ]
enable = false # En/Disable comments globally, default: false. You can always enable comments on per page.
[ params . math ]
enable = false # load math globally, default: false. You can always enable math on per page.
use = " katex " # builtin: "katex", "mathjax". default: "katex"
[ params . nav ]
showCategories = false # /categories/
showTags = false # /tags/
# You can add taxonomies in there, then link new pages in [[params.nav.custom]]
# Reference
[ taxonomies ]
category = " categories "
tag = " tags "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Index "
url = " / "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Tags "
url = " /tags/ "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Archives "
url = " /archives/ "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " About "
url = " /about/ "
Si instaló el tema del módulo Hugo
hugo mod get -u # This will update all modules
hugo mod get -u # This will update current theme
Si instaló el tema mediante el submódulo git, primero vaya al directorio del tema y luego git pull
cd themes/hugo-notepadium-mod && git pull
Código abierto con licencia bajo la licencia MIT.