Repositori ini menyediakan serangkaian paket ROS 2 untuk mengintegrasikan llama.cpp ke dalam ROS 2. Dengan menggunakan paket llama_ros, Anda dapat dengan mudah menggabungkan kemampuan pengoptimalan yang kuat dari llama.cpp ke dalam proyek ROS 2 Anda dengan menjalankan LLM dan VLM berbasis GGUF. Anda juga dapat menggunakan fitur dari llama.cpp seperti tata bahasa GBNF dan memodifikasi LoRA secara real-time.
Untuk menjalankan llama_ros dengan CUDA, pertama-tama Anda harus menginstal CUDA Toolkit. Kemudian, Anda dapat mengkompilasi llama_ros dengan --cmake-args -DGGML_CUDA=ON
untuk mengaktifkan dukungan CUDA.
cd ~ /ros2_ws/src
git clone
pip3 install -r llama_ros/requirements.txt
cd ~ /ros2_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --cmake-args -DGGML_CUDA=ON # add this for CUDA
Bangun buruh pelabuhan llama_ros atau unduh image dari DockerHub. Anda dapat memilih untuk membangun llama_ros dengan CUDA ( USE_CUDA
) dan memilih versi CUDA ( CUDA_VERSION
). Ingatlah bahwa Anda harus menggunakan DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0
untuk mengkompilasi llama_ros dengan CUDA saat membuat image.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build -t llama_ros --build-arg USE_CUDA=1 --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=12-6 .
Jalankan wadah buruh pelabuhan. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan CUDA, Anda harus menginstal NVIDIA Container Tollkit dan menambahkan --gpus all
docker run -it --rm --gpus all llama_ros
Perintah disertakan dalam llama_ros untuk mempercepat pengujian LLM berbasis GGUF dalam ekosistem ROS 2. Dengan cara ini, perintah berikut diintegrasikan ke dalam perintah ROS 2:
Menggunakan perintah ini meluncurkan LLM dari file YAML. Konfigurasi YAML digunakan untuk meluncurkan LLM dengan cara yang sama seperti menggunakan file peluncuran biasa. Berikut ini contoh cara menggunakannya:
ros2 llama launch ~ /ros2_ws/src/llama_ros/llama_bringup/models/StableLM-Zephyr.yaml
Dengan menggunakan perintah ini kirimkan prompt ke LLM yang diluncurkan. Perintah ini menggunakan string, yang merupakan prompt dan memiliki argumen berikut:
, --reset
): Apakah akan mereset LLM sebelum diminta-t
, --temp
): Nilai suhu--image-url
): Url gambar yang akan dikirim ke VLMBerikut ini contoh cara menggunakannya:
ros2 llama prompt " Do you know ROS 2? " -t 0.0
Pertama-tama, Anda perlu membuat file peluncuran untuk menggunakan llama_ros atau llava_ros. File peluncuran ini akan berisi parameter utama untuk mengunduh model dari HuggingFace dan mengonfigurasinya. Lihatlah contoh berikut dan file peluncuran yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.
from launch import LaunchDescription
from llama_bringup . utils import create_llama_launch
def generate_launch_description ():
return LaunchDescription ([
create_llama_launch (
n_ctx = 2048 , # context of the LLM in tokens
n_batch = 8 , # batch size in tokens
n_gpu_layers = 0 , # layers to load in GPU
n_threads = 1 , # threads
n_predict = 2048 , # max tokens, -1 == inf
model_repo = "TheBloke/Marcoroni-7B-v3-GGUF" , # Hugging Face repo
model_filename = "marcoroni-7b-v3.Q4_K_M.gguf" , # model file in repo
system_prompt_type = "Alpaca" # system prompt type
ros2 launch llama_bringup
n_ctx : 2048 # context of the LLM in tokens
n_batch : 8 # batch size in tokens
n_gpu_layers : 0 # layers to load in GPU
n_threads : 1 # threads
n_predict : 2048 # max tokens, -1 == inf
model_repo : " cstr/Spaetzle-v60-7b-GGUF " # Hugging Face repo
model_filename : " Spaetzle-v60-7b-q4-k-m.gguf " # model file in repo
system_prompt_type : " Alpaca " # system prompt type
import os
from launch import LaunchDescription
from llama_bringup . utils import create_llama_launch_from_yaml
from ament_index_python . packages import get_package_share_directory
def generate_launch_description ():
return LaunchDescription ([
create_llama_launch_from_yaml ( os . path . join (
get_package_share_directory ( "llama_bringup" ), "models" , "Spaetzle.yaml" ))
ros2 launch llama_bringup
n_ctx : 2048 # context of the LLM in tokens
n_batch : 8 # batch size in tokens
n_gpu_layers : 0 # layers to load in GPU
n_threads : 1 # threads
n_predict : 2048 # max tokens, -1 == inf
model_repo : " Qwen/Qwen2.5-Coder-7B-Instruct-GGUF " # Hugging Face repo
model_filename : " qwen2.5-coder-7b-instruct-q4_k_m-00001-of-00002.gguf " # model shard file in repo
system_prompt_type : " ChatML " # system prompt type
ros2 llama launch Qwen2.yaml
from launch import LaunchDescription
from llama_bringup . utils import create_llama_launch
def generate_launch_description ():
return LaunchDescription ([
create_llama_launch (
use_llava = True , # enable llava
n_ctx = 8192 , # context of the LLM in tokens, use a huge context size to load images
n_batch = 512 , # batch size in tokens
n_gpu_layers = 33 , # layers to load in GPU
n_threads = 1 , # threads
n_predict = 8192 , # max tokens, -1 == inf
model_repo = "cjpais/llava-1.6-mistral-7b-gguf" , # Hugging Face repo
model_filename = "llava-v1.6-mistral-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf" , # model file in repo
mmproj_repo = "cjpais/llava-1.6-mistral-7b-gguf" , # Hugging Face repo
mmproj_filename = "mmproj-model-f16.gguf" , # mmproj file in repo
system_prompt_type = "Mistral" # system prompt type
ros2 launch llama_bringup
use_llava : True # enable llava
n_ctx : 8192 # context of the LLM in tokens use a huge context size to load images
n_batch : 512 # batch size in tokens
n_gpu_layers : 33 # layers to load in GPU
n_threads : 1 # threads
n_predict : 8192 # max tokens -1 : : inf
model_repo : " cjpais/llava-1.6-mistral-7b-gguf " # Hugging Face repo
model_filename : " llava-v1.6-mistral-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf " # model file in repo
mmproj_repo : " cjpais/llava-1.6-mistral-7b-gguf " # Hugging Face repo
mmproj_filename : " mmproj-model-f16.gguf " # mmproj file in repo
system_prompt_type : " mistral " # system prompt type
def generate_launch_description ():
return LaunchDescription ([
create_llama_launch_from_yaml ( os . path . join (
get_package_share_directory ( "llama_bringup" ),
"models" , "llava-1.6-mistral-7b-gguf.yaml" ))
ros2 launch llama_bringup
Anda dapat menggunakan adaptor LoRA saat meluncurkan LLM. Dengan menggunakan fitur llama.cpp, Anda dapat memuat beberapa adaptor dengan memilih skala yang akan diterapkan untuk setiap adaptor. Di sini Anda memiliki contoh penggunaan adaptor LoRA dengan Phi-3. Anda dapat membuat daftar LoRA menggunakan layanan /llama/list_loras
dan mengubah nilai skalanya dengan menggunakan layanan /llama/update_loras
. Nilai skala 0,0 berarti tidak menggunakan LoRA tersebut.
n_ctx : 2048
n_batch : 8
n_gpu_layers : 0
n_threads : 1
n_predict : 2048
model_repo : " bartowski/Phi-3.5-mini-instruct-GGUF "
model_filename : " Phi-3.5-mini-instruct-Q4_K_M.gguf "
lora_adapters :
- repo : " zhhan/adapter-Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct_code_writing "
filename : " Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-adaptor-f16-code_writer.gguf "
scale : 0.5
- repo : " zhhan/adapter-Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct_summarization "
filename : " Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-adaptor-f16-summarization.gguf "
scale : 0.5
system_prompt_type : " Phi-3 "
Llama_ros dan llava_ros menyediakan antarmuka ROS 2 untuk mengakses fungsi utama model. Di sini Anda memiliki beberapa contoh cara menggunakannya di dalam node ROS 2. Selain itu, lihat demo dan
from rclpy . node import Node
from llama_msgs . srv import Tokenize
class ExampleNode ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ) -> None :
super (). __init__ ( "example_node" )
# create the client
self . srv_client = self . create_client ( Tokenize , "/llama/tokenize" )
# create the request
req = Tokenize . Request ()
req . text = "Example text"
# call the tokenize service
self . srv_client . wait_for_service ()
tokens = self . srv_client . call ( req ). tokens
from rclpy . node import Node
from llama_msgs . srv import Detokenize
class ExampleNode ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ) -> None :
super (). __init__ ( "example_node" )
# create the client
self . srv_client = self . create_client ( Detokenize , "/llama/detokenize" )
# create the request
req = Detokenize . Request ()
req . tokens = [ 123 , 123 ]
# call the tokenize service
self . srv_client . wait_for_service ()
text = self . srv_client . call ( req ). text
Ingatlah untuk meluncurkan llama_ros dengan penyematan disetel ke true agar dapat menghasilkan penyematan dengan LLM Anda.
from rclpy . node import Node
from llama_msgs . srv import Embeddings
class ExampleNode ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ) -> None :
super (). __init__ ( "example_node" )
# create the client
self . srv_client = self . create_client ( Embeddings , "/llama/generate_embeddings" )
# create the request
req = Embeddings . Request ()
req . prompt = "Example text"
req . normalize = True
# call the embedding service
self . srv_client . wait_for_service ()
embeddings = self . srv_client . call ( req ). embeddings
import rclpy
from rclpy . node import Node
from rclpy . action import ActionClient
from llama_msgs . action import GenerateResponse
class ExampleNode ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ) -> None :
super (). __init__ ( "example_node" )
# create the client
self . action_client = ActionClient (
self , GenerateResponse , "/llama/generate_response" )
# create the goal and set the sampling config
goal = GenerateResponse . Goal ()
goal . prompt = self . prompt
goal . sampling_config . temp = 0.2
# wait for the server and send the goal
self . action_client . wait_for_server ()
send_goal_future = self . action_client . send_goal_async (
goal )
# wait for the server
rclpy . spin_until_future_complete ( self , send_goal_future )
get_result_future = send_goal_future . result (). get_result_async ()
# wait again and take the result
rclpy . spin_until_future_complete ( self , get_result_future )
result : GenerateResponse . Result = get_result_future . result (). result
import cv2
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import rclpy
from rclpy . node import Node
from rclpy . action import ActionClient
from llama_msgs . action import GenerateResponse
class ExampleNode ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ) -> None :
super (). __init__ ( "example_node" )
# create a cv bridge for the image
self . cv_bridge = CvBridge ()
# create the client
self . action_client = ActionClient (
self , GenerateResponse , "/llama/generate_response" )
# create the goal and set the sampling config
goal = GenerateResponse . Goal ()
goal . prompt = self . prompt
goal . sampling_config . temp = 0.2
# add your image to the goal
image = cv2 . imread ( "/path/to/your/image" , cv2 . IMREAD_COLOR )
goal . image = self . cv_bridge . cv2_to_imgmsg ( image )
# wait for the server and send the goal
self . action_client . wait_for_server ()
send_goal_future = self . action_client . send_goal_async (
goal )
# wait for the server
rclpy . spin_until_future_complete ( self , send_goal_future )
get_result_future = send_goal_future . result (). get_result_async ()
# wait again and take the result
rclpy . spin_until_future_complete ( self , get_result_future )
result : GenerateResponse . Result = get_result_future . result (). result
Ada integrasi llama_ros untuk LangChain. Dengan demikian, teknik rekayasa cepat dapat diterapkan. Di sini Anda memiliki contoh untuk menggunakannya.
import rclpy
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROS
from langchain . prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core . output_parsers import StrOutputParser
rclpy . init ()
# create the llama_ros llm for langchain
llm = LlamaROS ()
# create a prompt template
prompt_template = "tell me a joke about {topic}"
prompt = PromptTemplate (
input_variables = [ "topic" ],
template = prompt_template
# create a chain with the llm and the prompt template
chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser ()
# run the chain
text = chain . invoke ({ "topic" : "bears" })
print ( text )
rclpy . shutdown ()
import rclpy
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROS
from langchain . prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core . output_parsers import StrOutputParser
rclpy . init ()
# create the llama_ros llm for langchain
llm = LlamaROS ()
# create a prompt template
prompt_template = "tell me a joke about {topic}"
prompt = PromptTemplate (
input_variables = [ "topic" ],
template = prompt_template
# create a chain with the llm and the prompt template
chain = prompt | llm | StrOutputParser ()
# run the chain
for c in chain . stream ({ "topic" : "bears" }):
print ( c , flush = True , end = "" )
rclpy . shutdown ()
import rclpy
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROS
rclpy . init ()
# create the llama_ros llm for langchain
llm = LlamaROS ()
# bind the url_image
llm = llm . bind ( image_url = image_url ). stream ( "Describe the image" )
image_url = ""
# run the llm
for c in llm :
print ( c , flush = True , end = "" )
rclpy . shutdown ()
import rclpy
from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROSEmbeddings
rclpy . init ()
# create the llama_ros embeddings for langchain
embeddings = LlamaROSEmbeddings ()
# create a vector database and assign it
db = Chroma ( embedding_function = embeddings )
# create the retriever
retriever = db . as_retriever ( search_kwargs = { "k" : 5 })
# add your texts
db . add_texts ( texts = [ "your_texts" ])
# retrieve documents
documents = retriever . invoke ( "your_query" )
print ( documents )
rclpy . shutdown ()
import rclpy
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROSReranker
from llama_ros . langchain import LlamaROSEmbeddings
from langchain_community . vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain_community . document_loaders import TextLoader
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain . retrievers import ContextualCompressionRetriever
rclpy . init ()
# load the documents
documents = TextLoader ( "../state_of_the_union.txt" ,). load ()
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter (
chunk_size = 500 , chunk_overlap = 100 )
texts = text_splitter . split_documents ( documents )
# create the llama_ros embeddings
embeddings = LlamaROSEmbeddings ()
# create the VD and the retriever
retriever = FAISS . from_documents (
texts , embeddings ). as_retriever ( search_kwargs = { "k" : 20 })
# create the compressor using the llama_ros reranker
compressor = LlamaROSReranker ()
compression_retriever = ContextualCompressionRetriever (
base_compressor = compressor , base_retriever = retriever
# retrieve the documents
compressed_docs = compression_retriever . invoke (
"What did the president say about Ketanji Jackson Brown"
for doc in compressed_docs :
print ( "-" * 50 )
print ( doc . page_content )
print ( " n " )
rclpy . shutdown ()